Kiro vs Hubris

The mountain was a giant, it towered over everything in the surrounding area. You could barely see its peak from the ground. Despite the fact that, it's surrounding area was green, it was coated with snow. This made it stick out like a sore thumb.

There were two ways to get to the peak, either by climbing or trekking through the treacherous narrow roads. Climbing was relatively easier but Kiro liked his skull intact, he wasn't good at climbing, he didn't possess a skill for it either. So he chose the road that was monster infested.

He needed to level up anyway, he wasn't here on vacation.

"You know, if you can't keep up, I'll leave you behind." He told Hubris.

He was walking using blink, it used mana, but this was another way to rank up a skill, continous use. Besides he had stocked potions and filled his storage space, which wasn't big but it wasn't small either.