Relax in the eye of the storm 74

"Yes, I think it would be for the better. Under witness protection. Its become a hidden international complication. The Island has it ties with both the Fallown's and Seers." The young man was about the same age as her brother, and would be in the same classrooms if they been to school together, "I will have her put into the boarding school once she's better recovered." the prolonging silence of listening to the human reports. He makes several notes on a paper at the dinner table. This place was an open plan condo, beach front. The back door opens to a dune rigid which lead to the main public beach. She was all neatly dressed in a nicer outfit and was drying her hair, a strange smell of lemon about her. She stands pause as the undertaker offers some sort of packaged sandwich. She raise brow of him using his right hand which made him swap hands. She takes it with her own left hand, but did momentarily forget which hand was which before doing so. For Omen's it was bemusing to watch her struggling what was her right hand and yet still uncomfortable of her presence by his god follower. 

"Home invasion." The Glader at the table sounds surprise, "I see." continued writing some notes, "Aren't they all?" he chuckles a little, "Thanks." hanging up the phone and sighed. She peers about the strange sandwich as the writing on it wasn't English. But with a few tilts, she could read it all the same. 

Obtained mage common, mage scripter and mage royal code. She looked at the prompt and softly nodded at that making sense to her. She peers about the sandwich content, prawn mayo with cucumber. Much be fresh with a date that well ahead of the future. I would make sure the mayo looks white and the prawn doesn't smell weird. It smells ok, opened easy and looked in great condition. 

"What can I call you?" the undertaker asks with taking the hair towel and helping her dry off. 

"It depends on if you can." she replied, "I have a lot of nicknames. But if you want my human name, its Eliza or Lea. I loose track most days." he all stiff for a second, "It doesn't matter." She takes the towel back and walked right to the table. Sandwich up to the table first and then a chair pulled for herself. She climbs on and kneels on the seat to use the table to eat at. She could read everything the Glader wrote, "So are you the next on the throne or are you a parliamentary system at your place?" She takes a bite of the sandwich casually having spoke his native language and gave a very above her age question. 

"Who trained you to speak this language and why are aware of my country?" He peers suspicious of this. As a fast eater, She eating the other half of the sandwich quietly at the table, "What is wrong with you?" She shrugs at this question. She smiles sweetly for a while to his glaring. Likely between the space of these questions that he notice one of the many things that give her an off set or inhuman vibe. Maybe its her skin complexation of that her eyes act strange or change. 

"Eliza has a long history... a broken one at that. She keeps being interlinked with my time events. A sort of universal constant at this point. Throughout my lifetimes of being an undertaker, I am guaranteed two certainties. That the god of omens will come scoop me in his talons and that this girl of weird crash courses into my work life." Curiosity sits down at the table with them, "So maybe its about time we had a nonsense conversation about this." 

"Maybe you should as yourself. What drives a being to find others is the soul connections between them." She folded the sandwich packaging as origami figure of a raven. At least that is how long silence was for these three at this table. Both men face down in stress. She of course coughed a lot between times. She plays with the card board bird miniature on the table, dancing it about the surface in bird notions. She then was doing even weirder things like sinking her hands in and out of shadow, removing other mini figure for her to play with. She had this whole little eco-system of them playing about the surface. She had even lifted a hand draw landscape surface of her own for the mini figures to interact with. It seems a harmless thing at the surface, but there is some uncomfortable notices like how the figure change poses in spite of the martials not bending in such ways. The drawing surface was living too; water flows, the trees dance in wind and mud tracks were the figures walked are made. In closer look of these figures, they are ratio replica of real creatures. But not in the living world. These are monsters that eat things that aren't possible. The bird she flies about is cutting space. The fish is a land eater. The black void stick figure is questionable for a lot of things. But here she is playing with these mini figures of these creatures, enacting their daily passive lives when not causing havoc. 

"What did you name them?" Curiosity point about the figures and she paused. 

"You met most of them." She looked at them all and moved her hands away as the figure move at their own accord along this drawing, "My cats, dogs and my little guys." She pointed to the biggest important ones and nicknames them causally as she does, "Luna and Suna but they fight each other a lot. Isolde is my herding type, she love chasing toys. You have Morpheus eating dreams. Loki being my pain in the side. Ragnor being judgmental, he make a good soul sycthe. Narlly and Tear are brothers and haven't really found their nesh yet. Squeaky here is named because he squeaks. You have the rat squids; Mya, Solaris, Semi, Liz, Frodo, Sam, Pip and Merry. You have the reptiles... there a lot of them. My bug buddies. Mostly fluffy spiders. There the green birds, I love my little birds." She takes in that feeling of loving them and knowing they love her back in their special ways. She may have moved the piece to show who was who, but she always puts them back and they moved sad of being put down. 

"And this collection would be able to eat and erase the universe?" He asked. She huffed at him, given she forgot that he doesn't remember their past as fully as she does. She shook even at slight disappointment that he didn't read between her expressive gestures. It was always better to not explain things to the blissfully ignorant locals - as a rule of thumb among the void, curtain and dreamers alike. She dislikes explaining as it sounds as nonsense. They don't even take her seriously. Forgetting that she's a walking terror in a living human body of a 11 year old. 

"If they didn't do their things for this universe, there be a collapse of time itself. This is the only natural universe with time that reverts backwards in periodic consistent intervals. This rule is causing ripped segments of realities. Like anything with nature - something has to recycle those." he goes to make an argument but closed up. He does this several times in going to voice something and closed again, "Conservation of energy. You cant destroy matter of the universe, only convert it. I had a long time to think about this. Sure I simplified a lot of things to get here, but at least my sanity is returned to me. A little."

She leans with petting her little miniatures and content of them living their existences as they do, happy. The people in witness stare blankly of her, as once more the terrible truth of the biggest picture is blinded by the speck such as her, a random broken soul girl with monsters for friends. They have enough knowledge to be scared of her friends. They don't realize that made if she wanted to destroy this universe, she do so at ease. Dismantling laws has become her sort of hobby and profession. Especially when soul name crafting and soul languages. 

System notifications; Tome counting is at 29 percent. Your personal collection is the last 10 percent. The outsider's collections are inaccessible. You will need to swear them in as counted for finalisation of god court war. The true title of Death has pardoned your absence for now. That's not to bad. Faster then I expected. They still have the middle realms to get through. 

"What happened to you? Why are you like this?" the Glader asked. 

"Does answering that even matter? I would never even give a sinner the pathway I soul walked." She holds her chest as it was aching, and she coughed harder than normal. She soon spat; it was a fizzing substance of black, blue and red. She wipe it away casually. Yet there real panic in the two lads, stood up and acting to fetch weird made potion holy water bits.

She likely thinks the time alter sandwich was just giving her some troubles. Her cough was as expected from the slow recovery from the fire. She always going to struggle with it for now on until this life goes. She puts away anything left, all her miniatures back to her storage for now. Petting each with loving attention. All that is left was the paper bird, and she held onto it. 

"This girl isn't a god follower, the energy of divinity isn't good one either. But this isn't a bad thing either." Omens sitting himself in human shape at the table. He takes that drawing out from the hospital, the one she drew and brought final touch to, "Why are you able to draw this?" she ignored him and he glares aware she is able to hear him. Curiosity stopped the Glader for now from the medical stuff. He was intrigued by the fact she is able to have the same or better vision of Omen's then he does. Glader held back also noticed that she able to see god vessel too, let alone the god ghost possessing that vessel. 

Your own domain power over shadows this god beside you. Do you wish to make abyssal contract? no need. Omen's it a tough guy. He can ask for my help when he needs it. Temporary watcher's tracker has been placed on the true title 'Lord of fortune's shadow'. A side affect is tracker on his worshipers, body vessel's and followers. That's handy. 

"My paper gate worked, I am very proud of it." She slips it out of his grasp, "I can finally reach that thing that shouldn't belong there." She went to put her hand through it but stopped short, "This is a printed copy of my drawing." rubbing the surface, "I guess the original was burnt away or at the least was ate by one my pets by now." she rubs the surface inspecting mistakes, "The runic underlay is shattered like before. I guess no one travelling there in or out soon." She has both hands over that surface, wiping it away. The image seems to altered into a child's abstract nonsense. Disconnecting the place from the tie down she made. Omen's is quick to snatch the printed copy and hissed very god eater like. She frowns and clicked back at him, in just reminding him this isn't a place for such sounds. He froze up and squared her. 

"Don't use those sounds among the living world. You don't want to be ate and I am not fishing you out their stomach. I hate those things." 

"God eaters?" He asked and she drew a very distant gaze. He frowned that she doesn't have a reply to him. 

"Eliza. I have this very nonsense question to ask." Curiosity intervened between them and the Glader sits back with writing stuff on his notes. He looked how some the unnatural things his noted have smeared or warped on the page. It looked like exhausted writing that didn't form proper letters or words. It was mostly anything to do with her, always her details that did this. So he gave in trying to write it, peering about the way she stared at the air across from her, sensing that likely a invisible visitor was there. Going by Curiosity action, likely his god in visiting form. But there isn't voiced words passing between her and visitor, she doesn't move her human lips. Yet there is a conversation, he can see her body language. 

"If this universe is one pond, and were connected to others. There is a pond edge and that isn't passable." She tilted at this, "Are there creatures beyond?" 

"Of course there is. You clearly haven't read the tome of abyssal creatures." She spoke human at least for that reply, "I think I last checked it being 100 chapters. Sub spaced with the dream worlds. Nightmares. Phobia. Nocturm. That dark spot. Oh and Erebus's place. The dude's original place before he started pocketing Darkwood as his cult." 

"You're a tome keeper." Omens sighed, "That makes sense." She shook at that. 

"No! My leather binds are to good. I am a expert consultant for soul names. Folks come to me to repair tome mistakes of soul names. Sometimes its a matter of language alterations and sub classing. Someone is the paper expert and I am the materials provider for the leathering. I also am the art person, since there a universe of art names." She crossed arms, "I am disappointed that you down play my place in existence. I work so hard to not be an interference to the natural order of laws. I was granted human life because I know how to keep things sane. It also allowed me to reach these hidden places that needs my touch. The less my work impacts the flows, the widely more comfortable you are in my care.

"I think I about lost her after the consultant for soul names." The Glader sighed. 

"I didn't understand all that either." Omens scratched confused, Curiosity looked shocked that even his god didn't know what she said. Yet Curiosity thinks about all her words. He leaned in deep thinking of past events and some future events. He frowned in something sort of not getting it. 

"Naturally reverts?" He muttered. 

"Yes." She sighed, "Its why the tome is so large. Its to much a demand for the little among of gods there are to keep up. A common demon is suddenly being put as demi-god as his the only large soul of that tome space. There a lot of these small chapters being written and erased. There fragments of improper law support causing energy leaking and reactions. The living lands are unrecorded existence being so broken and manipulated that there is void spaces wedge in areas that it shouldn't be. That's allowing god eaters like Loki to entry the living world where the laws would never allowed in the first place. This universe is screwed up and yet still working. Any other place is closed and self guarded from the abyssal. Here the abyssal walk among humans like its a kid in the candy store." She speaks garbling several languages and even been using her hands at some phrasing.

She flops between several god tongues, clothus and the off demons words. The collective at the dinner table heard different parts but not all together in the same conclusive meanings as she intended. Each has a off look of bewilderment, having hear or interpret what they heard different from each other. There is one thing they can agree with, she spoke nonsense and clearly isn't of sound mind. It makes the Glader even more concerned. At least for the two physical people at her reach, they just ignored her words and offered hospitality such as a warm zip hoodie over her. A holy water poured to a glass and put at her front. The god altered into a bird shape and seats himself to his follower's right shoulder, making plenty of mimic sounds - the click of keys, a car engine and something water. Weird things that don't mean much but were sort of things that could go wrong. They have had some meaning for Curiosity personally as he leaned at the table being stressed. 

"The kids are the least of the worries." Omens huffed, so Curiosity is the guardian of the Glader for the time being. A strange notion for her to consider. Maybe the Glader is by local law to young, while is country law would see him as an adult. 

"Eliza, you would happen to be trading anything demonic?" She was asked by Curiosity. 

"It depends on your intent with such items. You're a god follower, demonic things aren't something a divine should carry." She answered plainly in English and acted in still playing with the paper bird origami, "Also sub class your demon. Just as there are a lot of varies, you need to narrow what you mean more." She finds her hand held to be stopped and how he stares deeply concerned of her, "I can fetch things, not keep them on me. Unless its a tome. I have a lot of those." he lets her go. 

"You shouldn't have access to much." omens scratched under the false beak, a talon point into his throat space that was more like picking his jaw shape. He is loosing his illusion of bird in such manners, but he fixed up quickly in how she narrowed at him. He was not prepared for her to still be able to see him, "You are a strange Seer. Who is your left eye?" She ignored the god's question, as she does know but hasn't bothered names. She knows it doesn't know her name either, or her other shadow side. It never uses her left eye to see her shadow. But she plenty counted the creatures of the curtains hovering about the open plan condo. In the short time they been here, it been quiet a party of unknown visitors passing by. Bemusing to watch them interacting too. 

"Hey anyone in?" someone has let themselves from the front door, Eliza hops down from the chair and heads for the bedroom to change out of PJ's. She did cough a little on her way past the stranger but they peer about why someone so young as her being here. Watching her closing the bedroom door, "What is that?" 

"One of the reasons why we having tome disruptions." Curiosity huffed. 

"One the leads for why tome keepers are vanishing and appearing." The Glader huffed, "She is at least some part human. But none of us can get a straight answer. She was affected by the poisons the Dreamer Cult uses. She is a direct blood with them and the Fallowns. So the resulting side affect that would make any grown guy scream is not apparent by her.. She's a very passive tome keeper, hiding her talent at least. Until she starts talking to those not visible." 

"She part damned then. You seen her mask yet?" This was a dull conversation that went about a sort of update with the courts of the spirit side and the interferences of gods. There was something of an curse and execution of several Clothus. Given she one many listed victims, her part in these matters are put aside. Her wisdom of soul laws was requested, so she will have to make an appearance at some point. As she was coming back to join them back in the room from having finished being presentable, there was an afternoon tea set laid out. 

"So they hope that returning a cursed box will appease a boundaries keeper. Claimed to be something illegally obtained between clothus and that the clothus realm is trying to gift back to the half clothus. No names like always." She dropped her origami bird from hearing that on stepping towards the table. Information is accurate and confirmed, "The mistress keeper of the Nocturm was the only thing Death mentioned." 

She picked up the bird quickly and then forced herself to be seated with them. She took out her own tea cup set, she used shadow manipulation to pour the tea from the heavy pot to pour into her cup. The paper bird is seated prime spot to watch the cake she wants, it guarding it for her. They were to engrossed of talks to notice her. She gets comfortable sipping away tea. 

"There a lot happening." the new guy is as old as Curiosity here, and is a mage with a cursed eye. His left eye is damned - able to notice she was using the shadows around them. He has a lot of ribbons of boundary blindness. At her own expert guess, he isn't able to tell that Curiosity isn't a living human but he can see cursed masks like the Glader's active mask doing things in the kitchen. He would feel a sort of presence of Omens being on Curiosity shoulder, but not enough to be an active believer. This man is also a sinner, he has plenty of chains of regret attachments. He is a strong soul to carry these burdens without visible defect.

His another mage sort, but not strong will to use it. He wearing a office uniform and it has mustard stain from his lunch. He very unlucky today. The money imp being there. Omens of course couldn't help himself and devoured this imp. She watched omens acting like a hawk, tearing bits of the curtain creature as hawk do in small prey. She followed his flow of actions very exactly before being back to staring at this new guy once more. Her left showed will be a damned, bound by association and not his own regret. He has a grey aura, so maybe a undertaker type in his afterlife. 

"Debt sure sucks." She noted, "You should put your wallet in your inner suit pocket." 

"So you're another cryptic person?" He huffed and does move his wallet and paused that it felt wrong, "Where's my money?" She slides to the Glader and sulks shy for a moment. She shook at him in disappointment and the Glader forked the remainder of the money back to the suit guy, "I am not going to bother. If Jess seen this, she would tell you off for not using your allowance carefully." 

"Loki, where is that item?" She asked her paper bird and she waited for a response. It bents all shy in action, "Better be in good condition." She wags finger at the miniature, "Are the blades from the oath order safe at least?" the wings adjust and indicated yes. She back to sipping tea. 

"Where is your mask?" She looked up to the guy as he stares about her deeply. 

"I think I went to my workshop." She sounded not that confident, "Something about scaled armour needed a repair. I was displease that the crest over this part." Her left hand indicated a spot on the table like she was right in front of it right now, "It has no meaning here. I was think of stealing a crest off someone but really it be better that I just hammer in my merchant black's ribbon stamp." He blinked at her a lot but he did understand her Damned speak. 

"Why not use the visitor of Island crest?" He replies and she titled thinking about this, "We are your current care takers." he pulled a blank paper over and cast a water spell, moving the ink to the print pattern. She peer about it and then nods. She slaps the signature off the page and it was gone.