Chapter 25

In the dark night, Lin Xiajin's eyes darted around…

If she didn't eat, she definitely wouldn't be able to sleep. Lin Xiajin glanced at Xin Li, who was sleeping on the ground beside her…

Lin Xiajin swallowed and quietly walked to the outer room. She took out chocolate from the spatial storage…

Lin Xiajin realized that the higher the calories, the more it could fill her stomach. Lin Xiajin opened the packaging and immediately stuffed the chocolate into her mouth. Lin Xiajin placed the remaining wrapper in her space.

After eating a piece of chocolate, Lin Xiajin finally stopped her extreme hunger.

Then, she closed her eyes and slept for a while. She had had an extra meal in the middle of the night, so she slept very well in the latter half of the night.

Another day of being woken up by Xin Li…

Lin Xiajin opened her eyes in a daze. Just as she was about to speak, Xin Li covered her mouth.

Xin Li covered Lin Xiajin's mouth with one hand and pointed outside with the other…

Roar… Roar…

The low growls of zombies came from outside the door…

Lin Xiajin frowned. Seeing that Lin Xiajin heard it, Xin Li slowly lifted the hand that was covering Lin Xiajin's mouth.

The two of them gestured with their hands. Unexpectedly, the zombie on the second floor had already climbed to the third floor…

Xin Li could not help but swallow nervously as they kept pacing back and forth outside the door.

However, there was no better way. They could only hide here first. Their backpacks were limited, and the things they stored were only enough for Lin Xiajin to eat for three days, even if her appetite was still as small as it had been.

It was not a problem for her to survive for a week if she scrimped and saved, but it was impossible now. If she was too hungry, Lin Xiajin would panic.

Besides, if she was hungry all the time, unless she kept hiding here, she wouldn't have the strength to fight the zombies once all the food supplies were depleted.

The two of them had their fill and rested for two days. They would wait until the first three days of Xin Li's period had passed to leave.

"Gurgle…" Xin Li saw that Lin Xiajin could eat so much.

In the past, Lin Xiajin didn't eat so much? However, it might be the apocalypse. There was only so much food in total. One would definitely eat more if he could.

It was the same for Xin Li. She was also eating much more than usual. This resulted in the portion that would usually last three days being eaten in one and a half days.

Lin Xiajin didn't drink a single bottle of beverage. She only drank plain water…

"I really want to eat hot rice, snail noodles, sour and spicy noodles, hotpot…" Xin Li chewed on the fries and said with a painful expression.

In the past, she would only eat two bags of snacks to satisfy her cravings when she had nothing to do. Now, snacks had become her staple food.

The food was too dry, and there was no fruit…


"There should be fruits in the supermarket, right? Although half a month has passed, some fruits are still good, right?" Xin Li said with shining eyes.

True, Lin Xiajin had also been eating junk food recently. Although she would secretly eat vitamins to replenish her body, it was not good for the child to eat like this.

Although the environment was harsh, once she was pregnant, she still wanted to give the child the best.

Perhaps this was the involuntary hopes of every mother.

On the third day, there seemed to be more and more zombie roars outside.

"I roughly counted. There should be the roar of 4 or 5 zombies." Xin Li frowned and said.

4 or 5, Lin Xiajin felt that she could still handle it. But Xin Li…

"We can't delay any longer. If we stay here, there will be more and more zombies outside," Lin Xiajin said.

If they stayed here and did not choose to open the door, they would starve to death when the food was depleted.

Now that they had eaten their fill and had the strength, they could still fight…

When the two of them realized this, they started discussing…

In the end, it was decided. When Xin Li opened the door, Lin Xiajin would use the fireman's axe to deal with the zombies.

  1. Should be typo from the author here,. Can't imagine 4.5 zombies.