Player Alienation

The four of them rested until 10 AM before they went out for breakfast. 

The atmosphere in the air was lively and boisterous. Guests mingled with each other, a band played pop jazz music on the stage, and children's clear laughter filled the air. It was hard to believe that this was the same cruise ship which housed dozens of nightmare creatures just last night. The stark contrast between day and night was extremely unnerving.

"What should we do next?" Gu Luoxin asked as he stirred his chocolate milkshake absentmindedly. The warm atmosphere did not manage to subdue the rising chill in his body. It made him more restless instead, as he kept feeling as though every NPC he encountered could transform into a nightmare creature and pounce on him without a warning. "Without the core NPC, it seems like there's nothing more we can do. But is it really okay for us to just sit still and wait like this…?"