Purgatory, II

Kiro was bored senseless after he could one-shot the beetle queen. He had no reason to keep summoning it now, he didn't have battle experience with anything stronger, even Hubris was weaker than that queen.

He spent his days in his head, bored out of his mind. He tried countless times to move the eyelids, he failed every time. He was faintly aware of the outside world, the most uncomfortable was when Hubris cleaned his wound.

It felt like, somebody was cleaning it with a knife, that's how uncomfortable his claws were. Which made him more defiant since he couldn't move or express his frustrations. He vowed to make Hubris pay no matter what when he gets out of his coma.

He sat the same way he would when meditating, and tried to enter the state. Like before, he couldn't. The Kaos energy was too wild to be tamed, it raged like fire in a forest. Kiro felt that, it liked to be courted and rejecting all the same. It was a strange sensation.