Needing Her

He contemplated and decided to ask Saanvi. Worst comes to worst he'd use the class chat, this was an extremely important matter of life and death, in a way.

When he found Hiro, he told him everything. While they were working out. He didn't leave a single word that was spoken, and how it was spoken.

"Good thing the dean isn't a greedy leech like the rest of them."

"Agreed. I'd have been expelled right then and there. I can't believe that little witch Ursa."

"You seriously don't have Isla's phone ID? I have Saanvi's, if you move that slow others will snatch her."

"Wh-what? Don't say weird things. They can snatch her. More importantly, call Saanvi for me."

Saanvi was visibly annoyed when they called her. Especially upon realising that it wasn't just Hiro.

"I thought you said you were on good terms." He mumbled to Hiro.

"I don't have Isla's phone ID, why would I?"

"Uh, because you're friends?" Kiro answered confused.