The Fighting Arena

Hubris slowly looked at the place the shard disappeared to. He didn't have time nor the speed to react to it. 

"Do you think this will cause us problems?" He asked, unsure of what to make of it. 

"Maybe it'll explode. Maybe we will be able to control its powers. Don't worry about it too much." Kiro said nonchalantly biting onto the chicken leg he was holding. 

After their little rest stop they ventured deeper into the temple, they found themselves in a vast, dimly lit chamber. The air crackled with a cold anticipation, and the ground beneath their feet felt solid and sturdy. It didn't feel like it would crumble at any moment, but they were still expecting it, they didn't trust this temple at all. 

The sound of distant echoes filled the room, like long lost warriors battling it out but they couldn't be seen, this was hinting at a challenge awaiting their arrival.