Psychedelic Nightmare

He was walking in a forest, familair yet not so familiar. Everything wasn't anything his little brain could comprehend.

But he understood one simple thing, walking forward, with caution, the place sent his every danger senses haywire. It's not like his instincts were wrong, there was something terribly wrong with the place he was in. 

He felt the wind behind him change, he started pacing himself. He thought the winds in these wilds would get him if he stopped for a second. It felt alive, like it would cut him up to pieces and swallow him whole. He had no idea where this fear was coming from, it was just there. 

He started running when the feeling refused to leave him, he felt like he was in danger. No, he was sure of it. Not just him, but the entirety of his universe. He wondered whether this danger was the same one he saw in that door of dead stars.