The Church of the broken God

This is the faction overhaul that may go through changes like all things for the betterment of the story.

Buildings play a big part of the gameplay and support and develop your military, technology tree and agriculture or resource management by means of producing a faction exclusive material. Then crafting essential tools to secure the W and for the most advanced players taking what you made and enhancing them into a rank sweeping tool and another mastery is to unite the different sects and too surpass their predecessors that fought in the War Flesh Of Flesh.

Now then for buildings we have the headquarters that is the ( the church of the broken god.) For the simple reason this was the main and oldest group and nothing else seems good enough plus it has cool name and proper upgrades and it's purpose is to start of by producing church relics and workers who have 20% efficacy bonus for buildings and resource gathering and slight amour but are slow enough that they need a escort.

For the infantry the barracks is the putting members of the Black Clogs and Turings wrath since these are the most violent sub groups. I could find and for medium to higher tiers I'm thinking those who are inspired by frontline soldiers in the War of the flesh and getting the standard militant faithful and a possibility is Xia dynasty for dlc but either that heavy but sharp edge over military centre factions is added.

For when you went too use the church relics to solidify your self as a near invincible tank who can deploy bunkers and other such tactics then the cog work orthodoxy building is the right choice but for those who wish be a distributor and or using them to be user wants to be the guy exploiting the chaos by stealing tech points and other such opportunities the building that represent the church of Maxwellism is a info gathering and control options but you kinda flaky so plan out every commitment to the last and the Library of the written word is where the tech tree expands.

Add ons are the Hammer and anvil-2217 for production focus and scp-882 for faster and overall better plays also scp-217 is a great way of pressure building and a over all around migraine especially with upgrades also there's a phenomenon which powers a sudden invasive wave of mechanical horrors.

Now onto the the vehicles the best considering our boys whole stick is machines you have a giant drone that produces various types of smaller drones also the raiding fast pace scouts and not to mention a variety of destructive vehicles. Like the Tau but a bit old fashioned patch work due to the unintended church but for the real stuff you have to build a high tier building for stuff like the scp 3813 and scp 2406 but for assassinations a small flock of scp 1049 will melt infantry and cripple heroes.

So that the quick summary a war like industry and making their religions god appear would be one sided but in the campaign if you want to erase them then you'll have to fight something similar like the rouge one that destroyed Mexico in the Ouroboros cycle.

Anderson robotics and Prometheus labs will be referenced slightly