Chapter 69: AT THE FORT

Chief Long Knife walked at the front of the tribe, his warriors keeping a respectful distance. Word travels fast, even faster when the tongues telling the tales are laced with bitterness. Why Kajirowirago was chosen to find the chief’s bride was not something to be overlooked, yet none of the men guarding the women and children as they followed the chief’s lead dared voice their disgruntled thoughts.

Chief Long Knife wasn’t aware of the dark thoughts or scowling features of those behind him.

“God of Brebeuf, if you are truly real and still hear my prayers, please spare the lives of my wife and baby. I have lost everything - two wives and all the children I was blessed with.

My grief is more than I can bear and yet I must be strong for a tribe who’s been the enemy of my people - a leader before men I cannot trust. God of Brebeuf, I fear I cannot go on much longer and need wisdom. Please have mercy on me... I admit in humility before You that I am but a man.”