At The Beach

Kiro wasn't particularly tired, he felt refreshed after the battle. But he wanted to laze around nonetheless. He reckon he deserved to relax after spending 6 months trying to wake up. It was a call for celebration.

He roasted every fish they collected and seasoned it, this alone took him hours. So much so, he was already complaining about teaching Hubris how to do this. But after all that, it was time to feast and feast they did.

"Too bad there's no drinks!" Kiro complained.

Without a word, Hubris ran to a tree, cutting it cleanly and making makeshift mugs for them. Then scooping some ocean water, and returning in record time.

Kiro looked at him like he was crazy, "I'm not drinking that. When I said drinks I didn't mean ocean water. Ocean water is dirty and salty."

"My Lord, trust me, please."

Kiro hesitantly took the mug, taking only a sip. The taste was bittersweet, what's more it made his insides burn, in a relaxing kind of way.