Chapter 66: SILENCED

Flames licked the sky as Adelaide was yanked into a standing position by the hair. The glimmer of moonlight off the metal tomahawk blade raised above her head was Adelaide’s undoing, a scream escaping her throat.

“She’s with me,” a younger warrior stepped forward, pulling her against his firm chest with one smooth motion.

With a sneer, the older of the two men stepped backward. “I didn’t know you liked pale-faced women. There are plenty more where we are going…”

The young warrior laughed, but mirth did not reach his steely brown eyes. “She is not my woman. The child is the son of our chief, Long Knife.”

The older man blanched beneath his deep bronzed complexion. “I didn’t know. Please tell your chief it was a simple mistake. I would not have expected his wife and child to be alone and so far away from the tribe. I meant no harm…” he stammered, aware of the consequences of hurting the wife and child of the Mohawk chief.