Unbreakable Bond (4)

Ying thought she had tasted the full extent of the Cycle's cruelty, but as it turned out she was sorely mistaken.

Upon returning to the real world, she learned that death in the Cycle equaled death in real life, with at most an hour buffer. She learned how it felt to mourn twice, to go through the same excruciating torment all over again, to watch her brother's life fade away right in front of her without her being able to do anything. 

She ran home with all of her might, disregarding the strange looks and alarmed calls from the passersby and neighbors. She ignored the pain and weaknesses all over her body as she raced up the stairs, almost stumbling on her feet, slammed the door to her brother's room open and—

There he was, sitting on his bed like always. Still alive and breathing.