Not a time to be relaxing 84

Seated in an isolation room, everyone was busy for all the other things that happen during event like the god festival. This room wasn't just her but other kids whom been caught doing bad things and were here in supervised detention. They were tasked with a punishment that suited their age or educational ability. Given her looks; they tasked her to writing out one line repeatedly. 'I will not enter dangerous height places without asking her parent or guardian's consent.'

She was told to write this and it was translated to something like. 'Not enter bangrous qlaces without asking qeremissions'. She knew that it was written wrong and would try again with another variation underneath this, 'Don't enter resiricteb qlaces without asking someone.' She felt frustrated that even that wasn't the right way to write the same meaning. It was a moment of no wonder a lot of the folks that she writes to struggled with her meanings or mistook her well meanings in poor handwriting. But it was a time for self-improvement.

She had brought out some of her dictionaries to attempt another 19 lines. This helped at least putting the letters and spelling correctly, but she still know that she could read her own grammar. Conflicted further in wondering why the hell was she in charge of editing soul names when she can't even spell things in English.

She would even go on a limb guessing the problems caused by clashing souls was due to her getting something backwards. Even her sent back red marked letter's from the god of death made sense at this moment. The god maybe in leisure pity her inability to write correctly, occasionally give her grammar edited letters. This punishment did its job in making her feel less confident and even hurt at her own flaws. Giving in from writing once both sides of the line paper was filled. 

"You're being to hate on yourself." She looked up from being slumped at the desk, "Look at how much you even improved from when you started and towards the end. You see mistakes and try hard at not repeating them." She frowned in feeling that was more a mockery that she still kept failing, "When I started getting mail from you, I thought it was strange that you were correcting me about my pen mistakes in the tomes. I had my own folks revaluated for raising the educational system in my domain. Mostly because I thought you were someone under me at first." She pushed her dictionaries back to her storage and looked away, "You brought attention to things I was overlooking. Made me improve even on my own skills." the being takes lift of the lined paper, "And having known you long enough. You're not that hard to understand. One or two things would need some clarity but you got the important message across. You're warning about the Oath Hunters, the crack down of the clothus breaking the living death among and you filing the court forms so accurate for god courts to praise your word as evidence in many cases." she finally gets that this spirit of what was the previous host of the death title is getting at and that he wasn't here as the god to nag her. Not even looking down at her, "You guessed that I retired." Her soul must be blabbing again. But no, its her expression in how she traced his facial expressions (in spite this being a floating well clothed gent of bones), "Here. I think I should return your teaching me to be a better person. I will take the time to make sure you can better improve." She brought out a new lined paper. With both of them at work to make her improve, she started feeling something returned back. Although, it is not her confidence to write. It's been a while since she felt like learning was fun. 

"Truly you are a dyslexic through and through." He stops her making a new mistake to have her look up a new word in a human dictionary, "But this is just a feature you shine to your advantage. A way that you make work for you. Why else would I even be here?" She smiled warm that she made a great friend, even across boundaries, "The wife loves that art." He muttered once again, "But in what made you draw the view of the chamber of gods like so?" She softly held the dictionary open, finger at stop to not loose track of where she was. Looking to his tilted curious pose into nothingness. 

"I suspect because it's the angle of which the true title's seat is facing her sister's. That shared gaze to fight a war but going about it in separate ways. It's something I asked plenty of times to many versions of her and you... them." She did loose where she was in the dictionary, "I guess for that moment of space and time; it seems a frame of when things finally were of equal value to each of every one them concept holders. Those eyes of theirs knowing what value was at stake and the resolve to keep these things." She lowered back down at the dictionary, "Sadly such a memory should never have to happen again." back to opening that dictionary to try again. He lowered arms to that strange insight she reveals. It answers a lot of why he felt so attached about the image. De Ja Vu. Then lacking settled emotion attached to the image. 

"You live up to that reputation of being difficult." he points out. 

"Good. That's how it should be. I will still be able to keep my undertaker nickname as the Trixie Trickster." He shivered at hearing that, "That's an improvement from soul name eater of the nightmare's Nocturm. A nameless creature that eats nightmares that are useless." he closed up even more, "You keep forgetting that I started out as just a clueless human girl thrown away by time and space. I didn't just come back by some miracle of life. No even the amount of tries of blessings and curses... none of it gave back what I lost. I still argue I am as lost as I was before." she found that word and was now transcribing it to her lined paper sheet. He leans back in a growing issue that is plaguing him, "You can't force summon a human into god court." Ending her lined paper line, and petting it in admiring her improvements. 

"Aren't you not human?" he huffed in rolled lowering right shoulder in gazing at her downwards. 

"I have always been a human. I don't think any abyss of darkness has ever stripped me of very things that made me as I am. Sure I lost everything including my own soul many times over. Sure I wanted many distortions of existence collapse. Lost my mind to insanity. Ate things that I should never have. Swim in the blood, spit and guts of existence eaters in repenting all crimes my poor soul was infringed in." She puts that pen down, "But I felt I had always my own chooses. In control or not, my very essences knew what seems right and wrong. You can take the girl out from all she knew but you could not stop her from believing in all she kept close in heart." She watched the lined paper she started with reverting, that time was glitching forwards and backwards. That the distortion of afterlife and living realm was widened so much. Her hands changing and the room and all what is was around her. Yet she was all so calm and unfazed of this.

Rather in the next moment of picking up the pen again, she was back to some point of living and a place she remembers a lot about. Blank staring forwards at a board of science biology exam references. The kid bullies at her back throws the paper ball again. Her gaze although blank and unfocused was staring upon the creatures that plagued the teacher's computer from freezing up. She sees the death bird looking right at her eyes in equal stare back of her. The way time stopped as another paper ball was stopped mid-flight from landing hit at her head. 

"Seize the law breaker among the children!" the classroom door thrown full force of squad undertakers lining in. This startled not her but some poor other kid to act within this time freeze. This kid is the target they hoped for anyways, an erased existence from time altering events. Lifted from his seat and dragged accordingly. Those removed from present time can act in frozen time space that undertakers exist in; its how they recruit lost souls caught by time alterations without much effort. The person in charge was trying to make his Sigil panel stop acting up, as the creatures with the teacher's computer engaged a new target to annoy. She rolled eyes and snapped fingers - those creatures flee at full force. She stands up, picking up her stuff and came forwards at the side of the undertaker. 

"You have a job to do, quite standing around like a statue." she told the undertaker off and walked following where the rest of the squid was going. She was going wherever they were taking the removed ones. She had no interest of leading a human life at this sent back point of time, and as she figure - this was the fastest way back to the mage towers. It's the vague certainty she felt was true about this universes way. At the right age too. 

"You're not even in the book." the death god processing over the soul names being affected spoke in distain. 

"Maybe because you're not able to access my books anyways." she approached fearless and regardless of the common power of facing death meant. Her right finger pointed the binding, furthest from his hands traces. Where she poked the book was making altered state, a mutation of the code index and the death tome. He can't read the mutant book but it served the proven fact enough. 

"Another broken trickster. You're right to move along with them." her hand away and the book is back to his hold of the death recordings. She back at step to follow the undertakers and other lost soul students alike. Some are spirited away or adapt altering to time distortion changes. Some skipped the process of 'dying' and were instant damned spirit folks. There only remains a even smaller amount then what was pulled. Those that kept human enough, seated onto the mini bus. Time was turned back normal among. The sound of school bells, the fall of a paper ball missing mark and the aggravation of a teacher having quiet enough from the class clown drowning out the thunder of leaving students. Sound of loud chattered conversation and lunch break games. Muffled by the pane of glass at her side. Her wondering gave from creatures, students and life grasps looking onto her lacking human face. Her cursed clothus mask hung in replacing her human one. But in her turn to others and that someone snapped a phone of her; she looked human to everyone else - even in the photo. This photo was being used as her identification entry card to the tower of mage. 

"You are all to find places among those encounter during the god festival. Be sure to not be homeless by the end of this week." So time aligned to the god festival she was just told off for drawing that chalk sketch at. Does that mean that her mask side was there all along doing all that stuff... still in that detention room having frustration in inability to write one sentence correctly. She takes a moment to think. Totally can't seem to spell the word 'permission' correctly. At least she knows where she going to go when she gets there. 

"Don't ask unnecessary questions. We have arrived here with the use of magic." She watched the school she was attending melt away and waver. Suddenly now was the basement level car park of the tower's underground. They leave and this began the testing of intuition. The tower of mage's car park is a illusionary maze. Powerful or smart folks leave this illusion fast and those unable to face the reality of magic are stuck wondering the car park levels. Yes, levels. There's 3 basement levels. She unfazed, and always able to cut past these wavery magic tricks. In fact, magic made it easier to find the elevator as the flow of realm energy stems from the upper floors flowing downwards. Following a river to it's source was easier with this river so large.

It wasn't magic that brought them here. It's that they unfroze the mini bus in paused time and drove the distance in frozen time. Arriving instantly but not ignoring the distance travelled. This is a spell known as folding space and undertakers exist fully within that boundaries and assist during frozen time. There being an illogical use of stopped time but logical science way of magic. She uses the key card to unlock the function of the elevator call panel - just the item the undertaker's slide to her pocket while driving them to the tower. That reason they took her photo for it. The elevator rises to the fourth floor as she requested as she staring at her human face in this picture. She held it comparing her broken reflection. The door opened at not her floor and entered in very clueless beings. They only really made it to the next floor upon exiting, staring at her in fear and left her to keep the whole lift for herself. She walked out on the fourth floor right on over to the detention room, evaded past the busy body security folks. She opened the only way locked door, steps in with it closed softly at her back. 

"I must thank you for looking after my insanity while I was gone. I get time reverted a lot. This ghost is me as I am me." She sat aligned perfectly to the same seat the version of her frustrated about the paper is, "Sometimes when I am divided, it's easier to see my insecurities and flaws." She adjusted the seat to be a bit more comfortable, pen back up to continue writing punishment she meant to be doing. She is unfazed of how the spirit of the ex-host of death is flabbergasted of her abilities to function in such a broken manner, "I am just someone trying to keep it together on the best of days." at least she sounds human once again, speaking in English now and matched human appearance to her natural human she was soul wise. 

"Lords will smite thee!" the mage among the kids here, born in the mage country and clueless of modernized terms of insult, "You are evil!" 

"Mages are so old timey." is her retort back and she turned facing this noble stiff lip, "Shut up. I know my problems. At least I not causing fires breaking out when I am to mad to man up to my own mistakes. Leave me to my curse and sort your self out." It was a definitely not something you say to a duke mage with a mage title in mage royal courts.

Just as undertakers are a kingdom of monarchy and dukedoms... mages are matching status quo. This wasn't someone to smart mouth at and she doesn't care to suck up to a jerk like this. She turned away as they mage tongue insulted her. She ignored this because it was more mature then talking about someone in hearing range. 

"Lea!" Josh barked at the door, "What have you done?" He speaking the royal tongue at her too... he was here in servicing his Darkwood master. Seen her in passing. 

"Drawing pictures in chalk in restricted places... so nothing out of the blue for me." She posed left hand in shrug, "You wouldn't know how to remember which way the letter b goes?" He stared unfazed of that being exactly why she here. There at least one kid in here perked from hearing her speaking the royal tongue in correct accenting. This same kid looked at how the noble children were pale from having maybe reconsidered they pissed off a disguised royal. Josh sorted out taking the royal brat he came for and her in the added bonus. No questions asked since everyone knew Josh worked directly for the royal mage monarchy. 

"Kyle. Lea. Now." Josh holding the door open. She peers behind to the royal mage. His aura of elemental uses and that she marked him already. She had to take a moment in wonder when she did this. Vaguely recalled that is was Curiosity begging for her to mark him from not being executed by gods in a court case Curiosity had accidently tied the mage in, "You're meant to be getting ready for the ceremony!" Josh ear snatched Kyle the whole way to the elevator. Released once it was the four of them alone, the ex-host spirit of death lingering with her. 

"Remind me how you speak the mage language." the ex-death god posed bone finger at her. 

"Just like I can speak yours naturally back at you." it didn't answer his question but it does point out her bilingual habits. She stated that fact, speaking the death order tongue. It made Josh confused in hearing her speaking to a unseen in a unknown tongue. 

"Ugh... she has divine language." Kyle speaking the look Josh had, "I can't tell what they are, but there is something lingering beside her." Josh looked about sick of babysitting kids with above normal problems. Clearly the ex-host heard that passive prayer Josh made and nodding in pity to the guy. Not that Josh can see him. 

"I should just be straight to the point, you make enough human lapses of logic to answer these sort of things." the ex-host back to business, "You being court summoned but given your a human... this comes with issues. You are requested as a lot of your titles. Really at this point, there seems a desperation to just make your appearance at all. It's to do a tome count. We have tome's being found that aren't making any sense of reason of existing. We also crossing time lapsing in soul name written accounts. You're so outside of the time system that you could detangle it." 

"Really? You want help from the abyss?" She crossed her arms a this, "You know how bad that sounds. The way abyss is the counter of divine law. You're willing to trust me? You know what I am by soul." He clearly is frustrated that was what she was arguing about, and not the concern of anything else. Like why her. Or what the real problem was. 

"Lea. You wouldn't happen to have like some sage or purification candles?" Josh asked. 

"Ugh... I do." She had to look at what that was about, "Oh... Morpheus!" She sings and right over to the massive darkness in a cloud of fleshy materials, "Look at you my little dreamer." She scoops it all into a shape of a big fat black seek furred cat. Like any annoying pet owner, does the cute talk and weird kisses. The lazy cat purrs all chunk gurgled and was not caring about the poses she put him in. Even at the point of raspberry of the cat's tummy. Very loud purring, "You're one of my top ten." she sing song her tone. 

"Proof that everything we are ever worried about with the abyss doesn't matter when you have a girl that breaks things." She shot glare to Omens. 

"Bird for brains seems to forget why he knows me at all." She released the cat to the floor and it melted into nothingness into her shadow, "You're soul type doesn't even have a registry in the Sigil system! So maybe stop pointing fingers at the things you should be grateful for." 

"She got you there." The ex-host of death taking her side at this, "She's right. You're a unaccountable soul that cant be registered in my domain and thus also in the life's domain. Maybe pissing off the one being that can make you do as she pleases in whispering your soul name is a bad idea." 

"That breaks the ranking laws." another pointed out. Kyle is pushed out of the way by Josh, they are off to do as they are needed. Leaving Lea to her problems among the vessels of gods hovering about. 

"That was Morpheus?" Mat as least getting his head around things. 

"It's real name cant be comprehended. So I nickname them. His a dream land eater. He eater the materials of dreams, not the way you think. Loki is another cat of mine. His a eater too... but the depth of what he eats doesn't make sense. The only being that eats things that makes sense to you is Omens. For as much your a true titled god, you are the eater of the hidden creatures that cause those misfortunes. The very creatures that Angels and Demons are constantly disappearing. Why the living world is considered unsafe during summer. That's the logical thing here. The lacking logic is why Morpheus was here in material form. He literally starve in this world." so they all look at her in how backwards that was for her to reach the shared issue there is. 

"For once I actually followed that." Omen's understanding that she is backwards. They turned to him for translation, "SO there a rift of boundaries crossing where they shouldn't be. It's leaking the dream worlds among the waking world. This is allowed things that should only be creatures of dreams among humans." 

"I guess now we have not deer and wendigos eating each other." She thinks about the vast cross overs of things that meet, "This might sort itself out." she tilts, "Might get a few broken humans but there has always been unhinged out there." she straightened, "Yeah, You lot are worried about nothing. It's fine. It makes this place even more unique." 

"Damn it Lea. That isn't a good thing." Omens hissed, "This will cause human belief to falter." 

"That sounds like a god's job." she crossed arms at this, "Aren't you gods always needing more reasons for humans to seek your help? Now you have creatures that make things fun." 

"I can't argue against that." among the gods seeing it that, "As long as we are divine, we will continue shielding the humans from unnatural things. This has always been. Even in how we command angels and demons to stay hidden. It not changing much." 

"All that talk about the moth man and big foot is now real?" Another in disbelief. 

"Cinnabar mines are like perfect for hiding something like big foot. Its fine. Humans aren't that stupid." there a turn among themselves, "Oh..." the divine know, "This is so not what we need." 

"Lea!" Omen pulls her collar, "You have the full access's to what these things are. You should at least given some sort of input in how to defend against them." She slaps him off her. 

"Ungodly to be pulling a mortal girls shirt like that." He then had to reflect on realizing he did just that. That this shouldn't be a occurrence at all, "But whatever. You just not accessing the dark web. The information been there always. Even their soul names if you know what your looking for and how to find it." She lowered evading Omen's again. She picking up Morpheus and feeding him something. She unfazed of how the cat isn't cat like when eating what she gave it. She not even fazed of it making her bleed and slobber on her hand. She looks at them all with a warm smirk, "Careful what you wish for. The whisper of the darkness never shut up." they prostrate making some aggravated posing in arguing. She moved away from them all. 

"Eliza." Mat hand at her shoulder, they the same age now. Maybe at in appearance. She looked sad in looking about him, and made him carry Morpheus for her. She used free hands to now be setting his god tools to better placed. She had corrected a runic paint mark on his lower left eye, the paint brush from her pocket. She tilted his head with angle checks and brush away. He glaring at her for being weird and that he doesn't like being touched like this. 

"There you go, Ace. You're almost there." She takes back Morpheus, "I suspect you missing your sister. Pride is never far." he looked pale at her for that, "I think you will be seeing her soon. I know fate ties you both often. You try so hard." 

"I don't have pride in talking about my crazy sister." He blurted. 

"Her undertaker name. You're normally Riddle or Curiosity." She play punched his shoulder, "I am just Trixie trickster, always tied up in all your shadow problems." She looked very sad, "You're not meant to remember that yet. But I thought it be useful. You're going to need your ranking in the panel to access the dark Sigil pathways. Once you got old contacts with the abyssal, you make things smoother for this lot." back pointed to the gods behind her, "Are you going to go back to the dragonfly?" he very confused and shuffled to evade her now. Morpheus watched him back. 

"He really has forgotten you." Morpheus speaks to her.

"Yeah, I returned his soul here... where we both originated from. I got left behind in the darkness and he was pulled here. Back together." Morpheus bunts her under chin. Trying to make her less sad then she is. She turned away in wiping away a ink tear of damned blood. She cleared her voice a little, distressed in the knot in her throat. All this contact with death... she knew. It hurts that she knew. 

"You to relaxed with the boundaries between the unknown and known." Morpheus huffed. 

"I am starving. You could say I am just wating to hunt a decent meal." putting him back to her shadow and Morpheus posed flat ears, "Something there is just hovering out of reach... and it smells so good." he loafed himself in her storage, "Maybe this will make these puppets useful bait." 

"You better not let them break again." he advice her. She sighed knowing. 

"Sewing the leathers again would be wasted effort."