Unbelievable Conclusion

They had prepared themselves for a room full of nightmare creatures lurking in the dark, waiting to ambush them. However, the scene in front of them was a complete opposite. The space that was supposed to be bustling with crew members was empty and still.

An eerie silence hung in the air. The station stood vacant; papers were strewn about, instruments left unintended, and chairs overturned. It was as if the bridge had been abruptly deserted in the midst of chaos. Through the large panoramic windows, they could see nothing but an endless stretch of darkness that seemed to swallow the ship whole, making them feel like they were sailing through the void. The radar screens flickered intermittently, emitting an uncanny glow akin to distorted shadows. 

To make matters worse, the entire space was covered in the same sticky transparent substance as the floor outside, even the walls and ceiling were not spared.