Eye over the shore 85

The biggest part of the last two days of this festival was the music. It's like any other British music event, the height of the party. The creatures that plague the event was now turned into some joke game for humans. Humans unable to see what these creatures are. The god's came up with some plan to make the humans exterminate them. Dressing the creatures as paint animals that the humans are going around breaking. All part of the festival theme. All to the tune of fast beat music.

There plenty of alcoholic beverages to loosen the sanity around here. This was around the time that the majority of prayer art is being taken down. The chalk test pictures of been a great gate to protect the creatures that don't need gods removing them. As if she foreseen it before even the gods. It wasn't an accident that she draw things on the levels she did. Those floors reflected numbers of important values. In especially the afterlife realms these gates are attached to, giving the creatures safety from evil humans. 

She is not the type for being in the middle of the dancing crowds. Seated safely at the back of the mosh pit edges. She watched what souls are paying the price. Her darkness taking the stones before they are trampled by the dancing crowd. This was a great harvest of soul stones and corpse materials. She not the only Sigil walker hunter of Oath in part take of snatching free materials. 

"What are you trying to hunt?" she isn't not alone being seated here, the ex-host of death is a bored man during retirement. He still retains some godly things, like knowledge over mortals. A memory not affect by time. He knows things that be told in the future and what was the past. But his limited... his not the title. So he wouldn't know concept laws and soul laws. He would know his scythe works in prying souls out but not why it works - as example. Although, he could do. His mind is wrapped... insanity and sanity. The requirement of being a host of unimaginable feats. 

"You heard me talking to Morpheus or is this a future thing?" she returned his question with that. He puts a stone on the table, "Soul Stone. A material made from souls but its laws aren't your soul laws. This is partly the same issue with facing the varieties of souls that crossed here. The rubble remains of a tome to another place." He takes back the stone in deep thinking, "My broken way of not explaining it right. String theory meets video games. Humans make a video game, copies by the thousands. Each game is unique... but the formula of laws are shared." She keeps a low profile in evading Josh, she not meant to be here. She meant to be grounded for the art on the top floor walkway. Meant to be back at the shared flat with Mat and Kyle. She suspects she meant to share the school dorms. There is a floor level that is the mage school and its facility dorm.

"But this isn't our world's law." He posed the stone at her. She trying to leave it at that, the guy hasn't really played a videogame before. He would know the terms from those his pryed souls from what corpses. Maybe his books, dude a bookworm and more. She sees his not letting up, so she has to continue.

"Back to using video games. Right, so there are several different consoles. Each console runs a unique plaftorm system. It reads the game to allow the player to enterain themsevles. But what if this game is for a the other console then the one being used. You can run the game... it's playing. You can complete the quest with a few hicups. but you are still enjoying it, even if the console or game has issues. So this game." Pointed to the stone, "Lost the console. It can't be accessed. But it doesn't erase the data of play game time and the game that it came from. It still present... reading by the current console as error data. It made some interesting cheats and bypasses. But your still a player enjoying the world, in spite of error data." He got it, "I am the tome holder over this soul. I have a lot of them, actually. I am just trying to put them somewhere to play thier games. To continue as players in thier own adventures. I am just protecting them while their dormant. It's not the only soul type that doesn't belong around here. I realize to late that I can't change back what I brought back home." She makes magic flow into a solid mass and he take it with being confused, "This too... just another version of souls. Darkness in fabric like material. Souls. Clothus... souls. I lost track at some point in trying to save them. The remains of collasped timespace from the stomachs of exisitance eaters. I just... felt guilty. We weren't any different no to long ago. Our game in some console unable to read us. Omen's is actually a dweller of that existance. He doesnt know that I saved him. But I know your now all my responbility. Well, these are." She posed the soul crystal, "I broke down in such a task of putting many souls home. Some returned thanking me, those court eaters. The ones that hate me, the clothus. The unaware like omens." 

"You're a fantastic tomes keeper. I know because, you can tell me the exact chapter this soul is found in." He posed the stone in presenting it warmly into her hands, "You know them all. Even the flow of magic." 

"I am hunting a being that is just like me." she returned back to topic, "There is other creatures outside time space. They eat souls and carry them to the place the soul will be. Its a big system. Ever chaotic and orderly. I will never get it. But I hunger them. They fill me with the energy to keep on. I will gladly save the souls in thier stomachs. I guess they are just other consoles... maybe. I am not sure. Does it matter? Maybe." She finds herself pulled off the chair and growled at. 

"Back to the flat." Omen's in Josh... that is an interesting way to make her follow orders. 

"I was waiting for Mat's part." she has an excuse. the death god at her side nods at this, "His meant to be on stage soon." Josh frowned at not liking that being any part true. But they both turned as it was announced to the stage. The band of god followers here to liven the party. Mat's the guitarist and second singer. Josh was pale, he never expected Mat to be up there. It was a bad as Eliza's chalk art. Omen's knew about it and was proud. So it puts a truce in Josh and Eliza to wait for Mat together.

Listen to the Celtic chanting, maybe Viking inspired guttural rock. There poured so much energy to weave the air, a divine protection and illusion. People were tranced into dancing. 

She is able to sneak away, left Josh to that table. She was leaving because she compelled to use her damned power to take her somewhere. It was as if the music triggered her to feel the need to check some direction off the side of time and space. That black sand... purple liquid water. The green sky with blue clouds. The light there without a source. She normally here in moonlight hours, her camping fire pit smouldering. It's dying... and she seems to ran right over to it. Concerned of it. She breaths life into the embers as best she can. Adding fuel with great care. It springs into hot larger blaze. It sprays and kicked hot on her. 1st degree burns on her hands. She holds these wounds in crying in how painful that is. This pain goes away, as the material law come affect. Left with burn tattoo marks on her hands then real burns. She stands in knowing it still fresh and hot. She thought about that water, entry into the unforgiving sea.

But she been rejected by it - enough to know to not bother. This beach is covered in litter, a lot of materials from things banished. Even the creatures that were in the tower, she crossed path seeing. The resent in how some knew it was her fault. They are unaware as humans to demons. She collected what is of use, buried them at peace and rescue the ones that can come back. To be fair, there was more than those from the tower. It is just the nature if this festival to banish the unseen creatures from away from close veils. She so lost at depth of her gathering and saving that she lost how many miles she has walked down now.

Looking at the foot prints erased behind her. This was a new section of land to beach to water. She looked out at the depths at first but make more advances with looking upon the landscape. Empty but palm trees. These palm trees are creature eaters that look innocent. They are large versions of Venus flytrap. The break peels away to a stick sweet material and warps back over once stuck on the trunk. Its at horrific angles where the coastal storms had made them grow irregularly. She retreats back to sand, gathering some to a small pot. She doesn't label it, best to be kept herself. The trek back was easier with plenty of things to gather, buried and saved.

"I hate you!" The ocean rift throw open and flee past inches from her face was a pocketwatch. Eliza collected it from the sand and watched the rift seal closed. She peers about the watch in vague interest and puts it on for safe keeping. Moving another mile until this seems to happen again. The ocean casting away another object. The tide splashed all around here and pulled away, left behind a god sword. She doesn't recognise the god it was meant for. She however knew it was a divine weapon of dangerous law. Here it is stuck into the sand at her feet. Scabbard waterlogged beside. She sheathed it and wears it all the same. Better then wasted to rust or used by someone dangerous. She can finally see her campsite. Smiles to herself that the area wasn't changed.

"I dare you!" She was grappled by an opening gateway and sounds more that these folks throwing stuff now were taking them back, "I dare you to take something far worse then my pet." A complicated situation.

"Then I give this things temporary allowance!" She felt flesh pour around her and with a stronger then she can handle breaking. A chain and grapple with this summoning. She knew best to not hurt the summons then to fight being brought along.

"A little girl?" They all pulled to laughter and on their knees crying.

"Little girl is what they say. Little they say. Looked upon my illusion." She sneers and takes a moment of looking at all things here and what this place is. She then turned to the one that brought her here, "Not you."

She speaks human, "Why? You hate me and you summon me. What is wrong with you?" She glares down at Omens in his realm form. This place is a realm of gods where gods are human. A place they live normal lives. She hissed with a string of hating being under his command like this.

"Wait. How did you survive the Abyss? Your that mortal girl that keeps appearing around my follower." She posed in exasperation of this.

"You should put her back now." Gladly someone with sense, "Put the clothus back." Someone that can see her clothing isn't clothing, "Put it back to the abyss before it breaks the rules."

"Funny... because I think it weaker then my summons." She cares little to the childish antics and more for getting the summon contract off her. She was trying really hard with breaking it, "Go kill." The god against omens posed command of his creature. It takes one look and then lowered to her in begging for it's life, "What?"

"You're not human?" Omens pulls that summons chain and pulled her out the ritual barrier, bringing her to their realm and all us unfiltered energy. She finds this very painful, weakened to not able to stand. He pulled her close, "Why are you always in the way!"

"Stop!" Someone pulls him from hurting her more, "Put them back." Omens doesn't care to listen.

"No. She going to answer my questions." She heavier by this chain in his stubborn carelessness. The creatures seeing this a opportunity got brave and goes to strike her. She guts it all the same with removing its soul from the corpse. She broke the contract that is was under. Its body drops to her storage. The soul put into her, not eating it but melted into her skin. She barely pulls herself to stand as something new presents itself to fight now. Believing it had to be a fluke. Several rounds of dropping things dead, and someone finally did something new. Given omens refused to banish. It was now about breaking the summoning circle. The letters inside are being messed with and broken. It changed the rules of her appearance and nothing more. It wasn't force banishing her as hoped. Omens continues his plague of questions that she never speaks for. Rather at this moment was more cursing him to put her back.

"Just go!" Someone else broke the circle. She moved freely out the ritual barrier through this gap made by someone. Once crossing the salt barrier, the chain of contract was now weak and breakable. For as much as hates the guy, it be of use to carry this burden. She could even cross this link with the shattered one she had with Curiosity. Using it in triangulation to get back to his side. She makes her own doorway, looking back at the anger of gods toying with little beings. She can't be seen or sensed outside the ritual.

For Omens, she cast her own abilities into making this broken ritual into a amulet over him. It will be just another among many, not the only soul his bothered around with. To her surprise, it tattoo him with her mark and so very visible to everyone else instead of just the hidden by veils. A way of pay back for her. She now left through the gate in satisfied result. Back along the sea shore beside her camp fire. The gale was tough over her and the flame she rekindled.

"The young souls don't know what fire they are playing with." She heard a familiar voice. The breeze eased as they seated themselves at her log bench. She scoots right close to the flame in need of its warmth and light. Burnt marks visible once again.

"Are you still attached?" She doesn't look back to them, only to the rainbow of energies this kindle campfire sprays.

"Do you love this spot in particular reason?" She lowered in knowing her choose of spot here wasn't hers to make. Rather, this was just the area spot she has many soul memories with.

"It's at least alive here." She wavered in knowing it was a lie through and through. He knew she lied, "This was where I was left. Just another washed up on the sand." That's true, "I just wasn't a corpse like them." She felt itchy on a mark and indicated that likely this bond has presented for a reason, "You're always watching the beach. This was a place you evaded. I was scared back then. I was weaker. Thoughtless." Hand on her shoulder.

"Then fair enough." It was as if jolted awaken from sleeping.

The room is covered in sketches, the flat itself is a shell in lacking furniture. The only indication of her living was the kitchen being set with many food stuff. Open plan and some basics like mattress and shelve of tomes. The drawings are alive of the beach she was just on. The fire pit. The log tree by her mattress. The lone figure still seated there, enjoying the flame and watching the horizon.

"Go make sure the follower is OK." She heard. Felt that the contract chain in affect. She staggers a little in getting herself together. That pocket watch and swords still on her. A last attempt to gaze into a mirror which proves that she still sees her clothus over her human face. Leaving this flat.

This was the day after the last party to the festival of the gods. Plenty are sleeping drunk along walls and some litter kicking about. The tower is grey then that modern clean white. She recalls he was a stage singer and will be still there. She also knows Josh or Jess if they find him frist will not be pleased. Kyle too. She has to find Kyle Glader. There seems a tie going on in local time with fate. There a lot of moves of Nightmares and dream walkers putting creatures of fortune back where they belonged. As the festival just resets the unwanted attached ones off the populous.

She moved fast in seeking where the mage group went. She seen also the strange movement of god vessels and changing hand god followers. There even damned (the passed on god followers) making effort. The slide to evade the wrong crowds. She shadow surfed surfaces and assaisn flexed hops around the towers corridors to evade being spotted. She doesn't know how human she is at the moment and doesn't want to cause up roar.

"Eliza!" She heard but didn't see anyone or anything. She stares at the blade of a death god and a tome at the floor. She sighed collecting them and frowns in picking up evidence of which creature she will be paying visit to in a moment.

"Stop it!" There. His voice. She hits the tome in just felt that aura. She follows this feeling and the corridors that dragging and complaint is heard. Sound of boys being boys and pranks. And trouble. A lot of trouble.

"You are one of us. You can see them too." She hides just around the corner of them, "You're able to see the damned, but your a so called follower of a god." She sees the casting aura of magic flows. She moves them at her own will of shadows breaking the path magic tries to cast. Preventing them using harmful magic. They each complained of this lacking of being a big badie. Feeling the disruption of flow casting. Snarling to locate the origin of disruption.

"Enough everyone. Stop this." Adult nearby caught them red handed, "You three are to mop. You are sweeping the floor ahead." Expected to work chores to get the tower main floors cleaned, "You two are coming with me to clean trash." The mid pause, "You to young lady!" She jolted in being caught up in the environment. She sees her hands human and for now shy act her way of stepping out and nods. Looking good down like she didn't meant to offend.

"Who is that?" The bullies among themselves whispering.

"Seriously? This is where you been?" The person that the adult here. She looks up to them, "Why are you pretending to be a kid?"

"I was contracted by oath to do something secret." She warmly smiled to her big brother, "Disguise was part of it."

"Sure. Creep." He plat punched her arm, "You need to hang about then?" She nods and follows him, Kyle and Mat. She sighed in relief at being here on time. Looking back to the anger ones. She gave a strange nightmare gesture and nearby the unseen follow this command with happiness. Happy to get paid at what they do best.

"Stop doing that." Kyle must have known this gesture in magic casting, "Someone will get hurt."

"You are a sweet kid." Pats his head in spite of being the same height, "There. There. No one can get hurt because of me. I can't hurt folks." She was grappled by wrist by Mat that doesn't trust her. She lets him do his thing, glare and concern. He lets her go to check over the Galder kid. She smirks in how he never changes, which tinted that smile to a sad twist. She walked to her brother side. Working along his side during the chore pick up. Everyone with black bags, grapple hand things and gloves. She works smoothly at their backs, guarding them from the unseen ones. She makes the occasional direct glare to some unsavoury disruptions and they got the picture. Shuffled away quick.

"Smooth." Her brother got she was protective and likely she scared off his own team member, "maybe your done for the day."

"The demon is under pressure to take powerful souls under his chain. Maybe you should be the one careful."

"It's him or the darkwood." She measures this understanding. She sighed and whistled to that demon guy. She posed oath ranker greeting and bows in apology. She softly backs away and he approached them now. She stands back in how they talked between them. Her brother and Mat making some sort of deal. Kyle is able to see the demons real form and stays skeptical. She guesses that she didn't look human to Kyle either. He kept looking at her in strange angles. It made her very uncomfortable.

"And you arent wanting to take them?" The demon asking her.

"I am a nightmare, not a demon." She shurgs, "the rules you act aren't messing with mine."

"It's rare that a nightmare is visible and talks."

"I am a very powerful one. Contorl of some little ones." She cast the tome of Noctorm to hand, "Did you want to play a little?" He turned her down and she puts the book away, "mmm... I guess I have to ask the next demon if they want a healthy body."

The demon leaves her alone ans shivered once away enough. She scratched patches of herself again in being uncomfortable. She leaned to a wall, looking up. She finds herself seeking forwards to the banister looking over all floors. Staring at her art. She reminds about the book and blade she collected. She felt off about it all. Staring upon the art chalk above. She turns watching them at the distance created, dazed of time passing. The gleam of the tower returning white. The way his shadow cloaks him from horror and sheilds him from torment. He not even aware of the way the Ender title had its own will and has taken a liking over Mat. It being prevented by Omens. Omens has a constant hold of protecting Mat from the title of Ender. Wedged himself between the cursed shadow title and Mat's soul.