Me Not You

She waited by the door for him to speak. He took out a snack bar and motioned for her to take a seat. So she did. She was a bit hungry, so she sat and ate the chocolate. She didn't say anything.

'She just woke up, but she looks really good,' Kiro thought, fascinated. Apart from his sister he'd never seen a girl unprepared, even his mother woke up so early that he missed her most mornings. So this was new territory for him.

They both didn't say anything. They just sat in silence. Kiro contemplated on what he should say, he didn't want to make her angrier than she already was, he was choosing his words carefully.

"Look, I'm sorry," he finally said, though he felt it was a very weak apology.

"For what?"

She played dumb, she was really going to make him say everything. She didn't think they were all that close, but she wanted them to be. She understood his situation but she also couldn't stop being mad at how he was towards her.