Chapter 28

Xin Li ran all the way into the small supermarket. Along the way, there were zombie corpses that Lin Xiajin had beheaded previously…

Without exception, their heads were all split open…

The two of them entered the supermarket. Lin Xiajin pushed a shelf over and used it to block the door.

Suddenly, a ball of fire attacked Lin Xiajin. Lin Xiajin reacted quickly, but there was still a little flame on her backpack.

Xin Li immediately condensed a water ball and the little flame was instantly extinguished.

"Yang Ziyi?" Xin Li looked at the man in front of her and could not help but frown.

At this moment, Lin Xiajin turned around and saw Yang Ziyi and Wang Ping beside him. It was actually these two people!

Lin Xiajin frowned and tightened her grip on the fireman's axe.

"Oh my, Lin Xiajin isn't dead yet?" Wang Ping mocked.

Lin Xiajin frowned but did not say anything. At this moment, she was more worried about the next problem.

Sure enough, what she was afraid of came true!

"Wang Ping, do you f*cking know how to speak? Who do you think you are?" Xin Li pointed at Wang Ping's nose and scolded.

When Wang Ping heard Xin Li's words, her expression instantly turned ugly. However, Xin Li was a rich second-generation heir. She, Wang Ping, was an ordinary student like Yang Ziyi.

She used to be envious and jealous of how Xin Li was a rich second-generation heir. She was just an ordinary student and she had excellent character and studies.

Who didn't know that Xin Li smoked and drank and changed boyfriends almost every month?

If it was before the apocalypse, she might be afraid of Xin Li and not dare to stand out. However, it was the apocalypse now. Money was just worldly possessions. In this apocalypse, could one use it to bribe zombies into not eating them?

Or could money create a piece of bread out of thin air for you to eat?

"Who do you think you are? Do you think you're still a rich second-generation heir?" Wang Ping was not to be outdone.

Yang Ziyi saw Lin Xiajin again. He had thought that Lin Xiajin had been bitten to death by the zombies. She was actually still alive.

Yang Ziyi looked at Xin Li. She was a water ability user. It seemed that her roommate had saved her.

"Lin Xiajin, you really survived. If you serve me with Wang Ping, I will protect you!" Yang Ziyi said shamelessly.

It was as if it was a huge gift…

Lin Xiajin did not say anything and only frowned slightly.

Xin Li seemed to have heard the biggest joke in the world. What kind of skills did Lin Xiajin have? She had seen it for the past few days.

She had personally experienced it!

Although she had yet to activate her superpower, she could still chop off four to five zombies' heads without any change of expression…

In the past, she only thought that Lin Xiajin just practiced some Taekwondo moves and even went for morning exercises every morning for the sake of maintaining her figure.

Lin Xiajin frowned and felt that Yang Ziyi was crazy!

A person who had always been mediocre would suddenly feel that he was very awesome after obtaining an ability…

"Yang Ziyi, are you crazy? Does Lin Xiajin need your protection?" Xin Li mocked with a cold expression.

Wang Ping looked at Xin Li and voiced her thoughts

"Brother Yang is willing to protect you. You should be content. You don't know your place. I wonder whose bastard child you're carrying." Wang Ping looked at Lin Xiajin mockingly.

When Xin Li heard this, she was shocked and looked at Lin Xiajin in disbelief.

"Xiajin… you, you're pregnant???" Xin Li widened her eyes and stared at Lin Xiajin.

  1. Should be a typo from author, because the person who speaks next is not the Lin Xiajin.