Cruel Nature

While they walked, the rabbit didn't go beyond the forest. It bowed a little to them as if to thank them for something, watched them as far as it could and it ran back into it's home. 

The desert was very bare and scorching, the sky didn't make it better. Kiro kept his mind occupied with happy thoughts, of how much everyone who was his friend was freaking out right now. He made up scenarios in his head, funny ones to keep himself entertained.

Hubris was walking at a slower pace than usual, depressed. But Kiro ignored his feelings, he'd already said everything he wanted to say and he meant it. Hubris only needed to say his piece of mind.

So Kiro kept himself sane by making up things in his head, he didn't want to think about the possibility of being stuck here forever. Nothing even hinted to the fact that, there was a way out.