George joined the men scrubbing in the river. His eagerness was contagious as he motioned his sons to join him.
"I will be going back to Germany when I am grown," Hans Jr. promised his father.
"And in the meantime, we will be accepted into the tribe. You are underage Son, therefore the decision rests with me as your father."
Claus eyed the river with wary eyes as George swept him high in his arms, following the chief to the riverbank.
"Scrub," Chief Black Bear instructed. "When you come out of the water, you will be Mohawk."
"About that..." Hans began, youth loosening his tongue, "I'm not exactly sure I want to live like a wild man."
George shot his son a warning look but it was too late, the chief was able to speak and understand English.
"Wildman?" Chief Black Bear hid his amusement.
What better life was there for youth on the cusp of manhood?