“Jaira,” Gretjen waited until Jaira looked at her before continuing. “I know these changes are difficult for you. I cannot begin to understand how you must be feeling having just lost your husband.”

Gretjen tenderly stroked Jaira’s hand as she spoke.

“Are you a Believer in Jesus?”

Jaira nodded, not willing to release her scowl just yet.

“Then you might remember that the Bible says that all things work together for good to those that love God. We might not see it now, but God is still on the throne and in control. He knows the end from the beginning and is well aware that you are married to Strong Oak. His plan is bigger than what we can see right now.”

Gretjen paused for a moment, waiting for her words to sink into Jaira’s turbulent thoughts before continuing.

“Whatever our situation, we need to remember God is faithful and will not turn His back on us now.”