Chapter 24

After eating another bag of bread, Lin Xiajin returned to the dubbing studio.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Xin Li, it's me," Lin Xiajin said.

"Xiajin!" A nervous voice came from the door. After all, Lin Xiajin had not returned for so long.

As time passed, she thought of many possibilities. Lin Xiajin had been bitten by a zombie, Lin Xiajin had become a zombie, and Lin Xiajin had been saved by her brother and abandoned her.

In just a few hours, she was sad, upset, afraid, and hateful.

Xin Li thought of countless possibilities. Lin Xiajin was finally back.

"Yes," Lin Xiajin replied.

Xin Li opened the door nervously and Lin Xiajin went in. Xin Li immediately closed the door.

"You're finally back. Why were you gone for so long? I almost thought you were bitten by a zombie…"

When Lin Xiajin heard this, the hand that put down the fireman's axe trembled slightly before returning to normal.

"No, I got addicted to opening packages in the mini supermarket…" Lin Xiajin said with a smile.

"…" Xin Li imagined the scene of Lin Xiajin opening all kinds of packages.

"The sanitary pads and toilet paper you want," Lin Xiajin said as she took out two packets of sanitary pads and a roll of toilet paper from her backpack.

As she went inside to change her sanitary pad, Xin Li asked.

"What did you find?" Xin Li asked.

"Cosmetics, skincare products… and all kinds of strange things…" Lin Xiajin was speechless.

Among them, Lin Xiajin had even unwrapped condoms…

"The joy of opening a blind box. I want to have it too…" Xin Li sighed.

"We can go together next time. More than half of it hasn't been opened yet," Lin Xiajin said after thinking for a while.

But then she remembered that she had emptied almost all the food in the mini-mart by herself, but that was easy to explain.

She could just say that someone else had come, and Xin Li would not suspect anything…

However, Lin Xiajin did not expect that no one would think of the small supermarket when more than 10 days had passed.

At the beginning of the apocalypse, most people had turned into zombies. Those who survived immediately went to the two large supermarkets of Qing University.

The two supermarkets were together with the two canteens.

They would think of those two places immediately if they were looking for locations with abundant resources…

Lin Xiajin took out a few packets of instant noodles and bread from her backpack.

"Xiajin, are you injured?? You weren't bitten by a zombie, right?" Xin Li became nervous when she saw Lin Xiajin's bandaged arm…

Lin Xiajin said jokingly, "If I was bitten by a zombie, would I still be able to come back now…???"

Xin Li saw that Lin Xiajin did not seem to have changed at all. Instead, Lin Xiajin looked much more energetic after going out to check things out.

"…That's true. After being bitten by a zombie, you would become a zombie after a few minutes."

Xin Li had seen many people turn into zombies within a few minutes after being bitten by zombies.

Some people fortunate; they were bitten and then they turned into zombies, while others were surrounded by a group of zombies. Before they could turn into zombies, they were devoured until there was nothing left but bones…

That was why some zombies were missing pieces of meat, while others were missing limbs.

However, the strange thing was that the zombies didn't eat their heads.

That night, Lin Xiajin slept very comfortably. Perhaps, it was because she was tired from fighting zombies all day…

Usually, Lin Xiajin could sleep for the entire night, even if there were zombies roaring outside, but…

Lin Xiajin woke up in the dark. Rumble…

Lin Xiajin grabbed her stomach and could not help but curse.


She was hungry again! She was actually woken up by hunger… This was the first time Lin Xiajin was woken up by hunger.