Dark Star couldn't exactly say that God had answered her prayers. No, she wouldn't go that far, but for the first time since being hurled back in time, she felt secure. There was no way she would be sent back to the life she had led.

"This..." She looked around, "This is what my heart longs for - where I truly belong."

Unable to hide the smile which reached her eyes she glanced over at her husband. Unconventional, maybe. She would have planned this moment better, but why should she? She was bursting with the need to let her husband share her news. Today, her cup of joy was truly overflowing.

Peter was standing alone looking over the tranquil lake, his thoughts elsewhere. Around him were the gentle sounds of his village stirring. Renewed hope. Those were the words that came to mind; they buried the past sorrows, holding onto something once elusive: Peace.