Chapter 29

"You believe that?" Lin Xiajin raised her eyebrow, putting on an expression of incredulity.

"…" Xin Li actually hesitated for a moment.

Perhaps the accident that day did not happen? If it did not happen, Xin Li would feel much less guilty.

Xin Li looked at Lin Xiajin's serious expression. If she was pregnant, could she still kill zombies?

Xin Li looked at Lin Xiajin's stomach. It was flat and smooth. She did not look like she was pregnant either…

"Wang Ping, stop spouting nonsense! Lin Xiajin can kill zombies when she's pregnant? Do you believe that Xiajin can chop off your head like a zombie with her axe?" Xin Li said with a cold expression.

Wang Ping also had a water-type superpower. The water ball she condensed was even smaller than Xin Li's.

At least Xin Li's could be said to be a water ball, while Wang Ping's was a water droplet…

"You! Brother Yang!" Wang Ping could not win the argument against Xin Li. She could only glare at her as if she wanted to kill her with her gaze.

However, she thought of something and said mockingly, "Lin Xiajin killed zombies? Previously, she hid in the school building every day and didn't come out. If it weren't for Brother Yang, she would have starved to death long ago…"

Lin Xiajin was speechless. At first, she had gone with them on their trips, but later on, she realized that she was pregnant. She really felt nauseous when she saw blood.

Feeling dizzy and uncomfortable, she decided to simply hide in the school building…

"Really? All the food that Yang Ziyi gave must have been fed to dogs." Lin Xiajin sneered.

"You're the dog! You're…" After saying this, Wang Ping realized that she had said something wrong.

Yang Ziyi was not stupid. He could tell immediately. He grabbed Wang Ping's arm and said, "Wang Ping, what do you mean? Did all the food I gave Lin Xiajin go into your stomach?"

If that was the case, no wonder Lin Xiajin never gave him a single glance.

"No, no." Wang Ping was shocked by Yang Ziyi's sudden fury. She was so nervous that her face turned pale.

"It's not me. It's everyone else. I only took a little. Isn't Lin Xiajin eating diet meals? She doesn't need to fight zombies, so it's fine to eat one or two less meals…" Wang Ping's voice became softer and softer…

Yang Ziyi's face darkened. "Lin Xiajin didn't go out to fight zombies, but did you women go out to fight zombies?"

The other girls were also in the school building, but they had activated more superpowers than Lin Xiajin.

Releasing a drop of water or something, just like Wang Ping…

"Brother Yang, it's a fact that Lin Xiajin betrayed us. Wang Tao majored in pharmaceuticals. How could she not tell?" Wang Ping carefully changed the topic.

"I betrayed him? Ha… I've never promised Yang Ziyi anything. What betrayal? I'm really speechless…" Lin Xiajin frowned and said in a low voice.

Yang Ziyi was slapped in the face on the spot and his face was livid.

"Lin Xiajin, whether you're pregnant or not, I'll protect you now!" Yang Ziyi said.

Xin Li and Lin Xiajin looked at each other. At this moment, the two of them seemed to have a tacit understanding. They looked at Yang Ziyi as if he was a fool…

At the same time, they both thought to themselves, 'Is this guy a fool… Ha…'


Perhaps it was because the argument just now was a little loud, the zombies outside rushed and pounced at the door.

Several zombies pounced on the door at the same time. This small supermarket just had an ordinary wooden door, and it could not withstand the zombies outside.

Lin Xiajin looked at the shelf beside her. She held the fireman's axe in one hand and pulled the shelf with the other, easily blocking the door.

Xin Li, Yang Ziyi, and Wang Ping were dumbfounded…

This shelf was taller than a person. There were four levels of iron shelves. With a single pull, Lin Xiajin had pulled it over and used it to block the door…

The zombies outside were swaying, but the shelf held on steadily.

"… Lin Xiajin, you, you're so strong…" Xin Li said in disbelief.

Two days ago, she had still needed two hands to raise the fireman's axe. Now, not only could she easily lift it with one hand, but she could also pull the shelf with her other…