Out For Breakfast

The lack of their desperate cries made him bore easily. Their silent screams made more of a statement than his beating ever did.

He signalled them to stop. He went and knelt in front of Kiro. Then he dared to say something so ridiculous, him, a King? That made Isaac see red.

He was so angry, the mouthful of blood on his face and the blood stained suit seemed like a trivial matter.

His father told him appearance was everything, so Isaac was almost always wearing suits or semi formal clothing. But this morning in particular was special, he was headed to breakfast with his father.

He quickly went to his dorm room, for a change of clothing and took a quick shower. It was a pity because the blood stained grey suit was his favourite, they were a rare design so he didn't have another one.

He was more or less satisfied with how today turned out. The moment he smashed Kiro's face in the toilet kept replaying in his head, smiling in the mirror, he fixed his tie. He then headed out to meet his father.

He was about to enter the luxurious train carriage when the security guys stopped him dead on his tracks. He gave them the most deadliest of looks.

"Sorry, this carriage has already been booked." The lanky one commented with a deadpan face.

"First of all, get your dirty peasant hand off me. Secondly, do you know who I am?"

The guard was taken aback, "sir, I understand your frustrations but the carriage is booked."

"I'm sure Gilbert Blakeson would love to hear about how you treated her son." He took out his ID and showed them.

They stood frozen in place, they couldn't even breathe. They eyes popped in surprise. At their reaction, Isaac gave them a sinister smile.

They had been told by their boss which families to never cross, and Blakeson was one of the families. They didn't know what to do, so they stiffly bowed.

"Sorry sir, you may enter."

He scoffed and bumped into them as he entered. He took his seat, feeling like the king of his world. It didn't take long for the train to arrive at student town.

His father was already at the restaurant. That was apparent with the 5 bodyguards standing outside. Two of them escorted Isaac in and even pulled the chair for him. He unbuttoned his jacket and sat down.

The waiter poured him a glass of red wine.

"You're late." His father growled.

"Sorry father, there was a hitch and I took care of it."

"Good, that you take care of your own business. But don't make me wait again." He said dangerously.

Isaac clenched his jaw, sipped his wine and said simply, "of course. Never again."

"Now I wanted us to discuss the last business we're going to buy. It'll be a multi-billionaire corporation in a year or 2."

"What do they do?"

"They're attempting to create Artificial intelligence superior to humans. If they succeed this'll be quite the fortune.

"The company making it is still a small one, they'll need funds. Making this investment will mean the Blakeson family at the top of the world."

Isaac grinned wildly, "So then, what are we waiting for, let's buy it."

"Are you idiotic? Not yet. We want them at their most desperate time, they'll come begging, so that we get most of the company at a low price." His father said scornfully.

"That's very smart father." Isaac said, grinning, "then, when all is said and done, our family will take their rightful places as royalty."

His father nodded rigorously. Isaac felt really great about himself, he was absolutely nothing without his father he knew that.

He was basking in his shadow and brilliant mind, but it would be all worth it when they can do as they please.

Isaac found himself imagining the things he'd to Kiro and that Silva girl. He'd enslave them both, and whip them all day and night. That thought alone brought immense joy to his heart.

That's all he really cared about and his father knew this, that's why he always tried to make him see the bigger picture.

He had to make him the perfect successor, to ensure their families reign for the next thousand years. So once in a while he had these meetings with him, to teach him one thing or another.

His father didn't know if he should curse the heavens or thank them. They had given him the perfect puppet. In doing so, they've also given him a very weak minded son.

But he didn't mind, since he pulled the strings, Isaac obeyed his every order. He planned to instill this in him until the day he dies, so that even beyond the grave, he'd be the puppet master.

The father sat back, relaxing a bit. Their breakfast arrived. He truly looked majestic, exuded that kind of air about him the same, the waiters in this restaurant were nervous around him.

He liked their nervousness, so he would simply give them a smile, one that didn't quite reach his eyes.

But that was charming all the same. He was a handsome man, a blonde mane for hair with green eyes and a neatly trimmed beard.

Isaac didn't hold a candle to how good looking his father was, if it weren't for the inherited blonde and green eyes, people would've denied that they were even related.

Isaac wolfed down his breakfast without a care in the world. He was however thinking about how to make Kiro suffer some more.

'That's right, I'll look for him in-game and show him how strong I truly am.' He smirked, he was feeling real good about himself.

"You should eat more elegantly than that, what are you, a dog?" His father asked in disgust.

"Sorry father. I just got too excited."

"That shouldn't mean you must throw away etiquette. Who's going to serve someone they don't fear or respect? Nobody."

"Yes father." The scolding didn't bother him one bit, Isaac was on cloud nine.

Not only did his father bring such good news, his family's reign was imminent. That excited him greatly.