Inheritance or Not

Kiro craned his neck in different directions trying to pinpoint where the voice had come from but he couldn't see anything. He was more pissed that this thing interrupted his breakthrough. He was this close from using lightning to control a bigger animal. 

"Who dares interrupt my training?" He shot back.

At first nothing happened, but a gust of wind appeared out of nowhere. Blowing both of them and planting their faces onto the walls with such unbelievable speed they couldn't dodge. 

"Dammit, that hurt!"

"Are you supposed to be my descendant? How disappointing." The voice said again.

But now, a figure appeared before them. He was a feast for eyes, an extremely beautiful man with fair skin, but he had a tail. He put the golden room to shame by how divine he felt. He was tall, so tall Kiro had to prop his head up just to look at him in the face.