The Power Within, II

The atmosphere started to change. Kiro felt the coldness wrap around his heart, then his entire body was veiled in it. He felt death itself had come knocking on his door. It was something he was all too familiar with. 

'Oh no, oh sh*t it's this sensation again. I don't want to die.' His stomach dropped. He was absolutely frantic, but he couldn't move. 

Even when his body refused to do what command he could give it with what little brain activity he had left, he still attempted to move his head to the side where he last saw Hubris. 

But alas, his body was failing him. He couldn't hear a thing, he didn't even feel like he was breathing anymore. His entire senses had failed him too. 

Just then, Hubris and Kiro started glowing. A blinding glow that caused their attackers to fall back. The light was physically hurting them the closer they were.