Family Affairs, II

Sekani walked out of their house before his daughter woke up. He knew, if he waited even for a little bit, once she was awake it'd be difficult to leave the house.

Ever since they informed them of the situation, she didn't want any of them to leave the house. But her father needed to be out there, looking for jobs.

He walked down their street, none of their neighbours were out. Either they were still asleep or they were off to work already. He was quite used to waking up this early, he had been doing it since Kiro was born after all. 

He was headed to town, he decided to walk the distance. The train ticket wasn't exactly cheap, he needed to save all the money he could for his family.

It'd take him roughly 2 hours to get to town by foot. The further he walked, the more clean the neighbourhoods became. Their Area 50 was by far the dirtiest.