The Plan

[Days ago, before the events of the welcoming ceremony...]

Isaac was left fuming, he was bleeding and ontop of that he had a broken nose. He watched Isla as she walked away smiling with that Kiro boy.

"That b*tch. She'll pay." He mumbled to himself as he staggered towards the medicentre. "I'll—I'll gut her. Just you wait—I'll destroy them all."

Isaac wanted more than anything to get his fathers approval. He knew suppressing those two would make his father acknowledge him.

His father didn't think much of him he knew this from the bottom of his heart, and now he was hearing rumours that he was looking to marry.

Isaac had never questioned his mother's death. He was told, she died in childbirth, but when he was 6 he overheard the maids talking about his mother having a really healthy pregnancy. About how strange it was that she died after giving birth.