Unbreakable Bond (3)

Day five.

Ying felt like her organs were scorched inside out. Every inch of her body screamed in protest, especially her legs and the soles of her feet, which had been scraped raw and bloody. 

She had no idea whether it was only her imagination or not, but the sun seemed to intensify each day, and it felt no different than being fried in a pan. She couldn't even quench her thirst with her saliva anymore as her tongue felt so dry and swollen. Her head throbbed, and her eyeballs seemed like they were going to pop out of their sockets. Her knees trembled with every step she took, threatening to buckle at any moment.

Despite the torment, she kept muttering under her breath, "A little more… just a little bit more…" it was unknown whether she was saying it to encourage herself, or to reassure the person on her back.