31 Not the thanks intended

This was the frist time the family prepared Thanksgiving not at thier normal location. As per always, the three children behave to annoy each other. The annoyed red cheek auntie. The gave no consequences grandma. The over worked, under paid and felt used the most was hoping the visitor will bring freedom to the hostile fencing. She found love and a true freind. She wanted him to see why they aren't going to stay here in Florida, even if it meant convincing or forcing her duaghter and son to come with against thier wishes.

What no one was ready for is not only the head of the family, the grandpa, having break the view lens of reality they all see through. Introducing undertaker allies to his gifted grandchildren. But uninvited biological fathers of both these older children came to stake claim of forcing parental rights. They assumed that there was plenty of leverage to basically kidnap the two eldest away from poor waged pockets here. Then there was the little girls unseen imaginary freinds... who became a very real. All in due part for the break in what was dream spirits and what was existence. They hide from everyone else but her... until tonight. Everyone was about to get a taste of how scary the uneducated duaghter was really out smarting all of them put together.

That all seems a spoiler. But it puts in context of events she already was scribbling in her own language in a colouring book that morning.

"Death upon thee!" A demon and angel killing each other in the backyard. She got up from the living room floor and watched the creatures eating the scraps of bits the two fighting left laying around. They all scattered fast as the elder lich tree snatched prey and the god eater under the house ate the demon and angel. She blinks unfazed of the gore. She looks at the nearest clock and washed her hands. She set making the coffee machine. Washed hands again and went back to her left open colouring book. A long white haired man leaned down poking it and that she was blocked from moving forwards by wing man. He must be an angel sort with the amount of silver and gold he is covered in. She instinctive sort of flinched as the angel was reaching backward to prepared to kill. Nothing came about as the undertaker shook not at the angel and approached her. Moves the chair for them both at the dinner table, pats about her book. She sits staring about his uniform ans gauging his eyes actual interests. Their eyes are the only honest and readable predictions she could follow.

"Good morning Lea." She looked up to her uncle half awake treading to the coffee maker. Two cups, "You use which coffee today?"

"The one auntie was talking about when we unpacked shopping yesterday. Happy Thanksgiving." He smiles that she a good honest girl. Although she can't read well, she was always better at remembering things and was good at adjusting. She made no freinds from changing school to often. He treated her like a person unlike most other people of the house. Respect that she was just different. While her mom was to focused about the school struggles to see the person her duaghter is. Her aunt just disliked or had problems to begin with. Poor Lea and Brother Joseph shined traits that auntie hated most. Her uncle is a normal man that can see undertakers or weird things. He has a ribbon of binding over his eyes. Her aunt as one eye over wrapped and the other vacant of sight at all - spiritual speaking. Uncle carries the coffee away after that, hear those two talking through the door. The annoyed hiss of how dare that girl sit on that spot at the dinner table. Couldn't even dare mention of who made coffee and the coloring book on the table, he just knew it was unnecessary to further wedge the hard enough relationships here. He did even mean to just make things bad, he was just answering who he was talking to when he 'made' and fetched the coffee. The next awake was her brother that got his own small drink. He came to sit with her at the table and offers if reach things for his dwarf sister. He doesn't know she makes the coffee and baby formula each day and how hard that be to reach. She does even barely reach the rim of the counter. Even so, her brother extended his nice manners to the undertaker. The man stares frozen at the spot, finger still poking the colouring book. He smoothly faced her brother that crossed arms with impatient manner. Declines the drink offer. At least the undertaker knew now these two children were aware.

"Mom is too but she will not tolerate you while grandpa isn't around. You have to come back during the lunch hour." Lea whispered and her brother agreeing at this.

"You need to hide mister. The tree or thing under the house eats folks like you." Her brother adds.

"The reptile ate the two men fighting in the backyard. The tree will eat the invaders from our biological fathers." She adds further ans her brother gasps at her revelation. She began sort of warning her brother about the dream she had. The premonitions of today events. The undertaker heard it all and slinks away somewhere out of sight. He was already adapt at hiding as a King's spy.

"Good morning you two." Mom made them jolt.

"Happy Thanksgiving." out pace from each other. His reeling from her detailed dream and she acting faster to respond to things in covering up conversation. Even so, mom scowled of something being off and is quick to take the colouring book off the dinner table. She doesn't want her sister having a fit about colouring on the dinner table. Not that Lea was, the wax crayon box is still in the living room.

"A new cartoon is on today and I was trying to convince Joseph to work the TV for us to watch it. But it's to late now. Don't want to miss the parade." Her mom scruff heads and with coffee goes to the living room. On goes the parade as planned. Colouring book and crayons out of baby reach.

"You both get dressed proper today." The command given. That last brow lift at each other as that was an indicator of important guests coming and meant some of Lea's dream was spot on. The tree in the backyard is flying about branches already in notice passing the back door. The angel guy that wad with the undertaker was snatched through the slide door as uncle went for a smoke. The reptile eating another angel. He brother is pale about that while Lea seen to a few to many times to register fear anymore. Her heartless look away frist and his fast to run to his room for safety. Aunt hissed at him in his passing for; A touching her and B running in the house like he never should be. It was that he touched her nice dress that she was mad more for. Not that nothing, no even a mark was left there. Lea wears not only the outfit her mom laid our but Lea's shadow was adding to it. Under clothing and a strange stretched material around the stomach. The extra layers didn't belong to human touch, sewn onto her by her own shadow image. Very mature and patient girl. Did her own hair styling. Exiting the room a tall strange accent man with a suitcase is shaking hands with everyone. Lea is the last and she debating when to make contact. If anything she feels that when she in the picture, there sews the discord from her aunt. Then everyone sort shows their mean side.

"Lea. Come on over and met this man. His..." Lea didn't need to be told, she knew from the sort of energy he carried who hw was going to be. That he well matched the woman Lea loves behind her mom's eyes. When mom isn't the over worked and over tired lady. No hand shake, straight to a hug. Joseph scratched in sort of admitted that they knew this guy was coming, no matter much a surprise it should have been. Auntie was seemingly the only one less in the know. Her lover beside nods in finally sort of seeing why his sister in law was strange lately. He didn't know what over but knew its a surprise coming. The baby began to cry and attention was completely on the baby for auntie. Nothing of this event mattered about this total stranger from a foreign country being in her house. Lea doesn't really know what to talk about with her new dad. She kept to being a clueless girl act for the benefits for not to appear changed over night. She was afraid of being herself when all around her were people that don't feel motivated to learn who she is.

Gladly talk does need to happen long, grandpa is next here. Beside a undertaker ambassador and demon from the boarding school association. Meeting a fellow ex human student, the English man was well met already with spirit people. That was a lot more then her mom bargain for and is extreme benefit towards the overall situation. But Lea stares at the front door while her brother signed his life over to the school. He was now under the guardianship of the boarding school, not the humans here. This will cut the biological father of his from having wane over parental responsibility. It should be Lea's turn now, she seems to not listened at all - annoying her mom and aunt. But thier father curs them off from telling her off. His the only one that knows the real girl. He knows she wasn't going to sign over anything if she didn't benefit from it.

"I am moving to England with Mom and Dad." She spoke matter of fact, "It's a lovely place and better schools. They aren't going to treat me like unworthy market meat." She posed her hand at telling everyone to be silent. She actually times it of the door being rudely opened by her biological father, but not her brothers father. In that regard her brother mother is to busy feeding a baby bottles milk. But still his going to do just fine. This was what has to be since grandma will not allow both elder grandchildren to leave the country. She drove grandpa here and had been looking after him since he had another hip replaced. She been bleeding Uncle's ear in distracted the normal sighted man from questioning why the two other humans they brought here weren't normal. Illusion mockary ro blend in among living humans isn't perfect enough to out smart even a blind sighted human like her uncle. He will know and find them uncomfortable if he did have attention to it. Everyone but Lea was paying awareness about the front door. So came her turn to talk, she uses it to point out the unwelcome visitor. The Wealthy rich Seer was not dress to get his lover back, although deflated in seeing her holding a English man's hand. He came to take the child as sacrifice for the tome pay of blood payment. He is about to have a decent reason to never try this with Lea ever again.

"I guess things are a little more complicated then you bargained, Trickster." The long white haired undertaker moved from being hidden and is a ally of the others already here, "You couldn't send enough demons here to take her. Tried as you did and many names seem to disappear."

"The Lich tree is very happy of his gifts you sent him. He gladly gifted me many things in return of that favour." Lea adding along and the English man gasped in fear of such a creature being nearby, "It's fine dad. The tree protect the land and farms the humans that it shares root under. Using humans as bait for snacks is the brightest idea that it and the snake has truce over."

"Yes that snake isn't normal either." He huffed, "So how long have you known?" She looked down in considered answering this but she huffed as she heard her aunt grinding teeth. The woman will explode and does so with pushing the unwelcome man out of her house. Knocking the other walking up jerk backward to. She had gave the baby to her lover and now the three were outside at the front screaming match at each other. Lea huffed in how they came in so quickly for some reason.

"There an army of Dementors out there." Making everyone stood up.

"Oh, that makes sense. The lich and god eater wouldn't touch them." Lea taking her colouring book and a crayon to add more notes, "Dream eaters win over god eater and ex primordial." She wrote her own way as always. The undertaker leans over her shoulder in her expensive notes and leans back as she closed the colouring book, "I guess I need to swap stuff now. I didn't think they bother me this side." Off she pushed around people and walked alone out the front door. She skips a little freely down the drive way and got on with her trading unhindered. They all turned to her grandpa that sighed lengthy of that.

"I tell her not to make friends and she chooses them?" He rubs a temple.

"Oh that's not the relationship you call that." The undertaker here the longest had read her colouring book, "She studies dream veil creatures and other hidden pocket creatures. She not exclusively their friend but rather has been accepted among the many cultures she been sticking business with. They aren't the only ones that like her. Well react to her different ways. She has something special for sure."

"She got to do with the nightmare shape hovering around the security gates?" The English man sort of had to ask.

"I am the nightmare stretched along the walls that trades broken things." She replied pushed back past people and back to the sofa, "There is a classification name used for that. That's dream walking. Bit given I been taught the advanced under table things, you could say that my other body shape is considerably called - a nightmare proxies. If I really want to bore you, I am a leader of a faction of such beings. But my role doesn't have anything to do with my living life or my humanity. Rather I leave such things to my insanity, it does the dirty stuff. I don't ask questions of why. There isn't a point." She goes back to her colouring book and added a bunch more stuff now, "The infection or whatever can indeed attack god slayers but of no consequences to humans whom are protected naturally by being living." She went to sort of dip the crayon like a feather to ink but she stops short in remembering her human hands. She waved over the colouring book like it needed drying, "I already completed the study of the imp pocket that you asked about to me recently, grandpa. I have finally made several conclusions of what the issue you meant." She puts the crayon back and folds hands together. She sits all bright forward with attention. Her Grandpa sighed again and nods to her that she can continue, "A new lord nightmare has made nest among the imps that can dream there. As it turns out this pocket allows even demons, angels and undertakers to experience what humans do when they go dream. That nightmare Lord has only interests in plaguing demons. So I guess you show expect a new demon cult to raise in worship of the nightmare. It will not be long that popularity of the cult among demons will gain human traction. Some new trend will follow that. But overall it be harmless. The dude a nice man, likes books and computers. But he relishes demon torment. His isn't the nightmare you want to be scared of. Rather mysterious creatures being spotted will be the nightmares you want to get a move on ridding. Here in America, you have about three to watch out and the other 30 to find appeasement with. The rest in population are owned by Lords or disinterested in humanity. I don't blame them. If given the chance, tormenting gods does sound like an easy life." She tilts as he smirks at how she likes these odd perspectives she gains in what she does. He has all do respect for how she out smarts people but in using it to be a helper.

"But these demons are erratic when we encounter them." Her English father exclaims.

"Then wake them up. They just sleep walking. Sleep walking is something anyone that can sleep could accidentally have the condition for. A good punch the the face or strong smell and they be wiser for being awake. They be all confuse on why they are there and how things happened. Most will just leave." She shurgs.

"Do you command control over the Dementors?" The undertaker had to ask.

"No." She flops her left hand dismissive and snorted a little, "I get their stuff and they get to stay here longer. Its sort of a cross boundaries tax. The insane one made that deal and the books I asked further of the subject said it was just easer to have more harvest of broken and lost objects this way."

"Books? The tome?" That biological idiot heard her.

"Go away, I am not going to fix more." She huffed, "You got rid of me, so you can't go asking for stuff from me. I am not written in your pages. So leave like the uninvited guest that you are. I am not joining your cult and I have no intention of ever fixing your books again. You tear a page, you fix it. You are the keeper of the index. You fix it."

"I am not even here for that. I came to take you home."

"Yeah right. Have me spat out the pages like the last scarification child. I watch those names being broken, so go away. You aren't welcome. You are a nuisance. A uneducated man that can't fix a spill drop of ink. Leave us be. You not taking me. No amount of greasy police hands and judges being puppeted by demons will make you take me in your favour. You throw us away. You don't get to take back anything. She moved on without you. I never will be able to look at you for what you should have been. So get out if here!" She had shouted at him, stood up as she spoke and she used a voice that wasn't human. He doesn't move an inch. She sighed in feeling better that was off her chest.

"He will unfreeze shortly. But I wanted to make a sort of request to you. You are rhe one that takes broken things. The king I serve has lost his scythe in a god eater. He long gone but we need it for the coronation of our next monarch." She turned around the undertaker with lone white hair. She sort of shrugs unsure.

"What does this scythe have that makes it special from others? I have many death god blades and fallen lost tomes." She posed, "In what exchange of something do I get from this. I prefer as less attachment issues as possible, rubbish to be thrown away at best. But you are a unique undertaker, you must have something interesting to tell or share." He backed off at this, "You don't have to do this right this moment. Consider the offers and what you are allowed to tell me. I don't need to know why is special because of using it. I ask that to identify it better. As example, the true title of death. His blade metal is the only one made of all metals ans carries am aura of creation itself. Its no wonder either, as the true title deals with the most broken souls. I had returned his lost blade a few times. I learn that the handle changes with host of the title but the metal never changes. It can look like an ordinary scythe to the untrained ones. A mistake to do would ever to insult the soul within the metal." She looks in how lost he is, "You have to ignore my human face sometimes. Other times you need to remember I am a human with a heart. I would gladly give you this special item with anything. You can just give me paper and I will be happy. You clearly need some permission to ask things. So you know who I am really and know how to trade with me again. I don't do souls but I will protect souls when they ask me. You know your not the undertaker to asked me. We both know the dueling law. We can work around that. OK?" He had smirked at this. The undertaker at the coach huffed.

"Thank the Lords she has decency. Here I thought dealing with your granddaughter was going to be the hardest part."

"Well she still is. She not stupid. Things have prices. She maybe respecting your laws but she has the other laws too. Don't take that kindness without knowing she isn't going to take something in exchange. Even trivial as her saying she will take paper, she going to find a way to use that paper."

"Yeah, having nice pretty paper to send my paper mail friends isn't easy. Especially when trying to recommend the next series of books to a god."

"Ah... I got you." He breaks out of that frozen pose, "That's very clever. You made yourself mail pen pals. But here everyone thinks you can't write."

"It's not my strongest thing. He sometimes sends back my mail with red pen corrections. I think he sometimes enjoys the break to educate normal stuff. Instead of all those spelling mistakes in soul names and having to sigh over his followers not always being literal. With my mail, its not a detrimental thing over the existing realms if it was written wrong or not. Nice to have someone normal to act normal towards. A lot of folks look at the surface and forget the look past that."

"That's very lovely advice. I will find that useful." He pats about his pockets and with a pen. He wrote down a long stringed line of things, "You can write to me when you send a raven with this runic cycle." It's not a circle now but she will when to write it later. She takes that gladly and stuck it hidden under a sleeve. A clap is made and the flow of event returned. She once again facing toward her biological fool and slightly out of breath from her shouting. The demon who is now her brothers guardian makes several calls and it wasn't long that police pulled both unwelcome men off. Given warning for trespassing on private property. Even as Thanksgiving should have began, ended swiftly. Grandparents leave. The demon with her brother. The English man, her mom and now Lea is packed barely enough. The house goes down to just the three. Man. The lover. Their baby. A Thanksgiving that isn't a thanks or blessing at all. How harsh it was to leave things frail edged. Face first into concrete now that there wasn't other people to do small jobs. Nor the extra income from the sister paying rent this whole time. One less person of two working because someone has to make time to look after the baby. Maternity leave was unthinkable in the job her aunt has, but now it was forced in her hand regardless of her wishes.

"I hadn't a clue that things were going to fall that badly woth your sister." sitting in the rental car he came here with. Parked in a parking lot to go over the things that had happened. To cool temper and the reality of her own duaghter being capable thinking. To reflect in the treatment that might as well be insulting to her duaghter in how she treated things. So much to think. So much to burden. Lea was fast asleep in the back seat. She expended a lot of mental energy in sight tracking and her emotional burst at that man. Equally it was plenty late the evening for someone her age, sleep for a growing girl was for the better. Thanksgiving ran quite a lot fast them expected. It was all to fast pace in life changing decisions.

This was not a good day at all, is the only thing accepted in many minds. Here in this car or other places like her grandfather being tucked to recover bed. Some many felt weighted in what was said and how it happened. Regret in what was said.