Unexpected Arrival

Hubris landed a few meters away from the crack that slightly threatened to break the field into two.

He could sense a large army beyond. They were still pretty far but they had just entered his domain.

He swiped the air with his claws, 4 wind blades flew at a distance and cut clean the enemy that was hiding beyond the tree line. His eyes bulged in surprise. He couldn't understand how he was found out, he fell as the light dimmed from his eyes.

"Your highness, we can't get through!" Belial cried from the other side.

"I know that much and Belial, don't call me his highness, I haven't been crowned yet. I was lost but I still remember this much." He said not taking his eyes from the enemy he had just taken down.

He'd never been in a serious fight before, he'd always had Kiro by his side. It would be a great lie if he said he wasn't nervous at all.

"I'm sorry Sire, slip of the tongue." He bowed with sincerity.