65 Hitch hosting

They pushed her first through since she the one who made the questionable gate. She doesn't care that she is. Demonstrates that she can return back through it fine.

"Trixie... how long have you been using this method of transportation?" Omens asked worried. He sticks his hands about the doorway structure and the lacking back if walked to behind it. A solid shimmery mass but seems fragile in the hands of a god.

"It's funny because a version of you taught me." She does use body language to indeed be laughing. She seem sudden in deeply posed thinking, mostly alone her thoughts. Leaning at the door frame edge. She can't see and she was using her ethereal clothus pitching to speak. So it's not actually speaking correctly at all. She felt them brush past her shoulder using this gate crystal portal. All the undertakers that are close banded and Omens shifts shapes as he pleases to blend in while crossing unknown places. Death stays behind in god pocket realm, he overseeing the souls of those not doing well in the emergency treatment. Curiosity snatched her cloak in pulling her away. The crystal door being a temporary casting was going to start to fail. She can't see how badly it was about to break for her from the rest of them or that it couldn't handle omens passage. Once she crossed last. They stepped cautious, huddled in deep focus and worry.

"Where are we now?" They hold each other in some way to kept together. Trixie takes a moment in feeling the place and she starts walking a direction. Curiosity pulled her to evade something. He grumps lowly at her for not seeing the thing.

"Sunna!" She released as she goes greeting another one of her creatures, "You a tappy girl." If she could see, it should be a large mantis like being and it uses the front to make tip taps. She makes her own rap taps at her finger tips. As if turned into a little puppy, it wiggled its but. Lowering to pose those front limb down, slamming them hard at the floor in playful gesture and stomps in jumps. It so happy to have her attention for itself. It crashed into the wall not a caring, rolls to show its tummy. She of course gives tummy scratches of the plate carapace skin. She was making tongue clicks in high pitches. Once it was panting, it eventually was done and stands up, tall and properly. It take a fling leap to the ceiling and crawls away, she waved it off. Fast out of her sight and reach of shadow.

"You and your monsters." She heard hissed of likely someone who was fighting the monster before everyone showed up.

"Damn it, Eliza!" Curiosity growls and pulled her back to his side again, "I don't need these distractions."

"Not having your souls removed and played like chew toys. Maybe be more concerned if I didn't intervene." She breaks his grasp of her again, "And brother, why are you here? This isn't a safe hunter gathering spot. There wouldn't be anything that valued for finding here."

They all sounded exasperated from her lack of seeing the items thrown around the place, remains of ate travelers that took this short cut.

"She's totally blind." In her mind, this was a reply by someone that doesn't know this sigil segment. This corridor isn't documented that well in official developments, but the many missing that don't return or that lost lot showing up in strange places not considered connected. This place is crawling of many creatures that soul reap. The left behind equipment finds itself in the black market, wipped clean of this corridor.

"She it's wrong." Violetta is correcting the ignorant ones, "Nothing here is worth harvesting. Nothing here will be able to be taken or removed from this space. You only go here to use it to reach a different destination. But even then that's a gamble."

"You scared off what I came for." Putting her brother weapons away with metal rust clip sound. She's not sure what that was. She ponders to this dilemma of the group, her brothers request to fight the thing and the lack of funds they are suffering. She has heard Greyhound complaining about not having anything bargaining for equipment. She then had an idea, finally had an opportunity to show them some of her work.

"The souls that might have not been digested are stored that way." She takes a while in seeking a direction. She knocked a wall and makes large exaggerated strange posed. She finally strikes a sound that didn't sound good, it follows this low groaning.

The undertakers and her brother pulled together in whatever frightening them. Her brother unscathed his weapon again.

"Luna, you want scratches?" She posed open hands and there a snarl, "treaties?" There a clashing of a bashing tail. And she obliged such a things. Throws broke objects at the floor ahead of her. There a scatter of everyone being at her back. The mass from the ceiling falls and spray dirt on everyone. She frowns in being dirty but gladly plucked a bunch of souls off the beast. The beast peaking the broken objects between mandibles. It shakes enjoying the scratches too. It soon has zoomies. Pelting it a direction. She huffed at not finished. But it will do. Her brother takes the chips of soul crystals from her removing off the beast.

"My dogs are sometimes total idiots." She helps picking up bits to a container he has ready. Curiosity leans at guiding her blind guessing of the jar.

"So why you all here?" Her brother has to much of a full pocket to take anything else. Anything he couldnt take, she did. But there isnt anyone able to work out how she able to hold onto crystal soul fragments. He seems to adjust himself to stand. She being posed about by Curiosity, making her 'stare' the right direction to assuming her brothers gaze.

"The unicorn kingdom collapsed with the beheading of the corrupt king. He was going to sell these folks to hell and beyond. I was from a previous kingdom before the unicorns and was hired as the right hand. My sister was the left." That's not how it seemed for Trixie perspective of how they worked those jobs. The left hand shouldn't be publicly known.

"So refugees." Her brother takes lead to guide everyone out of here, "This the British boundaries, so you might be able to reclaim back to the empire."

Everyone marches, keeping together and the weak at the middle talked of mundane stuff. Worried about money and survival without a kingdom backing. Some optimistic tones for joining a British military institution. The distain for demon diplomacy being a tangle to fight. Trixie blindly walks and has to be occasionally stirred around some stone or objects laying around the floor that could be a trip hazard.

"The American side has totally collapse under so much changes. There is small businesses at sparce land points." Pride having better information about their business, "The native spirits are unaffected by the changes and are likely taking in displaced survivors as enslaved or whatever. I feel for those that crossed the canyon to escape. The lands that way are clothus territory. Hollywood is full of fake humans hidden among the population."

Trixie had it with not having independence. She brought a staff item, and shook Curiosity off her. She uses the staff to keep her aware of what not to step on. A tool to that was pointless for her to use but will comfort others knowing she was independent enough. Curiosity maybe had a strange expression or that the group was very scared again. Trixie made sure this staff wasn't some issue. She has not problems with it. She knows this was the broken remains of one the death god sycthes. The blade is long broken and it was just a glorified stick now.

"Does death know you have his partner?" Pride hissed, so it was the stick issue.

"The death that owned and used this sycthe is long gone." She replies in a lowering tone, "There is no power in this item. There is no way you or anyone who isn't my curse can handle it. It would definitely spook the poor souls if they did see it." She posed thinking and then just continued onwards. They shuffled quick to meet her pace.

"Trixie, your mask seems on wrong." Her brother pointed out.

"I thought that too. But then I remembered that it's a decoy." She couldn't help that she blocked someone going to attack her, "I can't use my real mask in this realm." She trips them onto the floor and posed back to her causal conversation, "it drips a lot and this will cause a lot of things to run. Besides, these decoys are sort of a emergency snack for me. I crush them into a powder for stuff too. I use the bones and ashes to sale on the black market."

Curiosity helped her brother off the floor since he was done making sure she wasn't a fake. They muttered a few bits and parted.

"Who are your decoys?" Curiosity then askes.

"It's a complicated process. They are me." She now the one being the guide and they just will have to follow her, "The last soul of those tomes." She blindly makes it to a spot that wall. She leans the staff aside. She has a dusting paint brush, scrapping the surface off caked layers. She collected this dust too but there some intentions about making a space free. She picked up the staff and away her kit goes. She had a chalk and dropped it. She shuffled about trying to locate it with sound. Curiosity is the only brave guy and retrieved it, she posed that he could do the honors. He peers about the chalk and the wall. He puts the chalk to her hand. She uses her cloth limb to sketching the details of a new doorway. She got to overly detailed. She knocked it with the staff and the drawing turned as a oil painting, this was what undertakers use within their kingdoms to cross departments. It totally bends the laws but it was acceptable law to not break anything. Everyone crosses the chalk to oil then through to the proper side. Crashed through into a Sigil guild open hall. The oath hunters stare in fear of such spellcraft. As Trixie is the last crossed. She breaks the image and dispelled the conjugation.

"Congratulations on making it to A ranking." A high ranker buddies shoulders to her brother, "Who knew you were in contact with shade of Noctorm? I bet you have some sort of exclusive trading right." Her brother pulled from the wolves and leaves to do his information delivery. Pride takes Greyhound to have proper treatment. The other follow her lead. Omens finally making himself reachable to her senses, landed on Curiosity shoulder. A long bird ranting hissing match. The two of them were in deep discussions. She does her best with some vague guess work. She puts away the stick and followed the wall around. She was seeking a set feeling. She eventually found this, smelling the spot. She makes a wide greeting to all and then pushed people away from her. She took her cloth off and the made her trade table appear. It's empty today but she still had regular folks that knew her tap table system. They placed things down and she made things replace them. She occasionally brought a ledger out and finger pressed writing to it. She was being hawk watched by so many eyes. She never lets herself enslaved or take a contract. She refused duels and she made someone trying to kick fuss disappear into her cloth. It made folks not approach for a little bit but business was as normal otherwise. Eventually there was traffic trade.

"That guy has been found screaming at a wall." Someone states to Curiosity, "Everyone does. Those disappear by her. They say your given to a nightmare and haunted for a while."

"Yes the queen of Noctorm would be terrifying to look at in her true soul shape. She makes god eaters shiver. Living up to a reputation beyond whatever we can perceive." There a soft clattering of coins being traded. A shuffle of some papers. The guild member at the help desk had staring to much her way.

"Do you think I could hire her to bring down the gods?" Being a thoughtless question.

"That be overkill." Omens hissed, "that be sending a nuclear bomb for a spider the size of a penny." It would seem the guy didn't understand or have hearing ability of the gods commentary.

"Overkill? Does someone so weak, blind and selfless posed the disorder of all laws in the known fact?" Curiosity translated but also spun his own interests to further the conversation.

"It doesn't take much to break a fragile ecosystem." Violetta stood with them in that direction, "Even a small change only by one person can dominoes affect. Maybe it's just that she knows where the fragile places are when the rest of us are blindly going about our lives. Unalive lives? Dead life?" Violetta is scuffed the top of their head at such a amusing lacking dictionary term among sigils.

"Sometimes the most innocent people are the most ignorant and damaging. Not even aware of their own wisdom." The guild counter guy meant that as advice to the young undertaker. Curiosity leans with taking something of a paper. He taps the surface and is deeply lost to himself.

"You have any holy water?" Trixie heard and is aware this sort of substance can be subject to regulations. This isn't a regular that taps the table. They have a dark aura that doesn't suit the request. She puts the ledger away, a tell that she refusing sale or interest into further discussions with them.

"How about if I paid for it?" She tilts hearing this was the same being, changed aura. She still not making this sale and was even more leery of who this is. Or what.

"Something seems very wrong about this." Greyhound muttered to his side. The regulars pushed backing space, to evade being snatched in accident. The entity punched the table. Making changes of aura and is pushing themselves to being the bigger bad.

"Mmmm..." She made that sound and posed her hands into a long scripture about many laws. She was mid law gesture about the poaching of souls and contorl of soul territories. But this was a low ranker that went to try for that right hand. She quicker on using her shadow cloth to pull them into her storage. The panic was real, the entity was fighting to not be taken into material.

"The sale of souls is illegal across these boundaries. If you have a problem with my laws, then you will be thrown to somewhere that isn't my grace." She posed open hands and was making a glare enough down upon the stranger, "There is no power that will save you from my wrath once you have been cast into my shadow domain. So you have only this moment to make yourself clear before I do take you."

"Please release me. I am just protecting the trading regulations. Please stop." This is a deep and sincere plead. She spat them at the floor underneath her and she took her cloth back as a cloak to wear. She leans in looking down upon them.

"A trading officer then. You must have some boring log details and history background in the sigil system. Maybe a dirt spot in the negative panel. But you don't interest me further. You have no credibility for me to even bother you. A speck among the population." She raised and corrected her posture, "maybe a bit of god realm but its nothing I considered grand. But my veiw isn't something you waste time with." She pats about checking herself and all her new gear changes. She gives the fella a good kick in the stomach and takes a direction.

"Well never mind hiring her." The guild counter guy huffed.

"Oh she totally could rip everything in time and space beyond the fix for the gods here." Curiosity casts a lowered pose of acting like he doesn't know her, "It's just that she literally is blind right now and would not have judged if she could see who that was."

"I don't think she care about being able to see. I think she only changed based in the reaction of the crowds around her." Violetta shurgs, "She didn't care about teachers authority, head master or not. She not going to change or bend for anyone that she doesn't deem respectful for."

The crowd was helping the guy and there was a few that are her regular customers whom shuffled. Wishing that they would make things right. But they backed away as she was walking to some spot, she brushed her hands on a counter that was thick of dust. She felt all over the counter surface in finding a hand written note. She gives it several tries of trying to decipher without seeing a language that relies on seeing it to read it. She has that paper slipped her fingers.

"This desk is not longer in services." Her brother reads.

"What's the language used?" She asked.

"Demon higher rank. I want to say you use it a lot. That scribbles one." So it's damned translated into common.

"Turn it upside-down and read it again." She waved her left hand and he does so. He dropped it nearly and pats about. He got it and calms himself. Does this again, without dropping it. He seems not able to read the damned.

"A scribble of someone crawling across the floor. Or like a zombie maybe?" It's good enough for her and she take it from him. She puts it down. She pats herself about and with then finally pulled something. It sounded important, snapping her armour or her. She clicked joints back. A rib is now throw like a weapon into the wall, thudding harshly. Missed the head of someone hiding here.

"Thank you for proof of status." They sounded happy and squeaks in a high laughing tone. The damned are backward folks. The more insulting or happy they sound, the opposite they are expressing. Many mistaken newbie damned for nuisances or just insulting observers, in turth they are sad people bubbled in their own fear.

"Whoes at top seat or do we even care about society pyramid orders?" She asked.

"The elders speak in advice for the weak and flimsy ones. There is mid warriors in cleaning away the feral. The occasional one hides among demons, angels and Undertakers. No single seat." She leans and takes her rib back now. She removed the many mask layers and tossed it into the gaping hole. She swipes the faces back on. She harshly hits her chest that clicked that thing back in.

"Is there a black book that floats with torn dripping ink pages?" She asked in acting casual to her putting that rib like it was nothing.

"Yes... there is." The damned laughing in punching the desk at his front. He hasn't a control of the reflex fear his heated under.

"That be enough then. I was never here." She pulled her brother, "What is dead will never die." She wafted left hand backwards to them and the desk being sinks away. It's echo madness was stirring a bunch to spray holy water and salt at the desk way. Her brother got her off him and they stand awkwardly random at this spot.

"The damned are weird." She heard.

"What damned?" Omens was confused since he didn't have the ability to see them.

"Trixie, can we do some trading?" Curiosity posed her to face his way, "I actually hope to hire you for a hosting service. We not going anywhere far or removed. But I want guarantee that your aren't going to disappear and leave us stranded. I willing to make this a partnership as undertakers." She posed away from him since his being strange and it's not his aura.

"Imposter? You having a laugh?" She defensive with distrustful stance.

"But that is Curiosity." Her brother is confused, "You reading souls again or something."

"She does that?" Heard nearby.

"You are not the one with shattered sins." She lifted a judgement spell without even needing to cast it by normal scripts of magic or divine blessing. But it's that there wasn't shatters sinner chains being her proven point to this not being the one.

"Crap." The imposter has met their match and was sunk by the weigh of those chained Burdens. She dusts her hands off and tilts in snarl of being bored again.

"Would you teach me how to use chains like an undertaker?" Her brother asked.

"You tend to learn that for yourself, as you are the only one who knows the weigh and scale of the chains you carry. You are the only one that can perceive those Burdens and you must believe." She sounds like she had more to say but her tone rung empty. Worse is the mistranslation as she used living human terms.

"Your just an idiot then." He amounted whatever lack of common sense that had been for him, "Does being a empty head help you survive from god eaters often?"

Although it hurts hearing him see her as the mute disabled sibiling that can do anything right. As if their relationship while among the living realm had never changed a little. But it's also a comfort that for her, his still a duffus. The big brother that fights for and at her and has a pulled at arms length relationship. It's nice to hear his voice, deepen by his disappointment tone. He was going to do something annoying but there a sound of grappled hand hitting a metal scale torso. She didn't even budge a inch in spire of the brush breeze or maybe missed hits. She not even sure who was doing it and for why.

"For the love of all things that carry souls!" It's not everyday someone says a interesting insult in a language not used in this space of time.

"Right back at you!" She playful at shooting finger guns and winked. The molding of the clay surface of her mask acting to shape a expression sticks. A smirk that was not happy or sad.

"I have not the mindspace to ask why your a little girl in a broken undertaker shell." The individual punched someone nearby and dares break into her personal space. She was about to take arms to fight but it was the smell of pages and ink thay stops her. She knows a soul container tome without sight or touch. She can hear the souls inside the pages and the chains hung off the individual, the Ender of some space time else where.

"Don't bother. You're not in your space of time. You aren't even in your lawful boundaries. You are in mine, speaking to me. My space. My time. I will not even let you waste it with pointless muse." She jumps for them at full tilt, she released her hands from mimicked form to retract her god eater shifting. It is only her arms that show scared scape, broken skin and loose flesh hung from bone and claws. At her grasp, she pulled the strangers soul and all those souls of the tome. In her hold, she poured them into the void underneath the masks. The remains powdered in all directions, caking dust and soon faded into negative energies. She ate that energy too, since it now converted to something consumable for her. She over feasted and a crystal grows along her hands and mask. This crystal she torn off her, breaking it and sealed it away to a chest. Sunk away to her shadow. She hid away all them freaky features, and in a shoulder roll summoned tomes to float around her. The new book was exchanging advice with other times in the same issue. They flexed and whisper, papers ripple and slaps. Once scynonized, they thud closed and were pulled into her cloth.

"The consumer of soul languages." The displeased among the crowd.

"Even imbalances have uses." She spoke softly and contents in keeping her shape back. Back to that small, weakened and pitiful shape. A new line of chains attempted to sit her in guilt, break into black sand dust. Swept by her, nonchalantly in lost track of who where and why.

"OK, show is over." His aura has an icy burn that matched his annoyance to not understanding her. The way the loose metal rattles as his Burdens were forceful snapped in spite of being unforgiven yet. She trusts it is him and where they are going, "I have responsibilities to fill. You have been unhelpful in that regard."

"At least we are somewhere we can follow vague knowledge toward." Violetta helped pull them up and then they were all seated. Wood, a beast of hell pulling the cart and the driver had to be Curiosity with Omens.

"Don't get in the way." She heard hissed, and given the carried weigh behind words. It would be Pride.

"At least she not stupid to enter a contract." Greyhound is heavily wounded still, his rattle body echoed the jolts of the carrage. There is extras, and that be the contracts mentioned. Thr Darkwood and Seer both had family owned servants that came in the aide of the pledge. The Glader sits beside the Fallown, both exchange information of what they learned thus far of why. They had the sigil panel open in discussion of words used. Nothing 'out there' in searching terms. Trixie makes herself smaller, she has no interest and can be use until close combate.