A Strange Forest

They pretty much walked in silence. Both of them with heavy luggage to think about. They saw themselves in front of a forest, that seemed way too unnaturally small, so small they could see the other side, but barely. Kiro shrugged and entered it wasn't as if he could take another route, so did Hubris.

He wasn't barefoot but he could feel how soft he grass was. Everything about this place was welcoming. 

The forest felt too peaceful for an Underworld forest. Kiro half-expected the grass to be made out of blades, or the ground to grow a mouth with razor sharp teeth, but to his dismay, none of his imagination came true.

The birds were singing beautifully to the warm sun that blessed them. Everything was healthy, the trees were just the normal height, but too clustered together which would be why the forest was supposedly so small. It wouldn't take them 15 minutes to get to the other side.