“Would you like to hold Torris?” Dark Star gently tapped her infant’s back, her eyes meeting Jaira’s.

Jaira shrugged, turning away. “Ya, no thanks. I can’t wrap my mind around how God chose to give you a child conceived in sin whereas I remain barren. I was married for years and yet my womb remains locked up. I don’t get it and holding your baby is just a slap in my face.”

Dark Star hadn’t realized how Jaira was feeling and immediately felt bad.

“I’m so sorry, Jaira, I never meant to flaunt anything in your face or make you feel bad.”

Jaira didn’t respond. What could she say? At that moment her faith began to quiver. Hadn’t she been adamant in her fervor for righteousness? Why was she punished with what her heart longed for most while those who lived in sin were rewarded? Something was off and completely unfair. No, she didn’t even want to look at her new nephew.