69 The rules are not for the one but to set back the many

"Give me my follower back!" Omens altered to full mock humanoid and with weapons, "I don't care who you are! Or where you came from! I will have that soul under my wings."

She sees the crest of the current undertaker king (dragonfly on the unicorn's horn). Such a leader stood at shock of the event. He prepared his own weapon in defence in shock to see gods in visible forms. As is the perception that hidden often veil through has temporarily stopped working. Even if there is a language barrier, this monarch that knows Curiosity will be aware of Omens. Such active work of omens on the attack of a stranger was sign enough that this wasn't a good deal. She carries the minimal amount of threating intent and even less of appearing to be bothered by Omen's. She had even held her right hand at her mouth to stop a snort. Yet its been a glance enough to know what she needs to do from here. 

"Over protective girlfriend wants to know if you were OK." She lifted Curiosity's title mask to her side. She asked it and allow him view around here, "An awkward king sits in a this unoccupied room being gloomy." She lets the cursed mask of this undertaker float his own way without her grasp and his mask clearly works just fine and reacts as expected, "You broke your wings then? I can fix them if you want." She tilts indicate that she's his friend to both king and Omens. Not that Omens was open minded to see it. The king perplexed only isn't pointing his weapons at her, still defensive in there isn't enough to trust this face value. 

"How dare you leave!" Once the mask has worked out where they are and that things were fine. Curiosity's curse side had then turned at her with a hiss and did almost tear up with inky sclera's. That is a bad thing. Damned bleed into feral versions, which are reclassed as 'hollow' because they cried too much. She lets him vent frustrations as he lost languages for a while, so this indicates his work as far an Ender. How much experience his recalled or died and returned from. That cloth like material body grapple harder and harder at her right arm as he breaks down in lower tones.

"I was preparing you some lovely gifts. Over my years of dealing with many of your curse. I learn the sort of tools they beg or with they had for the future they want to under go." She pulled the rest of him out of storage pocket of her own darkness. She eased the sinner chain they bonded, sort of not blaming him and being that more at ease at his side. She spoke his languages fluently. Her use of such language startled him into silence, "The echoes of other tomes are the real other tomes, not fakes. I had worked hard in concentrating this part of the multiverse. At the expense of taking in the ruined remains they were before this." She started dressing both the mask side and his undertakers body with these many gifts. She unfazed as she undressed and made him put on new layers. She sewn in the latest crests he was under(the same one of the dragonfly on the unicorn horn) and stowed away his spare to his shadow pocket.

"I need a moment." The mask is baffled.

"That's a first." Curiosity isn't synchronized to his Ender title properly, so it's why they act separately, "You totally lied in front of all those judges and gods." But this separate acting thing is also something of a tell for his mental status. That he has not embraced the titles responsibility fully yet. 

"And they want to smite me. So what?" She pulled aggressively at the straps to snug fitting. He had a minor discomfort of this. The king lowering y's blade slightly more as she acting like she was curiosity's servants. She carried that best interests sort of care in the armouring she provided and the cursed side was fine with her too. Omens is the only one having a snap and attempting claws toward her.

"Omens your going to attract some god eater if you keep attacking her." Curiosity voiced concern, "You do remember she has entire void realm of them starving for a snack at any minute." Omens hearing Curiosity acting normal and concerned. Sighed in relief.

"Stop tampering with soul names!" The goddess of life breaking a window to shout at as she assumed at omens. She was pulled from the window and dragged crying into Trixie's shadow. Omens was now a bird hissing darkly of the barbarian action.

"She needs soul maintenance." Trixie shrugs, "She will be back screaming at nothingness."

A last touch and she nods impressed of the outfit gift for him. She had even rolled a little sighed purr inside herself. Eyes traced in some sorrow that he doesn't remember their time together. But he still had his regular stalker creepy vibe and icy glare. He wasn't impressed in not knowing what she was doing in gifting this favour. Instead spite of her knowing his entitled change to being the Ender, she acts so causal of this. His not even sure if she understood what being a Ender meant. But she forced his right hand down and made him take the scales she stolen from Omens. She smirks a slide glance to Omens. Omens realizes she made him vulnerable, hand claw held where missing scale of his own protection was missing. Curiosity (either his undertaker or mask side) took the clue she had to know. That she wouldn't casual gift a clue to kill the true title like this if she didn't know his meant to be an executioner. He takes prolong frozen to spot moment, his shadow side taking her gift and even nods grateful to this gesture.

Yet then he placed these scales back onto Omens, healing the god with the dark energy. Proving that he likely needs the god sway for a while yet before such effort was called for. She ponders what sort of ender type he will be. One of mercy, ending the suffering of things. or is he insane and doesn't have a order to his title. There are a million ways to make things fall apart but to make it a clean fell through that is a true ender of experience. 

"Well at the least, I have done enough. I know that meddling in your affairs is shunned upon. If we are to talk in how we are valued, the me releasing you from court never happened. I see some things never changed, loyalties and such. I am glad." She takes a soft stride away from them, hovering to the door. She could tell from those at the other side about to spring action, mostly undertakers in worry for their monarch. She waved her right hand dismissively, allowing the perception of hidden to be invisible again. that of Omens turned back to his reptile black bird shape and of any fortune creatures to relax. Her own appearance had faded to blend as a mock of any random sort that fits in a crowd, traveller's gear and merchant stamp ribbon. She had even lifted a hood, hiding her hair and face. left hand has already twisted the door handle. 

"Your Majesty!" someone else has already forced the door opened, and ran through her ghostly apparition. So many people piling in as message carriers and private guardsmen. Even his sister Pride in regal ceremonial uniform rushed for a resounding gut punch to find Curiosity completely fine in one piece. Plenty were in stammering shock for how someone that was 'ate' was even here. 

"The abyss creatures of the courts are acting back to normal. The flow of fate, life and omens has settled. The living world has began to revert, this time it has started catching adjacent realms. Many pocket realms have began to take traction." several in kneeling had turned clear and fade. Casting many undertaker realms to be grasp in this time flow. Curiosity finds his own hands and that glance back to his sister too. The wall of paused time solidify only a select few and even fewer from the soul laws in play. The only ones not being affected are those of power, this monarch came here (knowing ahead of time, he was to loose everything this time). the infrastructure of angels and demons has also been rewinding. Lastly the lower plains of the gods; pulling away demi-plains of demigod homes.

This really was finally a time pull that took no mercy. The events that been determined have soften. The stone no longer cast marks of suffering. Souls were finally growing in the pressure of the energy and heat of this event. purification of memories and lacking air bubbles of displacement. There is a set path but whatever derailed this march was dispelled away.