The Lair

Hubris covered the distance of a kilometre in under a second. They didn't encounter a single monster on their way. The closer they got the thicker and more suffocating the aura was. One thing that was great about reaching the peak was, although the road was still treacherous, it was at least level. 

Kiro could see a boulder at a distance. It was blocking their path. He was about ready to blast it open when Hubris skidded into a stop.

Now that he was close to inspect it, he realised they stood in front of a cave-like opening. Except the opening was closed by a big boulder. A poor attempt to hide the mouth of the cave. 

Kiro leapt off Hubris, he reached the boulder while walking cautiously as not to envoke any traps or possibly wake up the monster that exuded the aura they'd been sensing since entering Sun's mountain. 

He carefully inspected the boulder, using vibrational sense. For the first time ever, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.