Guests From Afar, II

He tried to remember how it got to be like this but there was nothing he could recall. Absolutely nothing came to him.

"Ahhh, am I allowed to kill my own King? I've been tricked!!!"

He got out of bed faster and headed to the castle. Luckily he didn't have to walk too far as their housing was pretty close. They let him in at the gate.

Right away, he saw Kiro and Hubris on their way to the meeting hall. The guests hadn't met Belial yet, so they'd use him as an excuse of why they couldn't make it yesterday.

"Your highness!!!" He shouted when he reached them.

"Hush, your head will split even further if you make any noise. My poor advisor has been sick for the past 3 days, you should be in bed or something." Hubris commented, trying to convince himself.

'Huh? What is he talking about?' When he looked to his left, he saw the guests waiting to enter the hall with them.

"Ah, yes your highness, I feel a bit better today." He said catching on.