A Brush With Death

Hubris didn't waste any time, he dove after him. He doved right into the unknown just to make sure his Lord didn't die alone or he could cushion his fall and it'd be him that was doomed. Either way, he was fine with it. 

As he entered the crack, he looked back to see the beetle queen close its eyes with finality, as bad as the situation they were in was, he found the time to sneer. It had disrespected his Lord one too many times. He was a hound with honour, but he wouldn't have minded desecrating its body. 

After his momentarily internal victory lap, he concentrated on the problem at hand. The chasm was quite big, so much that it didn't take a second before Hubris was devoured by it, not even his tail was visible. 

The inside of it was pitch black, but it was not darkness Hubris couldn't tackle. His eyes saw right through everything. Only thing he couldn't see was whether they'll land on a good terrain or not.