64 All to his wishes

The river styx normally can carry the pass over of irregularities; taking ashen bodies of undertakers, the soul that remains from turned to ash, and deliver the soul to the next realm in the system. However there is a backlog of unmoved ones as the river styxs is no long able to preform his duties. That the broken laws of time fractured and expelled so much of a impact on the being. There isn't anatomy to speak of but something has happened to segmented and lost parts. This section happens to be one the least working ones, and thus there isn't any shift movement of these souls. But that doesn't mean this place didn't make a new way to shift the soul density and to keep the balance. Technically speaking, this was a changed kingdom boundary of undertaker monarchs. Long left the Unicorns and entered into the undertakers whom handle afterlife realms. There a demon tribe here who deals in prying the wayward souls from the river and takes coin cut from undertakers that will pay them for these souls. Enslaving these passed undertakers to the next available kingdom. As it turns out, trafficking of souls like this isn't a god law and is a moral grey area. It would seem Trixie didn't even make it to being in this log jam. Someone took her mask when she died and thus her soul had rejected taking the natural route. Her soul has slowly reattached to the mask and has been left into a coffin with a soul lock properties. Rather letter piece split off and be thier own individual, someone has intended that she loose not a piece. Yet her thoughts even in this state were about how she should have naturally taken the route she has to. Souls grow big and then tumble apart, that's the process to produce new souls into a universe like this one. A crystal cave that chipped softly for the chips to grown their own. But there is value in all her broken chips being kept whole, someone is intentionally trying to prevent her growing or changing. For once she was sad that someone would have dare to prevent her being accepted into the system of soul recycling. They allowed her this far, so why no further?

Since she is just a soul of no body or limbs. She can't even raise shadow or make her skin cloth. There isn't any spare materials to make her change. Strictly soul. She had inventory in case of these events but someone thought she did too. They prevent her. There is an option she can do since she is pure soul, god slayers and crimson creatures are by turth pure soul made material. It's why they don't have physical aspects in a living realm. She is just a mask as soul... that's enough for a small shape. She take all the energy she can from any surrounding the second this seal is broken.

She does start a earnest attempt but it would seem right then her soul and mask were taken from the seal.

Someone had crafted a fine work body, the joints and detailing. The craftsmanship is above anything she felt before. The soul is first place at the torso, through to an artificial heart. She is cautious at not wanting to be fooled into some sort of enslaving features. So diligence to seek search of the crests, curses and blessings. There isn't any of those over any inch, inside or out. Not even internal ones to animate the mock organs, which is a normal reason for some curses in an undertakers newly built body. She gladly knows those spells and don't need them artificial painted. She pleased there isn't any tampered curse.

If this is the body they wish for her to act through, she should at least use it to thank them. Maybe give them a few things in exchange to let her keep the body. So she settled her soul to spin threads temporarily, she doesn't have explicit permissions. As she attached to the mind that contorls this shell, she notes it been in storage a long time. It was a grand master piece without a soul that be able to withstand it. The missing curses wasn't the only body issue. It was the materials. This wasn't made the traditional methods of undertakers turned to clay which was produced. This was forcing an undertaker soul to attach to a premade shell. There hasn't been any documentation to prove this works. And this body did have attempts over its time shelved. The results of those souls were that they felt unworthy or that they had other will plans. A monarch soul came to borrow the mouth to speak orders but was prepared a new shell. This body puppet has collected dust without a soul long enough.

"So how will you know that this soul will not reject this body?" This body is in a standing harness, likely to help any soul threads attachment. But she it under control for now, the threads spread carefully.

"It's that this person soul is unique and she has a cursed mask. So in theory of my calculations." Her mask is place gently to the face. It attached on just fine, "the mask doesn't stay on if the soul attached to the mask isn't the one to wear it."

She connected hearing and the few senses that weren't of touch and feel yet. She needs more time before sight is functioning.

"Y-you left the Uniccorns in chances that this soul will awaken?" The stammer of disbelief. The aura around here was familiar in a draft of icy breeze. A refreshing cool when there been only tempered heat. Her pure soul was baking the inside of this shell, scorching blacken tattoos over the open chest. But heat only strengthens a body like this, pouring a steam as the threads. There was someone using a tool that peels away Rouge threads and had them flex in a nerve system pathing. To the point that she had to undo all the temporary placing and put the threads through all these parts in the way they should be. She doesn't feel comfortable taking this body without a price but they are intent proves that she has to do it right. But setting every thread correctly is going to take longer for her to be functional.

"Master Curiosity, there is a demon wishing to speak to you." As she knew that would be who took her soul. He leaves out of reach and the lone worker is back to guidance of soul threads. The worker shivered a lot, maybe he believes she watching or that he is watched. She isn't in the mood to seek answers but just in cases she cautiously began spinning clothus skins in her shadow, fast to allow limbs to move in defence.

"When will it begin to speak?" Heard nearby and the likely cause of the craftsman worry. He puts the tool down with clatter.

"It depends on the individual and thier willpower. A monarch spoke instantly before but only to use this as a temporary speaking tool. Given that the soul is setting itself properly, the voice will take time to adjust. They can't even see right now. Yet there is tells that they are focused at working themselves. Joints and the internal parts are moving, even if a soft jolt, that's the soul fitting into the system." The worker is excited in talking about these small things. But are silenced suddenly from speaking further.

"Barely made it as the monarch whom is the power that holds the realm together, as that power faded as did the lives whom lived there. We lost nearly everything. Barely have enough between us as it is." It's clear that this was his sister and she has spite for everything that happened, "We lost nearly everyone. Your soul, the four kids, myself, Greyhound and Curiosity. There could be others but we are disburse without contact." There so much negative energy pouring about her, it can't be helped to numb away those things from Pride and giving that energy to Trixie as bonus to flex more cloth. Her mask suddenly popped a little, a reaction from the mask was flexing into the face setting, removing air layer pocket. It was taken as a reply. Pride slams her fist angrily in clattered several tools. The whimper from the craftsman and the groaning that someone nearby woke up from that.

"Violetta." The monotone that could be a more excited voice then it hears to be. Remembering correctly, that's the nickname the Glader took.

"Marrow." The Glader confirmed this voice is the Darkwood, "How's Green and Orange?" Not being to sure which is which but those are the Seer and Fallown kids. So they are together with them recovering. The conversation was mundane between them about the realm they are in. This pocket realm is a god domain with a Sigil merchant courts. There trading and chances to be hired or picked up to another kingdom. There some uncertainties but Pride fustered them to be silent. The craftsman has a tool up and was plucking about her arms, there hidden extra features his connecting threads with. If she could see, she be flexing to them but this assistance is nice while blind.

"Why can't we analyze that now?" Greyhound is injured still or was badly so from the escape. The craftsman paused confused too.

"It doesn't work with her." Pride makes example of the prompt which Trixie can tell was seeking her permission to veiw information. For once, she allows the sigil system to show her merchant status and S rank oath of god court. There a shuffle of how everyone finds something off about it. Likely a glitch of languages, this the primary way that information is withheld even when accessed. It has lead to mistranslation in the past among other higher oaths but it makes due with proof without explanation. The shuffled of draft cold air had also made changes to the information, as the sigil board is sensitive with Curiosity. Flickering it to a more readable level for everyone. He was the one that started reading through the small unlocked titles. Closed off the sigil panel.

"Maybe things are easier then I assumed." He voiced in reaching to brushed the side of her face, "Once your awake, I will just have to ask to hire you. Or provide an offer that can't be refused." He seems pulled away and there was a flurry to off pitch distance. The craftsman was back to making some changes. Guiding a few more threads to properly latch. The knitting weave of her clothus skin was coming about even quicker. There been a higher concentration of negative energy. Some a draft of misery, sprinkle in pain and helplessness as some cherry at top. The clatter of more folks being pulled in and all able hands to pitch in. It was as if another kingdom of undertakers followed the collapse. The talk that passes was the panic if there was enough able-bodied helpers. If there be a government or realm intervention over the density push.

"I have to help others." The craftsman spoken worried. Trixie just barely can handle staring to stand on her own. She has barely enough to start moving if she has to. She made sure her hands are functional, undoing the straps that held her here. The craftsman seeing this helps her put of the harnes. She pulls her shadow and a newly built clothus cloak rests at her shoulders. It's plenty enough to keep her at her own.

"Please stay and wait for your friends. But I must go save some lives." She waved him away and stays put. She can't see anyways. She can only vaguely use aura to detect directions. She doesn't feel comfortable without more senses to work with.

"Does anyone have purification?" She heard behind. It was a delightful flavour of energy that needed purification. She turns gentle and steps blindly only three steps. Someone placed the palm in blocking her. She taps using her left to trace. Following the arm of this person. Sh got them off and pointed to the direction of the energy, "It needs purification." She posed to herself, "You can purify this?" She shoved forward and left hand guided to a broken limb. Crumbling and the spicy zap to it. She finds her left at just the worst spot and swaps hands. With her right hand, she plucked the energy into a material cloth. Once she has a hold of it, spun it as a continuous threading and then she uses this thread into a quick tied bracelet, which she put onto her clothus cloth. The individual stopped feeling suffering and she lifted herself away. She blindly pats about her left hand.

"How did you do that?" Snatched her wrist and snappy as always with Pride. Trixie can't reply, "Whatever, we are going this way." Not being sure this is the real Pride, Trixie got out of the hold and was back to blindly making her own choose. Pride girts in being even more mad. Clearly tried to hold Trixie at force. But it only jostled them both into a crowd and separated them. Trixie had to just trust the bumping shoulders and keep herself up. She not sure which is what direction.

"No. Just no. Don't you dare touch me." She stops with being confused who was scared of her. Posed hand in knowing this is Greyhounds voice. She still had to reach since he had some tasty energy attached. She at least got that off the guy, "Don't touch me!" She spun this thread and ties it through her cloth as like last time. Greyhound trying to escape her but is so wounded that he just flaying about on the spot. She felt that he in a worse condition then she able to see. She pats her hands about her cloth, she has emergency stuff. She vaguely can guess by the shapes her fingers pose to make due by the touch. She finds something close enough, "I don't want that. Piss off." She cursed the glass content over him. He swears her through the nine hills and back. She doesn't care, she makes sure the gaps are filled in. Scraps the excessive to be put into other gaps, following his arm and leg. She doesn't dare his head or torso. She has him bend joints to prevent them stuck together. His pushy pull to get her off was helpful to her working out his elbow, knee and ankle. She pats his head when he gave in. She finished by then. She sits down there. He pays mind about the plugged gaps she mended.

"What did you do?" Like she could answer, "Creep." She posed like that was upgrade at least.

"Greyhound!" One the kids, it had to be the Glader with how close they were to Trixie, "Wow that's tree sap and bee wax. It's natural glue. Where you get that?" Grey had to pointed at her, "You have some deep pockets, Miss Trixie." She shurg shoulder to such standards.

"That isn't possible. She can't be."

"Curiosity had her soul and we came this god workshop for a puppet body to put her soul in. He said she would maybe know how to use the shadow gloom gates." She can't speak, so she can't deny or correct the kid.

"Violetta, this isn't an undertaker. That can't be." Greyhound pulled the kid away, "That isn't the weak girl you went to school with."

There a bit of a tussle but Trixie made herself tuck in. Knees up to her chest and letting her cloth hide her small. She leans face to her knees, being back to her own internal growth. Overwhelming by the draft of smells.

"Trixie kept to herself. Everyone avoided her. She made sure to be alone. No one knows her really. She is selectively mute. Even her own brother doesn't know what she does among the sigil paths."

She felt a energy nearby that didn't suit among the aura of the crowds around her. She can barely get herself to stand up, someone was bringing something that bends the laws. Given she can't judge freind from feo, she will just need to defend without prejudice. She brought out twin swords from her storage. The scene she was causing had made a path for her to follow. She finds her flow of energy and the push to make circulation flex of her soul threads. Once she held full pace, she was warmed up to take the leap. Throwing herself to block the oncoming energy from opening a broken window. Her swords braced in cutting the runic spellcraft from completion. She can't see but the resistance of her edge meant she was at someone's throat. She isn't here to murder.

"That answered a lot of things. But how are you here?" She heard spoken at her. She eased down and felt the energy's of the area at displacement. She released those threads that were from the wounded. This eased the auras to neutralizing while fabric of laws have leg room for ease from being torn. There a passive waft at her eye line, she smacks them away by the hilt.

"Bloody hell." Busted their nose.

"She's currently blind." Curiosity trying to approach in caution, "I think she can hear us. But it's not the normal method. I would even bet if you had ill intent, you be pinned on the floor." His cold presence tickles near her and she couldn't help her reaction to step away.

"For someone that can walk the abyss, methods of senses aren't the same." She blocked that hand reaching at her shoulder and she swiftly went to threaten the spell caster from their attempt. They all backed away from her shift movement to defend laws.

"Oh, I get it. Omens, your tainted from the abyss. So your spellcraft will have energy she might be detecting as a threat to the laws." She eased, stabbed a sword at her foot side. Freeing her left hand to reach for judging them. Given that scale feathers... she then pats. Putting away the swords.

"Creep." She pats with removing something from storage, she had to smell to be sure and knew that was the wrong thing. Puts away and back to blind searching. She huffed in frustration. She had to removed her merchant ledger and check stock for a moment, once she found the entry. She knew better location to reaching, a much better grain, and smells better too. This is what she forced Omens hand over and puts to him. He had to be confused or afraid.

"Let me get this right. You just walk around carrying dangerous things? Why do you have this? Why are you giving it to me?" She can't speak but she can demonstrate. She plucked a random person from around her. Sheakes sure they are all ready. Belt straps and all. She posed them all tightly and wags left hand to notion they don't move. They trying to but she corrected them back again. Glaring at them to stay still. They shiver as they are. She then takes a pinch of the material from the pouch she gave omens. She throws the amount at the person. A god eater from her storage snatches the person through the veil, dragging them into shadow. This is what she then posed as her reply. Omens shuffled his weight, and clears his voice.

"Do you even know what this is?" She posed crossed arms in posing at him to sort of return that question, "This is abyss bait." She posed in how that wasn't the correct term. That was the misconception.

"It's grains of crystalized material. It's formed from flame creation turning cold. It's reclassified as the smolders of creations embers." She gives a thumb up for that correct explanation, "How do you have it?" She posed that hand at her face. Exasperated at not taking her title to value.

"Trixie!" Curiosity has finally crept to her back and pulled her back from being stood close to danger. But she got him off and pats her thighs. The echo rattles chain sounds turn to purring. She lowered and pulled a tubby fluffy body to her. She cuddles the little form and loves it dearly. Chin scratches and tummy raspberries. She is purring back, a much uncomfortable feeling that all began feeling in themselves.

"Mistress!" A figure throws itself to her feet and prostrate in begging. Making a glass trickling sound. She puts the fleshy fluffy thing aside. Lowered in being very unhappy to hear such a noise. She knocked thrice at the floor and it changes tones. Glass to pages fluster. She hissed and the being scrambles it away from her. She hissed annoyed, both hands as forward and retracts claws. There a wobbled in her hissing.

"I got the feeling that was a conversation about the tome." The smart cookie about the crystal grain.

"What? That was a conversation." Greyhound perplexed of that notion.

"I think I need to know this even if I don't want to know." Pride clapped her hands closed and must be posed towards Trixie, "Is this girl part god eater or poisoned by them? Just like what is she?"

"According to the accessible information that is allowed. She is part clothus, tainted by many god eaters and is the only being across vast universes to erase entire tomes." Curiosity shurgs, "She's hired as a soul languages scripter and part time repairs crew member for time space rips."

There a shuffling of disbelief among those at her reach.

"I do hire her for tome page repairs. She eats soul names in exchange. Not souls... just erases the flex memories inside souls. The method is her secert. If I knew how, I wouldn't be hiring her." So that be one the death gods she works with from time to time. But this isn't the true title, they have a flicker of sorrow and yearning. The man is dedicated to his wife, for sure. It's nice that they are around her, she can relax a little. Putting the claws away. Once those are gone, Curiosity pulled her shoulders to him. He patting her about a lot. She makes clear that she doesn't like it and that his weird.

"I know exactly what you mean." Pride taking her away from him, "Here. Allow me. You need your equipment on."

Trixie makes a chest armour peice be held up, Pride went to take the weight and fell to the floor from that. Trixie had to lift it back up, "What is that made from?"

"Maybe you don't want to know." Death warns.

"It's not your normal kit." Omens huffed. Trixie puts it on herself. She snaps fingers and she helped by things from her shadow. Many hands and strange things latching over the equipment. She clicked her back to flex better and the crew that had helped her are gone. She has a last touch, a hat with a veil. There a silver detailing that might as well be a crown. She covered in many gemstone charms that indicate her status of far surpassed places.

"Trixie... you wearing the wrong kit." Omens voiced again.

"I am not. I am no longer held back by having a living human status. This is my correct gear that I should be wearing. I am the mistress of nightmares Noctorm, the city of monsters. Where the manifests of phobia and broken things exist. Crowned as the second most important creature and Rightly noted, the eater of soul memory. There is only one above me, but this complexity isn't to be bother of gods." She uses the rant to find pitching, so most of it wasn't heard.

"Noctorm? The dream realms." Death ponders.

"Don't bother." She threatened Omens again, "Stop that. You don't want to use that. You will break my work. I will make you suffer." She has the sword back out, posed at the neck again.

"But why am I not allowed?" He defensively trying to keep the blade away.

"You will break the order of law. A boundary between such things isn't to be removed. You will be the cause of heavens fall, and cascade the god chamber to fall to the living realm. I am not sepnding my existence plucking souls of gods from the human populations. Not again. It was hard enough with the post traumatic stress." She snarls.

"Now now... then instead." Curiosity intervenes with posing her to stop this, "can we do this the other way?"

"Sure. Using the laws wrong is my sketch." She takes back the crystal in the pouch bag. And draws out a square, the gave it details like a handle and lock. She puts the spare away to her shadow. She the kneels and lifted at her own might to pull the drawing into a solid mass, creating a crystal door. She then kicked it open, it crashed the hinges. Leaving a creepy glass crystal door open.

"Wow there. You have to feed the door." She stops someone walking to it.

"Feed the door?"

"Yeah. Feed it." She removed a slab of unknown rotting purple meat. She throws this to the door and the whole object flexed, "Now it's passable. Not safe but passable. It's within law too. So that's more important."