sweet hallucination

Ive pov

"This...This is the lone wolf!" he frowned amusingly.

"I'm so disappointed. Crime lord is a toddler. Did you even reach puberty?" he mocked.

Yet I'm more manly than him. He's all talk. My hands shaked, the beast inside me humming near the surface in case there was any sign of danger. I counted to 10. Don't go by looks. You'll regret it if you think I'm a cute chocolate boy.

"Oh last night Mrs Georgia he had worn that delicious white lace lingerie. I guess you can't please her anymore" I snickered.

Glad he didn't know that I was a virgin and I didn't know the f of the word fuck. Never craved for lust I say. I did but lately I think she would die by my hands before I completely fucked her mind and her life. Georgia was his wife who had been sleeping around other men other than him. I couldn't help my delicious imaginations about how breathtakingly hot and tasty miss chipmunk would look in a white lace lingerie.

He laughed. Sweet lord! It was horrific with those golden teeth next to his canine. I doubt he realized it would take me seconds to reach out, grab his neck and twist it before his men would know what was happening.

"Did you wait for long?" he sneered.

I frowned, giving the blankest look I could, flash floods in my mind. I needed him dead. He was easily one head shorter than me, bald with a stack of silver rings in his earlobe and neck. Wearing baggy dark green pants and black military boots with a loose black shirt.

Such a lame! I scoffed.

"I must praise your style though!"

My sarcasm hit him as he rolled his eyes.

He pulled out a packet of cigarettes and a dark grey lighter, striking his thumb against it. Orange, red and blue flames intermingled. It flickered and swayed as if beckoning me towards it playfully. He lit up a cigarette before flicking his thumb back. The flame returned to its nest of lighter fuel. Placing the rolled brown paper in between his lips, he savored the irritating smoke inside. The repugnant smell hit my sensitive nose. He took a step close to me, grinning as smoke poured out of his nostrils and parted lips. I stared at him.

His face adorned a dark smoke filled grin, happily puffing. My nose burnt from the abundance of fumes. I had always hated this smell. He pressed the red embers of his cigarette into my skin, extinguishing it. He was provoking me but he still hadn't made the effort to close the safe distance between us. I assumed it was because he had some sort of matter in his brain. He feared me. I would lie if I said the thought of burning his lips and facial skin did not cross my mind.

Anger messed up with my ability to control.

I was annoyed. Extremely annoyed but that was nothing new. I no longer had the patience to deal with him. I just needed to kill him. I stepped forward with my pocket knife already in my hand, ready to separate his lips. In a nanosecond, it felt like my throat was burning inside out. My head felt light and dizzy. I had ordered water because I don't drink. I like control over myself...my actions.

The knife slipped out of my grip. Someone spiked my drink just as I expected.

"How are you feeling?"He snickered.

My stomach was twisting strangely. It felt good and uncomfortable at the same time.

"What did you do to me?" a slurry voice came out of my mouth.

My subconscious self fighted to take over control. I still had another knife in my other pocket. I had dipped their blades in poison. Why not use my gun? I didn't want to end this so easily. I am a risk taker...a thrill seeker, not a fool though coming without proper planning. I had other plans. One bullet in the head. He would die without suffering, without pain, without fear...he wouldn't realize who I am and how dreadful the punishment is for those who mess up with me... Slow killing...slow death...paralyzing that particular part of his body where the knife is dug.

"Well, who knew my plan would actually work?" he laughed.

He looked ugly. I allowed it. That's why it worked. Fool. I wanted you to think it's easy to kill me. I wanted you to feel like you can defeat me, the mighty crime lord. But I changed my plan. I won't kill him. I had to give him an even slower death. Torture him. The plan sounded good to my brain.

Seeing someone constantly in fear for his life is way better than a single shot.

"You already know what I'm going to do to you," he added, his eyes blaring out of great anger.

So, the fact that I stole all his weapons and burnt all his drugs finally reached his ears. This is exactly why he planned this attack. Very good. I wanted him to see with his fucking eyes and to hold the ashes of his drugs, his money. This late though. Shame!

If he thought, terrified, I would be begging for my life, he was definitely wrong. I don't beg. I didn't respond, keeping the same face, struggling to hold myself straight. I couldn't even talk properly to him. Deep down, I knew that anything I did may be futile until I sobered myself up. I was not in my correct senses. Still, the stubborn and insane guy I was, I was certain I could still turn the game to my favour.

"Kill me, right" my tone was clipped.

"Or you could go free" he scorned, punching my jaw.

He really did drug me. That fucking dickhead. He shrugged, showing no signs of being scared though he knew he punched Ive and I would definitely know some tricks up my sleeve. He stepped forward and stuck a knife straight in my left side. I elbowed his nose and took some steps backward as he held his bloody nose.

He stabbed me!

The blade penetrated my bullet proof jacket into my skin. I can't feel it but it should have provided that he applied much pressure. Plus, blood bubbled and pooled around the blade of the knife, slowly extending to the edge of my shirt. I was so angry I could barely control myself and it made me angrier. I grabbed a nearby alcohol glass lying gracefully on the table. My arm was in the air and some of its pieces were over his head. Blood mixed with liquor started to matt his hair.

"Bingo" I laughed.

His red blood and shout as he held his head calmed me to some extent. A stream of blood escaded down his forehead. This was fun. Blake entered the scene shielding me followed by Ortega, Anna and the recovering Marco. I wanted to strike him with my knife but then I remembered my plan to torture him.

"You're going to regret this. Fucking toddler," he warned.

My beast didn't like to be spoken to with such disgust and it was dying to get out and teach this scumbag some respect. Instead, I smiled pleaded he was agitated.

'The proud toddler I was.'

"How so old man!" I lifted my middle finger at him whilst keeping my voice as calm and cold as possible through the growing urge of ripping his throat apart.

Gasper's men came from their hiding spots holding knives of different sizes and shapes, guns and other sharp weapons. Heavy breaths heaved out of my mouth. I took a moment to drag my steps to the dance floor among the busy bodies. They were so wasted that they were not aware of their surroundings.

The fight.

More of my men, already inside were killing my enemies. My attackers could not get near me. If I wasn't drugged, that sick motherfucker would not have laid a finger on me. He knew he couldn't deal with me, so he chose this way to make me weak first. Then attack when he was sure the effects started hitting me. He could have never been so confident in front of me.

My head became lighter and lighter, I needed cold water to get back to my senses. The knife was still inside. I didn't want to take it out at first. I would lose blood. I pulled out the protruding object from my skin which provoked a larger amount of blood to spew out of the pierced skin. I pressed my hand against the wound to avoid more blood loss as I advanced.

The room was a light blue, it reminded me of her eyes, very soothing. It was sure hot as hell with blurry beings swaying their bodies around. The sweaty and arousing blood scent lurked around making me sick. The drug kicked in. I slashed the enemy's throat as he bared a knife at me. I didn't fail to catch a glimpse of that horror and realization that flashed across his face for a mere nanosecond. Antonio covered my back from bullets while more of my men constantly covered me from the sides.

Aiming my gun at Gasper, I realised I shouldn't aim a radius too close to him else I'll end up killing him. I couldn't even stand straight. A bullet from my gun flew right past him within around 10 to 15 cm distance from his shitty face. He flinched more likely he seemed to shit in his pants. That was exactly what I was expecting. So funny. Lol.

I took as small steps as possible so as to keep my balance when a familiar female voice, smooth velvet voice behind my back called me. I turned around to scan the slightly blurred place to find her. My gaze darted to a pair of familiar blue eyes that glared at me with such ardor. Air stuck in my throat caused me to inhale sharply.

'Sefa' my subconscious mind called out to her.

It was her.

Those blue eyes haunted me. I wanted to scrape those useless eyes right out of her head as she looked at me. Our gaze locked in a powerful and mesmerizing way. Everything about her tempted me. I wanted to destroy her. Yet, I wanted to keep her safe and cherish her. She makes me want to keep her alive...makes me not want to kill her. It was her, standing there looking so pretty in that yellow clothing which I wished to shred off her body. Why do I want to protect her with every fiber of my being?

I didn't know what the actual reason was. The world around me had stopped spinning. I could feel murderous desires as well as gentle ones...sensual ones. Shit, I don't know what I want anymore. I needed to get out of here. She can't be real. But it was her. My body made no effort to move.

"Michaelson" she drew my name on her lips seductively, capturing me.

Her lips curled into a small and flawless smile. And she is beautiful! So pretty. It softened me even as rage built deep in my gut. She looked at me. She looked so fragile and I realized she always looked more enticing and pretty as I kept looking at her.

It makes me want to touch her...feel her.

She got rid of the annoying distance between us, interlocking her fingers with mine. It was warm. Something I never felt before. I took a deep breath. Something weird was happening. I felt happy and relaxed. My heart fluttered. I don't know why. I really don't know this feeling. This was absurd! I wondered whether she was just my sweet hallucination. She looked as real as she can get! My stomach turned upside down. I stood still, seconds passed as the silence hovered around us while I struggled to calm the rapid calm of my heart.

I felt heightened awareness on every part of my body that touched a part of hers as she pulled me against her chest roughly. Her hips pressed to mine, her fingers tracing from my wrists to my forearms and then framing my face. She held me in place, lips near my ear. When he kissed the sensitive spot, I felt my breath shudder. She placed a kiss on the corner of my mouth, taking over me like a warm blanket of affection enveloping me. She was teasing me. She ran her nose along my skin, my jawline to my neck. She lightly kissed my skin before sucking and lightly biting it. I felt...weak. Something was eager in me to do something to her...more than this. I forgot to breathe for a couple of seconds. I touched her cheek then soothed my thumb down the line of her jaw. I leaned closer and traced my lips from her slender neck to her collarbone. She moaned and I heard it. I am making her moan with pleasure. Was this what we call to be turned on? She ran her fingers from my chest to my left breast, sliding down further to my abdomen. But then she stepped away, utterly abrupt without even the slightest hint of a desire to hinder. Why was she always eager to get away from me? My heart ached. The world felt distant. How rejection didn't just sting. It shot bullets. Her entire existence made me angry, everything about her made me uneasy.

I wanted her gone.