Protected from the windy hardships 75

She pushes the shopping cart with the Glader. They stop to the isle sections discussing ingredients for spell craft or the daily necessities require. Sometimes they mention things they wanted to sent to the island for the common people to enjoy. The idea of going to a normal supermarket was that Josh guy's idea, and this Jess person whom is Josh's wife. Jess is away on the same business as Josh's work was. The two adults swap turns on whom is going to look after Kyle Glader and Lea. The only constant is that Curiosity is always around, but he isn't always human enough presence for acceptance around average people. The only strange this is that they slip into mage tongue often but are totally normal people otherwise. Even how Kyle complains about what snacks to have which would be typical of the teenager. 

She enjoys this time, often looking at the passing people. The aura of a normal family, the tied ribbons across everyone's eyes. There a not human among the humans trying to prey on those able to see it. The baby in the child seat giggles, unbound sight and giggling at the floating dreamer creatures. The creatures are always attracted to innocent and untainted eyes. The kid four isle over kicking a tantrum about not sharing his snack with a sibling; plenty loud to be heard from here. The attraction of misfortune moves swiftly to play on parents for upsetting the child. There is Kyle's mask side sneaking off to drop some stuff in the shopping cart. 

"Why bother?" She asked with a bag of something dropped into the trolley, "You could drop it in that one." She back pointed to her own mask side with her own cart. 

"Why would I put it into a trolley of a stranger?" She shakes at him and her mask side steps over taking the bits from the cart. It pops them to her private cart. Her human side takes out a black paper list, a bit of chalk to mark off things and then posed which mirrored to her masks side. Her mask walked away, out of view of Josh's return and perfect timing to be missed by Curiosity. Her human side tucked the black paper and chalk again, as Curosity puts something to the cart. He peers about the cart missing things. 

"You should stop daydreaming." She tells him and he glared at her, as that was something impossible for an undertaker. 

"Can we pick up some tea light candles?" Kyle asked her. 

"But why? I have a lot of wax and wicks. I could just make you some. I could even make them to summon or prevent things. I like the black light candle the most. I get to show people the nightmare I live with." Kyle sighed like she was doing it again, being nonsense again. Gladly she stays in one language in public, "I pick up the basic ones." She finally replies, "The 1000 pack is poor quality for cheap. Maybe the 300 at double price, but the wax for those will last longer and have no impurities." 

"How are you going to pay for that?" Kyle asked. 

"With my bank card." She shrug to that being nothing, "I have a job you know." He shakes at that, "perks of being oath keeper." he stopped pushing the cart and she elbows him to pay mind about Josh. The isle end has a neat stack of loo roll packs, a very tired worker looking proud of their accomplishment and the mother reprimanding her kid. The shopping cart she throw aside to grapple her kid from running from her, the cart starts to roll towards the loo roll stack. Lea's mask uses her cart blocking the stack breaking. The tired worker thanking her for the save with a nod. The woman was so tuned into her own business that she takes back her cart and didn't even look back to the near fatal fall of the loo rolls. Josh nearly walked into it but with Curosity to fast step it to prevent Josh. Lea pinched Kyle's side and he was back to focus. 

"How do you become an oath keeper?" He began asking. 

"By having tread hell three times or something like that. You could be a regular visitor at a guild establishment. The important part is having Sigil's access to the floating panels. Once you can do that and read the rules, the rest is up to you to not get killed, tricked or trapped. You don't tell folks your from the living world. You don't use names, not even nicknames. In fact, don't speak at all. You hand gesture, with your left hand only. Unless you have some shady business that your existence depends on, you never agree to anything." Kyle softly rubs his under chin at this, "You want armour and wear it like its a part of your skin. Sometimes it really does become part of you. Cursed items are a bad thing if they are useful and save you." She indeed slips to path walker tongue since she talking about it. He sighed at not getting her at all. She gives up trying to teach him right now. She back on focus about the stores normal people and hidden creatures. Observation with caution. Her mask back to acting normal and in fill mock up. She can sense Curiosity on her masks watch, his lord Omens too. She sneaks another strike off her black paper list once more as they the the corner for canned goods.

"What tea should we get?" Kyle changing subjects.

"I was thinking a blossom bloom tea cake and a ginger one. Peppermint wouldn't cut it last time." She replies all so causally, "I like citrus ones personally. My dogs hate that smell."

"That indirectly is useful information." Curiosity huffed in making a note about that, "But one of them loves it." She posed thinking about it.

"Luna might be the odd one out." Getting out of her thinking pose and soon distracted by a passing phantom. She watches the damned with its chosen human it is attached to. Mostly likely a close person or a person that the living knew, had died and regrets something. Sometimes it's the living so attached to the dead that they force the dead to be damned temporarily. Relationships are not simple, not even a two way street. Such complications carry complexities unfathomable to untie. Its normally a recently deceased or a death within a 60 years mark. The human of this case is blind folded many times over, blessed by church belief and a disbeliever of supernatural phenomenon - it might as well be a leather blindfold.

"We cant intervene." Kyle elbows her.

"I know." She sounded quiet hollow, emptying of negative pity. She turns away. Josh inspecting some tin meal.

"Americans have some interesting food combinations in cans." Shaking such example to the two kids and slowly lowers in putting it into the cart. He peers about the shopper cart with notice of some things missing. The normally not sneaky drops ins.

"Can we have a proper cooked meal tonight?" Kyle pleads.

"I was going to make shrimp pasta or burgers." Lea voiced in certainty, "I have cooked a lot. Maybe I can teach you."

"Would you teach butchering too?" Curiosity harshly looked at her. She makes a pack of minced appear to hand, as if pulled from the child seat of the cart.

"Cow meat." Omens itching his fake bird jaws again and with flexing feather tips like clawed fingers. Improperly seated like some human on Curiosity's right shoulder.

"Maybe your the freak." She puts it back to her cart, "Sheesh."

"I can agree with her on this, this once. Why would she teach me to butcher when we at a shop buying already processed products?" Kyle for once siding with her and didn't hear Omens. He clearly can't see the god with human eyes. But his mask might, hearing is most definitely out of the question. Speaking of his mask, it's been shopping beside her mask now. The two mask sides would collaborate on pricing and quality items.

"You can cook? Not burn it?" Josh pointing at both kids with doubt. She gives an eye roll about such thing while Kyle shurgs. Josh isn't confident of trusting them with a stove alone. But he can be confident of the girl knowing to use a microwave better than Kyle, "TV dinners." He added more meal cans and takes the now heavy to push cart from them both, "together with Curiosity to that fridge section. No sweets for a main course."

"I am still making prawn pasta like mom does." Lea linked arms with Kyle as they together walked off this isle to the fridge section, already the two damned masks were hovered at the selections. Lea's mask lifted Lea into the large basket of her cart.

"Can I share?" He asked the two of her sides confused of which to ask at.

"Your OK with mayo, pickles, shrimp and some sort of vegetable?" Her mask asked.

"Not forgetting the Dill." Her human side adds.

"You sound confident of you exact recipe." He peers are the selections. Her mask takes her from the cart, moved away as Curosity is slow to caught up. Lea holding a basic cheap mac and cheese dinner meal. Kyle picked something he liked in case. Looking perplexed of her mask side vanishing and then to Curiosity being confused. Together the kids going back to Josh. Slowly strolling the middle of the stores main. Walk division in seeking him. Both strains in seeing Josh missing. Once back to the soup isle where they last seen him, she tugs Kyle to follow her. Together they make it at the checkout, Josh is already paying but his on the phone talking distressed and distracted. She tugs them both to her mask at a quieter spot, added those TV dinners to this cart instead. She paid with her bank card like she does always, pin and all. Curiosity having now seen that they pushed a paid second cart of goods, scuffed head at not knowing how they afforded it. Mostly unable to tell how they did it behind their backs.

"32.18, tax included." She told Kyle, "There's that snack." Passing over a box of cracker Jack's. He opens it upon exiting, she pushed the cart herself without assistance. It was seemingly getting lighter but each step as items disappear into her void pocket. One to the cart bay, there one bag for them each. All his stuff in his and her basics in hers. She thought of everything sensible like her new toothbrush, paste and toiletries. Her mac and cheese and a hidden candy snack in the same vain as his cracker Jack's. Her choose was hershey cookie and cream kisses, small pouch and not the share pack. She also had pack lunch cracker sandwich snacks of assorted varieties - honey peanut butter one opened and ate quietly. They stare at Jay at the distance with how he still on the phone arguing but now packing the car. Curiosity has hands at their shoulders, directed them to face towards a car slowing at them. The driver rolls window.

"It's my turn." The lady in a wrinkled suit, off and noticeable jacket tossed on passenger side seat. Posed thumb to indicate back seats.

"You look to tired, want us to fetch you a meal?" She shakes no and Kyle gets the door for Lea. Lea peers about the Jeep for its rough condition, wet sand stuck at the trims and Bush scratches on the paint work. She has some help stepping in. She belts in as Kyle closed his own door. Curiosity peers about the car park, likely sensing local spirit disruption or local time displacement.

"What is that?" Kyle peering around confused, so it's a disturbance even mages are sensitive from. Lea has felt these sorts of things before and pays no mind about the abnormalities. She quit used to dreamer creatures, veil hidden fortune creatures, soulless vessels and the various varieties of creature eaters.

"Must be a space ripple." She shurgs it off, "when worlds of mirror share energy and vibrate in scynonized space. It's not a big deal, it's what energy feeding the phenomenon and where it's sourced that you would worry about. But this is the living realm, this area is rather undefined. Walkers describe living worlds as unsecure soul areas." She looks about her arm, "Nothing to out of the ordinary is happening." She was looking at any marks of soul showing presence. Often her many soul marks surface if a particular source is high enough concentration. She observed a couple death realm marks being active and her void title one. Not to big deal, still to her thoughts.

"Mat!" Jess hissed, "With us, now!" He steps through and takes procession of Jess. She kicked the Jeep in gear and Kyle held on for dear life even after he rushed the belt on. Lea leans back but stares out to the world beyond the car. Watching as other cars are suddenly out for them. She sees the energy of mages building up, casting was being versed. The direction order of these spells being formulated.

"Avoid the puddles of water." Lea shouts and a hard pull turn screeched tires. Predicted as noticed, puddles were now guises in attempt to flip the Jeep.

"Not the time to question why and what." Curiosity likely in stress scynonized with Jess and with his lord Omens. Loud crashes can be heard behind, thuds of heavy creature steps and the ripple of metal being peeled like paper. Soft pops of air pressure and the gasping as Kyle and Jess are panicking. It all stopped abruptly, time frosted everyone to the spot. She was an expectation, sighed and leaning slightly to peer about the poor death god that was likely to be devoured. She finds instead a interesting sword battle with Omens in human shape and some other being. She watched on in this toss. She peers up to the death figure, they stand crossing arms and lowered head of being disappointed in some way.

"Omens can be fiddly. His soul fragment shapes have quiet the nack trick to pop clear." She talks smoothly to this death god.

"At least its not like the half beast gods. Some beast and some human parts. Hard to pin put where soul is. Vessels for gods being any shape, hard to tell of you removed it all right. Not unless you screw up and hear them scream." Disappointed shake again.

"I think the guy his fighting is going to be the one you take." Together they watch the tussle and the strain struggles the imposing forces strife. Omens being aggressive had given final made the blow, a head rolls at deaths feet.

"Neat." Death god picked up the head and dagger picked the soul clean, head back dropped. She leans back to breath for force and the sound of car chasing was easing. Jess parking up to a small eatery, turned off the car and looks back. Lea is totally relaxed and Kyle had the puked. There was spare water tight bags in the seat pockets, which now made sense in hindsight. Curiosity steps out of Jess, and out the car. Lacking balance, wavered from not having control. Lea peers back with how omens was walking up in conversation with that death god from before. They must be of the same ethos or culture creation, shared pantheon. She sits back at how fast tongued the adult and kid beside are, to fast to understand context. The two came to a natural end and look to Lea.

"I want a small kids meal. The fish fingers and chips. Unsweetened ice tea." Lea assuming this was a good swagway or whatever they wanted as her input. Kyle shakes as he pointed behind her.

"Would it be alright to borrow you?" The death god asked.

"Oh." She studies the guy in fine detail and then tossed some pages at him, the tome pages wrapped to give temporary form. It was like she plucked a layer of her clothing into paper from and it splattered into a paper manqué shape. This Death now peers softly about this and now leans at the door.

"Now you folks aren't struggling to see me and are not afraid of being taken by me. I have to pass off an apology. It was a marvellous pass of evading the scythe. I am sure the higher God of Death is great to not be seeing some of you to early."

"I think he has been stuck on the curve twist of the soul letter correction. Or maybe Hades had came over to brag about his domain decorations." She nods to the same tune.

"Well anyway, I leave you back with Omens care. Have these candles for the troubles." He passed tea light disc to Kyle and Jess.

"With a pop flick." She reminds the god. He walks away and the papers fly in a controlled breeze. These pages blanket over her small shape once more. Kyle having made sure the fella was long gone, faced her in a dark glare.

"What pop flick?"

"Removing souls from found dead things." She shurgs, "You have to be trained, tested and matches with such artifact to soul remove things. If you try using someone else's artifact without training and permissions then you might be in a lot of deep trouble. Then upon soul remove, you are obliged to protect and guide the soul to any boundaries and that a notice is passed by bird of the souls passing once accomplished. You can't carry to many souls and you can't break rules they otherwise would follow. Sort of striding that between of act natural and common sense is out the window." She looks to Jess as Jess has raised brow. Jess turns away from them and sighed, knowing that Lea wasn't a normal girl.

"It's nice that you been recycled through again. I am sure your likely sick of Omens and me." She was talking to Curiosity in his native tongue as an undertaker. He did understand her and was plenty occupied in other thoughts. He seems unfazed of her talk at all.

"Eliza is your current living name." She heard him reply back but distant toned as he was peering more confused of her overall appearance. Jess jolted scared as a phone rings and Kyle answering his phone. He makes a few words but hands phone away to empty stomach content.

"Do you even know what or who you were just fighting with?" She asked Omens with direct into his eyes stare, "They seemed tough nut for you. They seemed purified sort, like a divine providing. Given your taint, it attaches them sorts like months to flame. They are annoying nats, I know it very well."

"Stop it." Omens shifted to a bird and sits on his followers shoulder. All inflated and croaky bird raven talk. He walks across Curiosity in making many bird remarks of annoyances. Doesn't over step it with her.

"I am not hungry." Kyle sulked at his seat. Bag tied. Jess gets out the car, and checked it over. Curiosity sits at the driver's passenger side, having finally pulled himself together.

"We have to make it to at least the car parks." Jess back to the diver seat, finishing the car inspection and helped Kyle clean up. She makes a last check that they are belted in for now and nods to Kyle most inferring that he explain things to Eliza. He takes some short time to thing how to go about this. Curiosity steps through into Kyle for extra aid in this conversation.