
The boy couldn't get a word out. He tried, but he couldn't, the lump was making itself known that its there to stay. He clutched his chest trying to make the feelings go away.

He turned his gaze away from his mother, it landed to his father. Now tears were welling up to his eyes. 'Dammnit, don't cry.' He attempted to console himself. His father had been fixing something up until his son came in with a sad expression, with an eyebrow raised.

"What's wrong, son? You should be resting." He said with that deep commanding voice, it's just as he remembered.

Now tears trickled down his face as the past memories came rushing back, he was trying his best not to cry but he couldn't stop them.

His mother walked over and hugged him, that somehow made the matters worse as the boy wailed, snot and all.

His little sister was too young to understand, if she saw anyone crying, she'd cry too. So, she began to cry while walking towards her eldest brother.

'Her smell, its really her, and she has a physical body.' He squeezed her tight while crying on her shoulder. He thanked whoever had given him this second chance, whatever it was, whether it be god or a science experiment.

He was sure he wouldn't waste it.

His parents looked so old for 35 year olds. It's a wonder the boy didn't notice it in his previous life. Their wrinkles told a sad and depressing story, while their eyes were happy their smiles were full of despair. They were too fatigued.

After a good 5 minutes, he had stopped. He was now holding his little sister trying to get her to stop. He knew he'd have to make an excuse about why he just caused a scene here.

Emotions ran rampant, but after a while everything was calm, with an attempted smile, he said, "I had a bad dream, you all were dead."

It wasn't exactly a lie, he did just wake up from a life he'd lived where they had died. His dad shook his head at this, his mum gave him one last hug. His younger brother looked at him like he was an idiot.

This was the Waynworth family, although they were dirt poor, they had 3 kids. Kiro Percival, the eldest son at 16 years old soon to be 17. The middle child, the younger brother Loki Wilfred, at 12 years old. The youngest child, a little sister Alora Layana at 5 years old and their parents, Freya and Sekani.

For that reason they had to work 20 hours a day just to make sure their children had everything they needed and a little of what they wanted.

They looked too old for their age, but that only made sense, since they slept 4 hours in a day. He started comparing how he faired at 27 compared to his parents, and was greatly depressed when he realised that, there wasn't much of a difference. If he wasn't killed by those loan sharks, overworking would have.

His parents never once complained to their children or anyone for that matter, but about 3 years from now they'll die from overworking and lack of sleep.

'If I don't right my wrongs of the past, I'll unfortunately live the same hell. But I swear it. I'll change my fate, I'll change my path. I'll do it all. I'll be filthy rich in this life time. I was a bastard of a son —' Kiro was thinking about what his next steps should be when he was interrupted by his brother, stomping on his foot.

"motherfu—" He stopped himself before he could say the whole thing, but alas. His parents may be poor but they weren't idiots. They went to school and have degrees. They were both engineers, at a well known company but since they're from the slums they're overworked and underpaid.

"Kiro Percival Waynworth, where did you pick up such foul language?" His mum said, her voice so high pitched, it was practically a scream.

He'd done it now. He regretted it the moment it came out of his mouth. His mother never used his full name unless she was really furious. He put a hand on his mouth, hiding a half smirk. Kiro found this kind of amusing, he held back the impulse of telling her he'd lived almost as long as her.

It also warmed his heart that, he gets to be scolded by his mother. He hadn't had someone to scold him with care in 7 years, those were his most rough years. So he felt happy and warm with just this.

He cleared his throat, "I was gonna say mother father. But but, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding." He said, apologetically.

"That smart mouth of yours." His mother commented. She didn't know whether to be mad or impressed.

"So then, are you ready?" It was his dad who asked.

"Ready for what?"

His mum and dad just looked at each other and then at him. Wondering whether their child had hit his head this evening.

"I told you he's not ready, should've waited for me to be 17 and send me instead. Big brother isn't reliable at all." Loki said.

Kiro held back the urge to slap the back of his brother's head. His parents ignored their young brat and said in a chorus,

"The academy, has the shot affected your head?"

His face soured. 'oh. There's that.' He wasn't exactly happy about this.

"Is the academy tomorrow then?" At his question, they all looked at him concerned.

"You're graduating tomorrow, the academy doesn't open for applications until next week. Do you seriously not know?"

"Of course, I know... it just, slipped my mind."

Kiro blamed the fact that he was out of sorts on the dream he had and the shot. Luckily they seemed to have taken his word for it. Alora was awfully quiet after her emotional turmoil. Loki on the other hand was making faces at him. Kiro couldn't even be mad, he missed this.

Kiro gave his parents what he thought was a reassuring smile, a smile that told them they shouldn't worry he'll buy them a house soon and get them to retire for the rest of their lives. His mum was much the wiser. She gave him a look that questioned his whole entire existence, which caused him to sweat buckets.

The family was having nice conversations, Kiro pretended he was listening but his brain was thousands and thousands of kilometres away. He knew the future of his family rode on his success in this life, he had future knowledge, he'd be a damn fool if he'd die poor in this life too.

He was reluctant to go to the academy. He didn't want to leave his family when he had just gotten them back, but he had to. It had be done.

He found himself thanking the gods or whoever, he still didn't believe in them but he figured a much higher power allowed him to regress and keep his memories. Even though his previous life felt like a dream now, it was still a vivid one.


Freya kept looking at her son. She thought he was acting very weird. Change didn't happen so drastic, just yesterday Kiro was the same old. No confidence, lacked better judgement, couldn't stand firm on his opinions and beliefs.

She was glad that this change had taken place before the academy but it was sudden and frightening all the same, her son exuded a different kind of energy. She couldn't explain it, but she could tell.

'What could be wrong with him? First the crying. As if I'd believe that, that was all because of a dream or a shot. He forgets he has to go to the academy. Now his mind seems to be elsewhere.

'Has he any idea how much we sacrificed to send him there? I hope he's not thinking of not enrolling.' Freya thought to herself. She couldn't very well voice her thoughts, it was the parents' job to support their children.

Freya gave him a stern look, he smiled back at her. Which melted her heart immediately, he always did have a nice smile.

Kiro may not know this, but whenever he was hiding something he'd have that smile on his face. But his mother knew. She decided to let him be. Their parenting style was that, don't pry too much.

"Okay, go prepare for your graduation. The car leaves early tomorrow. You won't have time in the morning, you know you're not a morning person." Freya told him.

Kiro thanked their mother for the food before he left the kitchen. His siblings followed him shortly after. Freya was left pondering the events that just took place, she looked at her husband, who didn't seem like he was bothered by Kiro's actions.

'Am I overreacting? I've been known to be overprotective.' She pondered to herself.

"Darling, do you think something is wrong with Ki?" She finally asked.

Sekani looked at her confused at first. Kiro was really a replica of his father. You would swear he was a younger clone of Sekani. If Sekani wasn't so old and wrinkled people might have mistaken them for identical twins.

To Freya's question Sekani just smiled, got up from his chair, held his wife close to his chest, and said, in a calm and deep voice

"He's a growing boy, it would've been strange if he didn't want to change. He'll be a man soon, he'll have his own family, I'm sure there's a lot going through his mind."

Sekani started to lead his wife to a slow dance, she gave in immediately. He knew exactly what to do, to relieve stress from his wife. Slow dancing. That was her weakness. Being held by arms she felt safe in, and just drift away.

As poor as they were, they were happy with each other. Both felt strongly that they wouldn't change that for all the money in this world. For that, they swore to continue to work hard without complaining, break their backs to ensure their kids are not starving and are taken care of.

But worry never left her face, Sekani immediately noticed that.

"it's okay Freya, he'll be fine. He has us as his parents. He's stronger than you think." He said calmy, and gave her a forehead kiss.

Feeling utterly defeated, Freya sighed and nodded.