
Squinting my eyes, I half opened them, adjusted them to the lighting of the place, only to be blinded by the light from the ceiling above me. I lifted my head. The room was hot and dark, the only bright light was flickering barely fighting the darkness of the place. It could only lighten some feet around me. I took in my surroundings. The room was bare of any furniture except the chair that I was sitting on and the chair in front of me. Seemingly dark, relatively big room, concrete walls decorated by strange graffiti. A pounding headache. I was drowsy. My memories came crashing to me as I squeezed my eyes to get through the pain. My heart stammered in my chest. I tried to move my hands but they were tied and I was tied to the chair. I tried to loosen the knot around my wrists as a very huge pain clutched my arm.

I had been captured. Sweat beaded on my forehead. I tried to remain calm, but I couldn't. My hands trembled. My feet grew jelly. I blinked away the tears welling up in my eyes. This was definitely not the time to panic. I had to figure out how to get out of this place. So, I had to know who had kidnapped me. Then, most probably, I could figure out the chances of me successfully escaping this place. Tears stained my cheeks. My heart pounded, fear pumping through me clawing at my every anxiety.

I could hear the thuds of his steps through the room. Turning my head to the source of the sound, a silhouette came closer, eating up the distance between us. The menacing dram figure stretched out. Big and imposing shadows of more men loomed at the doorway, behind him. My hands shook, my palms clammy. A masked man appeared in front of me. A white mask covering his entire face with black ink carving a smile, looking creepy. Black jeans, black shirt, black jacket, black mask, adored with small round black coated earrings and ear piercings. Chestnut colored bangs flipped over his forehead beautifully in contrast to his dark reddish brown colored short hair.

"Don't try to break free. It's useless" a captor scoffed.

His index finger raised, someone from behind came with a bucket.


Ice cold water hit my face. My facial muscles twitched. The feeling of that cold liquid on my face caused me to jolt up, trying my hardest to catch my breath. And I was fully awaked.

The glint of dark, malevolent eyes clashed with mine. He retained an aura of mystery and darkness. A feeling of rage washed over me.

He removed his mask. He was attractive. His face was innocent, hiding his malicious evil soul. Manipulative convict. Bangs looked great on him. They framed his breathtaking face perfectly. He had a piercing on his left eyebrow. There he was standing in front of me, in flesh and blood. Breathing and all like a normal human being. My captor. There wasn't an ounce of fat on his body though his abs were visible through the shirt. Still, I would say what a piece of work! Screw you.

"I've been looking out for you woman"He spoke with a gentle smile.

I hadn't expected this starting line.

"For some reason, I allowed you to breathe and voice out your excuses. Why do you cause trouble?"

I stared at him clueless.

"Nothing. I thought you'd have many. It goes without saying that I'm growing a little tired of you right now"

"Who are you?"

"Are you taking me as a fool?" He groaned.

I flinched.

His voice was dark, angry and frightening. A wave of dominance crashed down on my head. I let my head fall so I couldn't look into those eyes, the panic attack making its way through my body. It was moments later, finally I could manage to kill the fear and look at him.

"Seriously we are doing this!" he said bored.

"I already know where you hid the money and retrieved it as well. You are a darling little girl. You even try to buy the enemy so they would vouch for you. Since I'm not that busy today. Let's chat a little"he cleared his throat and smiled.

Is he smiling at me? What's going on?

"Hello. Ive Michaelson''he bowed in courtesy.

What is he doing? I thought. What a specimen.

"How are you feeling?"He asked in a snickering voice.

"Spare me the courtesy"I was pissed.

"Fair enough. I'm the lone wolf. Remember"

The lone wolf. The name flashed in my mind. The one powerful head among others, the evil existing and dominating. I gulped. Feeling of rage previously bottling up was moulded into dreadful emotions enveloping me. Fear seeped into me, controlling me.

"Lone wolf" I gasped before letting out a choked sob.

I never knew what he looked like but I recognized that name. Dread filled me because then I knew how hard it was going to be. To escape when I had no idea where I was. And now that I know who was behind my abduction.

"Great, your memory is back. You should have gotten yourself see a doctor for your serious case of amnesia"

"You've got the wrong person" I replied sternly.

"I highly doubt that's the case"

"Well your opinion doesn't really matter" I retorted.

He wasn't worried about revealing his real identity to me. Because it was simple. I wasn't getting out of here alive and hence his truth would be buried with me while he continued to live sucking blood out of people like a fucking parasite he was.

"Just because you say it doesn't mean it's true"I mentally cursed at myself for talking back.

"My gentleman ethics won't last for long" He spoke as he gave me a scornful look.

He sucked at playing the gentleman. He abducted me. Where was the gentleman's ethics then?

He glared at me, his eyes darkened, his forehead creased with frustration lines. He looked fierce with a shadow of darkness sliding over half his face. It morphed his face into a more terrifying human. His eyebrows relaxed and a grin splayed across Ive's face in no time.


And a six feet tall black man, in his early thirties entered who was dressed in a black polo shirt and khaki pants, approached me with heavy steps. He wasn't as tall as Ive. He had those bulging muscles. He had a thick eyebrow and a pointed nose with close-cropped gray hair. His imperial beard was bushy and also going gray. To my informed eye, the guy carried himself a dozen different ways to kill without breaking a sweat.

I was a defenseless pawn in his hands. He slammed his fist into my stomach. Second punch, third and fourth. I choked as a warm liquid began to spill out of my mouth. My mouth was filled with the taste of copper. I coughed blood. Blood. Heavy breath heaved out of my mouth. A pain gasp escaped my lips while I coughed more blood. What next? Pummeling me until my last scream escaped my mouth.


I was sobered up again with ice cold water. I had difficulty breathing properly, panic enveloping me.

"You're one stubborn chick"Ive smirked, flipping a butterfly blade a few times in his hand, slowly growing impatient.

"I apologize. I'm Sefa Parrish. I guess we missed the introduction phrase of the conversation" I said.

He smiled at me, a murderous cold smile, filling my eyes with dread. Bending down slightly, he grabbed my chin between his thumb and pointer finger gently. His touch sent cold shivers. He was so close. He leaned forward, bringing his face closer to me, his lips curled up in distaste. His gaze brushed against mine as I raised my eyes. My eyes darted from his bloodshot eyes to his lips. The smile plastered on them. My eyes welled up, my lips quivered. I saw a carving which ran between his shoulder and neck. It spoke 'IVE'. My mouth was dry, my tongue heavy as I choked on my own breath. I could feel the coldness of the blade as Ive pressed it against my neck. Blood trickled from the pierced skin. His amber eyes never trailed away from my face. He let out a dark chuckle and my blood ran cold.

"Poor thing. Look at how traumatized you are. To realize that you are going to be killed. You look pretty ugly."

I gonna be dead.

My body rattled with a cold shudder. This man wanted me dead. I realized the grave danger I was in and fear slithered through me. My stomach rolled. How long was I out for? Ian was probably aware that I was missing by now. He was looking for me, I chose to believe. Would he find me? Sweat covered my palms. My heartbeat raced. My chin trembled, but I refused to allow my tears to flow, to allow this man to see me as weak. I closed my eyes, waiting for him to slash my throat, already prepared for the worst. A feeling of complete and utter despair came over me of what was about to come.

It had to happen one day. I knew it since I have been an FBI agent. I don't regret it. I've lived enough to witness my parents' deaths, visit their graves, care for my brother and be loved by my first love. I dreamt of a small family and I had one, with Anse and Benjamin. A sweet and safe cocoon of affection.

He pulled the blade away from my neck slowly. My eyelids uncovered my eyes to see him sitting on his chair, crossing his legs and looking so at ease while I was panicking and trembling deep inside. The air felt tight, heavy with tension. My stomach churned. I bit my lower lip. His eyes traced my gesture. His lips curled, another evil smile spreading across his face. Creepy!

"How do you wish to die, aşkım?" he asked.

I remained silent. I didn't miss his voice, laced with cruelty. My flesh crawled. I was scared shitless, but I was beyond furious. I refused to be trapped and intimidated by a dickhead.

"You can't decide. Fine, I'll do it for you."

To my worst surprise, Ortega pressed his two fingers into my bullet shot wound, red and sticky crimson liquid pooled around my arm. A pained hissing left my mouth. A satisfied smile grew on Ive lips as the dried blood mixed with the fresh blood. Blood flowed down to my elbow. He dug his fingers in harder. Tears pooled in the corners of my eyes and trailed down my cheeks.

"Stop" my voice came out strangled as a sharp pain exploded in my upper arm.

"I don't take orders" he shrugged.

A shuttered breath seethed out of me. I struggled to keep my eyes open. I tried lifting my head to my right, to attend to my wound but I couldn't.

"Ortega"he shouted again.

His interference was unexpected but I was grateful in a sense.

"This one is too dull...Not exciting enough...Since she is a strong skull, she deserves something better-"He debated on something mentally, thinking through his mouth. Each word he spoke made me feel crappy.

"Bring the drill and the saw" he ordered.

"Please" he added, smirking.

Steps of someone running and panting were heard.

"Boss-"An unknown voice spoke.

His lips were moving but I couldn't grasp what he was saying.

"Shit" He cursed.

My vision went fuzzy.