The King Of The Underworld, II

Ammon's heart slightly skipped a beat. Not because he was scared of the hound within the hall, but because of what was possibly coming. King Azazel didn't scare him, he may have been the face ruling the people, but he subtly pulled the strings from behind.

It was easier to manipulate someone who had grown up in the shadow of his brother. Though he was the first born, he had no chance to catch up to his late brother, Cerberus.

Cerberus had a very kind heart but he also excelled at everything he did. Be it gaining a following within the kingdom, or fighting. He'd always been number 1. He was charismatic, even when he his brother showed him animosity, he never stopped loving his only brother. 

Azazel being the older brother, that birthed an envy engulfed in hatred within him that he couldn't hide or wipe away. He outwardly hated his younger brother, but because he couldn't beat him in a one on one he didn't even try to get things to escalate on a physical level.