Sarkics empire

Disclaimer I want to put the idea out there so that the community can give feedback and use this as a origin point for there own creations and all I ask is a link to me. Any stories I do is the only thing I own everything else is to their respected creator and thank you for making my dream a reality.

Now then last time last time on dragon ball z we talked about The church of the broken god and what better faction overall is there but there arch enemies and direct counterpart the Sarkics who started off as slave but there grand Karcist Ion put there master's and there empire to be overthrown by pure hatred led by devotion towards a peculiar slave leader.

Now then for buildings and infantry in the early game is divided between Neo and Proto factions to represent the different ideologies within both life styles. Until you unlock Ion as a champion, gather the four Klavigar that will allow allow you and allies/enemies to go though a small cinematic of Yaldabaoth consuming your entire base chewing then spitting out a advanced version of the Adytum and the deathless empire

For Neo Sarkics they appear as a organised crime family that use biological weapon's and on the fly mutation to keep themselves in the fight and. Protos Sarkics can be these old fashioned villages that can sacrifice workers to quickly cause a migration to take choke points and key resource dispenser can be improved on by the iron wall expansion and for untwines be these old time professions and warriors that have the passive trait and adaptive toolsbut they do share some similar things like the flesh that hates and Karsus which all factions members use Scp-2191for production of its tenants also be like the skaven when they pop out from the underground, you gain the Klavigar and these members all improve the core belief of their religion which. I'll leave because I'm not sure on it maybe a mixture of dark elders and chaos marines but I would love to your interpretation flit and all of this really whether it be what I originally thought of or a Dungeon keeper like game or even Total war.