Fawn left her husband's side, approaching the younger chief.
"What troubles you, Son?"
Chief Long Knife sighed but kept his promise that he would honor Chief Black Bear's wife.
"I am not certain what to do with the warriors who betrayed me and my tribe."
Fawn twisted a gray-streaked braid, frowning herself. It was true, he was in a predicament.
"Our lives were spared and for that, we owe a great deal to your husband and God, however, this mutiny was planned for months. If I let it go, then I am a weak leader in their eyes and will have trouble at my door. I will never be able to trust my people and yet..."
Fawn kept her own counsel, waiting for the young man to wrestle with his thoughts uninterrupted. She didn't have long to wait.
"I know God requires I forgive these men and I must obey God, yet as a leader, I need to show my tribe my strength or we will be in danger in the future."