Fancy Restaurant

Jesús looked at Kiro's hand for the longest time, Kiro was starting to get tired of smiling and so it came out as an awkward tired smile. 

The father in front of him looked at his daughter, then the kid wanting to shake his hand then his daughter again. He was clearly thinking about something. It was written on her face as clear as day that she liked the boy. 

He didn't like how this kid seemed to be an inch taller than he was too. Now he was making his only daughter act strangely? 

He had already done his research on the kid the moment he dropped the phone on his daughter, all those weeks ago. At first he dismissed him completely, a kid from the lower district wasn't good enough for his daughter. 

He knew how their society operated, the chances of someone from the boonies to make something out of themselves was very slim. He didn't want anybody to drag down his daughter.