Peaceful days of bliss 70

"What is the letters used in the periodic table for the the substance of Silver?" blared loud over the living room. The three women over in the large open style kitchen peer from the servette towards the screen show of contestants. 

"Josh looks like his struggling." Aunt busted the sudden tension. The table being laid out by the two children, giving pulled tongues and occasional complaint of having the fork and knives the wrong sides. the back sliding door of Uncle carrying the hot tray of grilled chicken to the main dinner table. The grandmother with the chopping celery for the slaw was muttering some vague guesses to what the correct answer should be. The pot stirred of the eldest daughter, pinched salt and gave the correct answer already. The grandfather seemingly alone outside at the big grill was talking. he was in argument of someone or something - the rest of the family assume he was muttering to himself about the grilling food. 

Knowledge obtained from exorcize book 92. The little girl peers to the floating light surface before her. It had interrupted her complaining to her sibling. 

"Au." She spoke in exact timing of the tv announcing this answer. Her brother shook like she was stupid, that it has nothing to do with what they were just discussing. She shook out of it when moving aside for her uncle to put the tray down. The back office room had some sort of clatter, assuming it was one the cats her grandfather has adopted recently. Not that anyone here talks about there being animals around grandpa's. Once most of the table was finally being place, they took turns to the bathroom for washing hands again. 

School grading matrix has finished, congratulations. Access to frame work is equal to your ranking level. The tabs for the living realms, dream worlds and pocket trade posts is open to your leisure. Racial skills such as damned, path walker and hidden demi-plain keeper will be active in passive mode. The index can be called upon. Passive title - foundational tome's keeper has activated. Welcome back, beloved lady of the voids. 

She waved the long passage of text to be saved for later reading. It was an off back right hand wave that her brother knocked her side for. Glaring her down for being a freak like. She didn't have the moment to be reading invisible air messages around these people. But she did predict that the phone was about to ring, rushing to the mainline phone instead of washing her hands. She took a long stretch as it barely even started ringing its bell. Her left hand manages it off the receiver and listened. 

"I am calling in hope to talk to a Mister elder Fallown." that was an odd way to address for her grandpa but it doesn't faze her in the slightest. 

"He is currently cooking in the backyard on the grill. Do you have some message that must be urgently passed?" She asked. 

"It's not urgent. Just please tell him that the admitting of students doesn't need to follow government guidelines if the student being received fitting to our catchment legibility." The guy has a dark tone about them and isn't pleased that some child is the one answering this call. 

"I will tell him that you accept those that fit your rules. That the age of the person admitted doesn't matter." She replies back, "No other messages to add?" 

"Who are you talking to?" the phone taken from her by her aunt. Her aunt listened to the other end and hung up, "Don't ever answer the phone unless you are expecting a phone call from something. Get you hands washed now! I don't have all night, Lea!" the little girl sulks in leaving away like she was told. Her aunt attempts to check the phone number that just called, but there wasn't one. So she picked up the receiver and tries a redial. This lead to nothing. She assumes she imagined it ringing and that the little girl was playing with the phone when she shouldn't be. 

"Twerp." her brother knocked her aside as he exited the bathroom she was about to entry, "Dont play with phones." He means well but his has a hard love way about it. Given that his her cousin but raised as her brother. She does vaguely understand this family isn't like those on posters or movies. 

Damned detected.

She peers to how there is someone in the bathroom with her as she entered. Seated in the bath, in a pool of stranger looking water chemical mix. They make some very uncomfortable breathing sounds and lay limp. She had to do a double take, as they were a dark no features sort at first. Yet in a second look at them, this was a very fancy older period wearing stranger. His gasping was from the hole through his side, the cloud of black would be blood. She pouted at how terrible he looks, ashen or maybe looking dusty. She chooses to close and lock the bathroom door. 

"Why can't this family use another bathroom?" She heard him plenty. Auto-translation in affect. She uses the active tab ability to maybe look up something to help stop the not human from bleeding out. She shuddered as the bathroom door was tried. 

"I am busy." She wavered, "I needed to go." A bold lie but she had to now rush more. waved the panel to the side as she softly opened the under skin at a glance of products. Nothing was prompted as helpful in this moment. She did find a human first aid kit, which is a start. She climb on the toilet then onto the sink to reach the mirror which opens for medicines and toothbrushes. jar of healer paste has been obtained - used for sealing wounds on path walkers. At least grandpa has well stocked emergencies. She climbs back down and washed hands quietly. path walker's aid is effective. the skill prompt shows what she needed to do. her hand dip into the water line and then she uses wet hand to open the jar. Another hand drip before being able to touch the medicine and smoothed it over the deep gouged area of the stranger. The guy was passed out by now, head leaned back and barely breathing, if that's what that is. She applied the whole jar amount and rinsed hands to get it off her. She unwrapped the first aid kit and packed the wound tightly with cottons. The guy stopped breathing but he had colour back about him. It was as if her attempt has worked for the not human. She smirked to herself in glad he was startled from that sleep like state. She put the med kit to the tube side and closed the curtain. She makes on last check as he peered about the med kit not being there before. She jumps a little s the door was knocked on. 

"Everything ok in there? We about to say grace." her mom wavered worry. Lea flushed the toilet as that was to prove her point of why she took so long. She noticed she didn't close the mirror back properly but has to rush washing hands again. 

"Its fine. I am fine." She unlocked that door and smiles to her mom. There a winged guy past her side in confusion, walked rudely through them both to the side of the guy in that bath tube, "It's fine." her mom waved that Lea needed to get a move on. Entered with closing the mirror and washing her hands. Lea sits as she should at the table and with grandmother last seated with a strange cocktail again. They pose hands and words of gratitude are passed. everyone was now in silence while eating. Lea has time to read her notifications and make careful watch of the rest of the table (without being direct about it). 

"Did you get anything back about the school?" her aunt prompt conversation toward the head of the family, being grandpa. 

"The guy on the phone said that age didn't matter and that as long as the student suited the rules, its all that mattered." Lea voiced up and there a deep glare at her. Nosing in business that didn't concern her. She lowered a little but grandpa waved at his youngest daughter for being the rude one. 

"Did the man tell you anything else?" grandpa asked. 

"Auntie took the phone from me. They didn't tell me their name. They asked for you as the Elder." he nods that it was ok, "I didn't tell him much, you were grilling at the backyard. Just rephrased what he said back at him, I was just making sure I understood him. He used words like legibility and not following standard government guidelines." 

"Well then, there you go. Joseph is able to attend the boarding school." Her grandpa voiced, "His recent escapades in the other schools have not gone unnoticed. The church can't take him from the school's protection." her grandmother downed her whole cocktail, slams the cup to the front and leaves the table. She all for having the church take both the children away, which is the biggest agreement that the two elders have most. This also made the eldest daughter mad as she wanted a normal life for both kids, children that don't seem affected by the family curse yet. 

"How are we going to be able to afford private schooling?" her uncle asked. 

"This particular school has a way for the kids to earn money while being educated. They are part of this government scheme that teaches life skills by practical practices." Her grandfather explains calmly in trying to be very convincing, "We will only really need to send monthly money for any food or supply expenses. I will cover the entry fees and bring them there." 

"That sounds very nice but what sort of work are they making them do?" her aunt asked. 

"Depends on the sponsor that month. It mostly been industrial learning and new sciences with farming. Nothing dangerous since the insurances is covered by the school itself. If not that, its introductions into computer work and the future jobs that new technology they been bringing out. My brother went there and now his a private detective." her grandfather furthers and that pleased uncle. But her aunt looked down on both children and left the table swiftly. Her lover was quick to use this as a smoke break. Her brother leaves too, angry that his being abandoned. 

"I used your medicine from your mirror on the hurt man in the bath tube. I think they are still in there." She softly tells her grandfather, "Also, I don't think you should trust that school. The guy on the phone seemed a bit... bad sort. He was rude." He looks at her deeply at such things he heard from her, "Brother thinks its fun to listen to that small thing. I prefer your cats." he blinked at her a few times, "Don't eat the potatoes salad." She adds lastly and quietly continued eating. He does too. trying to act normal. 

"I agree, that isn't celery." he peered about the bowl, "We tell everyone that the mayo tasted wrong." He leaves the table taking the potato salad away. She listens how grandmother was grouching to Uncle at the backyard and her mother was using the computer in the back office alone. The typing on a click keyboard was loud. The guest bedroom has music, her brother using the spare tv again. She peers to how there was someone in grandpa's main bedroom, the wing guy has put the injured one on his bed. The smell of herbal smoke wafted that way. She sees that grandmother comes back to continue eating at the table. Everyone does slowly, wanting to have that grilled chicken before it got cold. 

The evening ended as expected in arkward silence. Grandmother picked up by church freinds. Uncle drives aunt to thier house. Mother stayed in the office on the computer, on a spare mattress in there. Joseph and Lea are meant to share guest room. Her brother had locked her out. Mother was to loud on the computer to share there. So it was more like sofa or grandpa... She did want to check on that hurt guy. She peaks in at the door. 

"That has to be some prodigy to have correctly used the jar of path walker correctly." the wing guy states in holding over the guy on the bed and her grandpa is doing something strange around the wounds. She quietly checked around behind her and then slips in. She sees his bedroom lined of all sorts of jarred bits and marker pen symbols. She sees a lot of prompts of what these things are. In her mind, she knew what they are used for. She stared to a small jar and reached for it. The cat jumps and knocked it to her. She softly smiles and carried it over to her grandpa's side. wordless at sort of just passing it to him. He take it and looked confused. He looked at her and gestures that he should pour it. He puts it aside for a second. 

"You again." the wing guy huffed, "Or maybe not." He doesn't sound human. his not got that breathy draw nor do the words carry like an echo. Flat of no depth tone and not emotional. but his word would suggest he knew her. Maybe he does. Now she looked at this wings guy. He has grey cream wings. His clothing is sharp business smart. He has wispy energy of warm and brimstone. There a lot of gold bits hung at his waist and a red string on his right hand. There a black cord necklace at his neck. A lot of silver or steel like charms. Nothing exciting about those charms that stood out for her. He looks like that guy in her dream, but his not hurt at all here. This other guy is instead. He was in her dreams too, but not like this. He was more in her dreams then the wing man. 

"You had a sycthe." the words slipped at her lips thoughtlessly, "Or was it a greatsword?" she frowned in trying to be more clear of her memories of them strange dreams, "I think one of my cats hurt you. I am sorry about that." She walked around her grandpa again and with the jar he set aside. She picked it up again, "Maybe I have more of this." She sounded unsure, "Ragnar is very judgemental. He taps anything that he feels funny with. He always upset with Loki." she opened that jar eventually at her own strength and dumped it on the laying guy, "You weren't hurt by my cats. An unwelcomed something else did this. That isn't a wound from something my cats do. Thats why you use this, it purifies the mist away. Its a shame I cant take that mist." 

Her grandpa take the jar from her and the guy on the bed was finally very fine. He sits up very alert and even looks around confused of why his not in a bathroom. He looked at the wing man, frowning in a dismissive shake. 

"It was you that scared them away." the wing man lowering to her height, "Do you go to that place a lot?" 

"When I am sleeping." She moved around to her grandpas side more, clinging to his leg in shielding herself away from the wing man. She doesn't trust the wing guy, "You seem wrong." 

"So are you in a way." grandpa picking her up, "How long have you be dreaming like that?" 

"A while." very vague but he guesses that it was her trait as a Seer and her ability of sight was her Fallown side. Her very active awareness and shy trait to be not accepting of strangers makes more sense now. She always had been not a talkative sort, always was socially suppressant. Her difficulty in reading normal things will also have to due being what she is. She pretends to be small. She always kept away from angry or bad situations. Things were adding up, her grandpa realizing it now. 

"Why are we here? The mission was to find the merchant not be here in the livign realm." 

"maybe because our mystery merchant is likely this human girl. Not that her waking world shows any traces of this. I would be careful in what you say. She can understand us." the wing grey makes a smile to her and she pouted. 

"What did they say?" her grandfather asked. 

"He asked why are they here and the wing guy replied about finding this so called merchant. I think they mean my other me. I do like stuff. I like that place too, it full of stuff. I think they came here on accident. Something attacked them and they escape with me. Not sure how." 

"You think that school seems so scary now?" the wing guy huffed. She very confused that she didn't really bring that up. Maybe she seems it when answering the phone or telling them at the table. 

"There levels of scary. I prefer that place over the school." she retorts back. Her grandpa was quiet done with her input about all this. Skills copied; demi-god's charm, conceal level 99, linguist of god tongue, and detect level 99. Very useful. I can send them back home. I just need to read the passage in the path walker's guide of Sigil. The tab about summoning and dismissing. 

"Forget this." the wing guy waved a right hand over her. She didn't feel any different nor did anything memories go missing. spell cast was blocked by tome's protection. Caster has wasted energy. Do you wish to store spell for later use? Hell yeah! handy, only level 4 though. demigod charm and conceal skills activate. 

She rubs her eyes confused with being 'tired'. She muttered about heading to sleep on the couch and hug him goodnight. He gives a calmed moment and provided her a pillow and blanket, getting her out his room and making sure was tucked in. He peers at how indeed his grandson locked the guest room and his eldest daughter was still on that computer typing the midnight oil away. If he didn't have private matters with afterlife visitors, he would have let her in his room. once she settled into 'deep sleep', he returned back to his room. Her curse side take a peek above from the shadow, double checking his guest weren't going to bother her. Sunk back and sits guarding herself from danger. Content with two elder kitty's that soon snuggled beside her on the couch, snoring as long as she does. Big fluffy Persian cats; a blue Russian and the black with speck of random white fur. Brothers of the same narrow green eyes and plenty warm. 

Tome's sanctuary has been cast, area of affect prevents ill intent within zone.  There seem a stillness in the air, blocking the presence from opening the back sliding door. An imp snicker as now it unlocked that guest bedroom, having the door wide open and laughing how the boy was going to get an ear full from his grandfather for preventing Lea in. Just as it goes to step to leave, it turned to solid mass and fell at hard landing; splatting the floor in a fine powdered substance. The potato salad in the trash bin, made a glass pop sound as it too had parts turn to sand. The computer was soon switched off for the night and the two lost visitors take shelter in the master bedroom's bathroom. Mostly speaking about how they were going to deal with the living humans around them and get back to the kingdom in report of everything. The discomfort of having to maybe ask the girl some uncensored questions when they can catch a moment with her alone. The sort of thing that is going behind the back of the adults that are blind from the scary shadow the girl hides to well. Even the two guardians of this house like her as their own, creatures that do not follow human sensibilities or are in fact not cats at all.