32 Multitasking attention

"In exchange of putting your focus into the spirit world, existence as a spirit being. The human life left behind doesn't die nor does get simply erased. You can come back to your living existence anytime, freely. You will live the life you have always. You already know what type of way you make your chooses. You will know how you life leads as you are still connected. When time reverts, this you will retain the spirit world memory but the human you will go back to the time thought you were of that moment. Most times as background noise as you hear the tomes often. You already uniquely record as you need." She sits across from herself. The shadow of her and the her that takes the most charge. She understands already this was always just herself. That her shadow is her subconscious underneath. The truth to take away from this was that she was accepting that her way of thinking now needs to stay in the spirit worlds and that the shadow of herself wants to lead the more normal human way of things. It wasn't being unfair, it's doing what she wants. She still broken bits, some bits want a normal human life and the other half of her wants to study spirit folks. This was the prime age to make such break of these two halves individual. She can always come back whole whenever but she is free to divide her soul as she pleases. She was already chopped up bits. This was the best way for her to 'grow up' and let go of her over active younger imagination. To finally settle down emotional toll and make peace in leading different lives at the same time. To let go of the youth and make changes to be the adult she sees herself often as. Every child grows into changes when they know who they are. She already figured out the human side of things many lifetimes ago. When they take the plane over, that be when she will divide the needed amounts. She had a life changing excuse for her changes and the culture shock of living in England to ignore the parts of her lack divine ability. She is whole way forward going to England, nothing much but the love of family and memories will be left behind. If there was going to be a regert, then she will just have to accept that there was no changing it.

So leading up to the last days that man stays, there held the wedding on the beach. That wedding photo marking the last time she will be whole shape and ignorantly young. It was a short notice ceremony and their honeymoon was three days at the lower end of Florida alone. Lea stays at her grandma's. Grandma didn't go to the wedding in protest and spite over the whole moving countries thing. In that time grandma tried to convince and scare Lea that the English man was a mistake. The poor woman made it only bad for herself. The worse she spoke of the English man, the more nasty Lea realised her grandmother really is. She was blissful ignorant of the mental health signs. But now as the filter her grandma used to pretend to be nice was gone. The raw turth of other things were talked about. Lea can't help be see a woman destroying the life and love around her. This wasn't the grandmother she knew, and for it to been triggered now. It was going to be worse misfortune when she makes return visits back here.

When mom came alone collecting Lea, the he had to go back and set things ready for them to move. The application of papers needed and passport obtaining. Its all the security check list stuff needed to move to a different way of life. Lea certainly got more quiet since leaving Grandma's. Making her mom worry that the little girl at Thanksgiving was just a illusion. But when they were some ways far from grandma's house, she began to sing with the radio. Starting out as shaken nervous as she felt her grandma made her feel. To being loud and giggling with mom's jokes. They eases off as the radio talker came on in some news meant her mom dials down the volume for a bit. Lea back to staring out the window in lost thought. Rather she seems trying to pluck courage to say something. But she sinks in considered that it wasn't time for it yet.

"What made you want to move to England? You seem to came up with the idea before I was even married. To man you never seen before." Lea snorted in recalling her mom's excitement to answer the phone to this unknown man's voice. The emails she jump any chance to the only working computer for. She didn't need to meet this man to know her mom felt happy. Clearly, her mom met him at least once before now. Considering that fate keeps pushing Lea to England in most lifetimes. This was her path only for her. She hardly ever have spread to other countries, they are all to poor in pocket for the other extremes. Lea has lived three other parts of the world in other lives. One of those is an island unique of that universes creation. But this doesn't make her ill travelled. Her future older life is full of exploration and adventure. The future is bright ahead if she follows the fate she should and this human life needs a steady life. Her human side will still impact her spirit side, even when the two halves had gone different ways. If she got in a car wreck, her spirit will feel it too. A bad relationship will impact her. She can't help but want to choose a safer country. Not one as full of natural disasters on an annual basis.

"I have a good gut feeling that things will be better for the us both when we get there. Rocky it will start but the educational system is different there. They treat me differently in not only my funny accent but I might actually finally graduate grades. I will not be left behind. If I do get left, it be because I choose to - not because I can't cope with changes." She reached forward to a chrysalis, her mother stares strange of her duaghter touching something that isn't there. Lea pets it and back to watching the window, "You have to be at my graduation."

"You have to get there." Her mom's doubts as before. Cutting off Lea from saying anything else. She wasn't in the fine mood to talk again. She closed her eyes while turned away from her mom, trying to not say something she doesn't mean to. She also knows there wasn't a point of saying what she wanted next, it's not like her mom was into the spirit realm stuff at the moment. Saying stuff now will only help when her mom is more active in her raising ranking. It can be a pleasant shock for her mom later, let her know to late to ask Lea for small supplies. She does need to be totally petty, she try slipping hints to her mom as she gets older. Her mom acts completely cut off with so many other doubts that she doesn't realize how confident cutting that was. A good thing Lea is stubborn to prove things like having a graduation.

"So what does he do for work?" Lea asked.

"He does lots of jobs." Lea roll eyes at the vague answer.

"He works for the black coats while doing airport duties?" Trying to be direct. Her mom frowns in not wanting to discuss afterlife living to her young daughter. It seems being eager to die young, meanwhile Lea's shadow was officially batching up sale items such as candles, pouches of spell blessing wards and black sand which is a key component for summoning or two way spirit conversations across world curtains. The equivalent of powdered versions oujo board for ghosts to talk to other types of ghosts. The silence for not talking or a suitable answer to her question had passed. Lea stares out to the moving car landscape, considering the next time she do this is for holiday visit. She already knew that she be back here in America for celebrations. Both happy and sad occasions. The way the trees cover in the Spanish moss swaying in the picked up breeze felt poetic of the storm her mother was in. So stressed of many factors and particularly in fearing her strange daughter. Clearly hasn't spent enough time together to be eye to eye. Lea grits in just having to wait, that was how it will have to be.

"I hope I am not interrupted anything." Lea smiled to her English father in the Undertaker uniform.

"She just doesn't see that I have better eyes then her." Lea shurgs, "You would believe me if I told you." He nods softly in trying to gauge actions. Her mom grips the wheel tightly, "I am book keeper. So of course I am aware. I have to be. Or else the book will hit me again."

"That makes a lot of sense. You must then already establish ranking within Sigil." He nods to this. Her mom gasped like that was a issue to speak of.

"I do... I have two ranks. If you need anything like sand or spell cloth, I have plenty. Repairing the tome pages comes with benefits." Lea felt safe to talk to him this way. He smiled that she can trust him at least this much, "If you have a problem with Dementors, let me know. I have their record. Among that of God eaters and... well that goes to complicated."

"Some tomes are unique, if it exists here in this universe. Then there is a soul name in the book." She slightly frowns at this. She doesn't correct him. That her name is example of a soul accounted for but not written. She goes back to ignoring things. Lost to her thought. Her mom uses the mini conversation between them to get over this revolution. That her duaghter might actually be smart. She can't see past the illusion and acts that Lea played.

"I am actually here to inform you both about some spirit things with England. Because your spirit connected, thus means there a chance of you being affected by the way the curtain works. Why Britain is a active hive for 9 undertaker kingdoms at war constantly." He sees that her mom isn't really following as good as her duaghter. So starts at a more basic level. Explaining that there is 5 races other then humans. Lea appreciates listening to his perspective of what these are. Angels amd divine beings are lumped as one type. Demons and nightmares are lumped together. Undertakers. He says there are land guardians. Lastly, the masked ones. He further explained about the war with Tricksters - Humans with mask curses and play schemes in ruining things for everyone else. Which mom sort of breaks the news thar Lea is meant to be a Seer too. He accepted that, looked worried about it but accepted. He cleared his voice and more topic about boundaries and time slips that happen naturally around monuments and especially around prehistoric forts. Given the UK is full of hodden or lost prehistoric sites. Being vanished is a common problem.

Vanished literally means being lost in a slip or being time sent forward or backwards. Some humans have learnt to use these things to be 'immortal' which are where royal family of Britain controls these gates as secretive as possible. The legend of King Arthur was prime example of accidental awareness to the wider public. Spun to what it is today but the all thing about Merlin and Morgona of magic users is just folks that been vanished from thr future. People of science in a public of medieval medicine. It was a pleasure to listen to him talk of the legend this way and her mom being educated into the spirit world basics. She was accepting that this was her life in hamd of her afterlife, she is a Fallown. She met her past ancestors that told her she will be a undertaker.

They parked up to this motel off the main motorway. Lea peered with knowing this place, she had even gave the native American at the motel sign a slow welcomed wave. Her mom walked with Dad to get the room. He blinded her sight from hiding the illusion of ignorance. This place is undertaker slip pocket, when you know it's a busted abandoned motel - you see it that way and are removed from the slip. Lea has a stronger stay in the slip even if she is aware. She puts on her mask and got out of the car. She gives charms to all these spirit people she be staying with. The mother and child. The brothers that man the desk unaware of being locked in time. Their grandfather shuffling desk papers. Most importantly was abuela. She was in charge of keeping this time slip stable, it is her power thar cursed these grounds. The one that can provide real meals that are safe to eat.